Meet our heroine, a contented single woman who cherishes her solitude and freedom. But there’s a twist! Her friend Jane, who can’t stand being single, has made it her mission to ‘rescue’ her from her singlehood, even if it means setting her up on unwanted blind dates. Can you relate to the frustration of having someone else trying to dictate your happiness? Let’s dive into this tale of friendship, drama, and the relentless pursuit of ‘happiness’…
Jane: The Serial Monogamist ❤️

Our Heroine: The Contented Single ♀️

Jane’s Relentless Inquisition ️♀️

The Housemates Saga

Medical Diagnosis, Really?

The Unexpected Lunch Date ️

The Dinner Plot Twist

The Unwanted Date

The Truth Unveiled ️♀️

The Aftermath

Ella Joins the Fray ♀️

The Final Stand ♀️

The Battle of Singlehood: A Fight for Personal Freedom ️
Caught in the crossfire of her friends’ unyielding attempts to ‘fix’ her single status, our heroine stands firm in her belief that she is perfectly happy just as she is. Despite the relentless inquisition, the surprise blind dates, and the accusations of being ‘quirky and difficult’, she refuses to let anyone else dictate her happiness. ♀️ But the question remains: is she wrong for refusing her friends’ ‘help’? Is there something deeply wrong with her for cherishing her solitude? Or is it time to reconsider these friendships? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Cut out controlling and dismissive friend. You deserve respect! ♀️

NTA, but is Jane really adding value to your life?
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Cut contact and get better friends. Don’t let anyone disrespect you.
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NTA. Asexuality is valid. Friends are disrespectful and intolerant ♀️

Dumping a friend? Gross! NTA for cutting them off! ♀️

27 and single? NTA. Don’t let the jerks bring you down!

NTA, Jane and Ella aren’t true friends. Find your happiness

NTA. Drop friends who don’t respect your boundaries

NTA: Jane and Ella are snobby a**holes, eye-roll worthy
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Drained by friends trying to change you? Shots fired!

“NTA. Friends not respecting boundaries. Time for new friends! “

Cut the poison out

Unwanted matchmaking: NTA for setting boundaries with pushy friend

NTA. Embrace your single life and cut off the matchmaking friend.

“Obnoxious and intolerant friends! NTA! This is sexual harassment!”

Friendship ended due to incompatible relationship views

Find friends who accept you for who you are!

Forcing asexuals into relationships is like forcing gays into straight relationships

NTA: Embrace your true self and find friends who support you

Dump those toxic friends and find better ones!

Unwanted matchmaking: NTA, they’re pranking you! ♀️

“NTA. True friends accept you for who you are “

Acephobia in Friendship? Not cool! ♀️

NTA… friends need to accept your asexuality and stop manipulating you

Educate your friends about asexuality and find accepting companions

Respecting boundaries: NTA for not wanting unwanted matchmaking!

NTA – Jane and Ella are controlling, creepy, and acephobic

NTA: Enjoy being single and don’t let others dictate your happiness

Being single and ace: Not an alien, just need new friends! ♀️

Fellow ace introvert stands up against unwanted matchmaking. NTA!

Cutting ties with matchmaking friends? NTA, live your best life!

NTA! Lay down the law and embrace your quirky freedom! ♀️

“Real friends respect your boundaries and accept you for who you are.”

NTA! Find new friends who actually support you

NTA: Turn the tables on your friend’s unwanted matchmaking!

NTA. Embrace your identity and find supportive online friendships

NTA. Friends should respect your choice to be single.

Friendship and Unwanted Matchmaking

Stand up for yourself and cut toxic friends out

Unapologetically true to yourself

Friends should respect your individuality and desires. Be yourself!

NTA. Friends need an upgrade

NTA. Toxic friends? Time to explore therapy and cut ties

Embrace your single status and leave the haters behind!

Cut toxic friends who don’t respect your choices

He didn’t care about a chance? Not the a**hole!

NTA shuts down unwanted matchmaking with a sassy reply

Cutting out toxic friends for true peaceful happiness.

Living your best life ♀️ , haters gonna hate
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NTA, Jane and Ella are being creeps. ♀️

Introverted and uninterested in dating? Find friends who respect you!

Supportive comment for asexual OP. Cut out disrespectful friends.

Being ace and not dating is normal, don’t let anyone judge.

NTA. Friends should respect your sexuality, not try to change it.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
NTA. Embrace your asexuality and cut off toxic friends.

Being single and ace can be fulfilling

NTA. Valid asexual refusing unwanted matchmaking. Toxic friends, drop them! ♀️

Unconditional love and support for a s*x-repulsed asexual

NTA. Toxic friends? No thanks! You deserve better

Setting boundaries in dating and embracing single life

“Is your friend worried about your single status? NTA regardless.”

Dump those friends and find better ones!

Enforce your boundaries and take control! You’re not the a**hole.

NTA. Boundaries matter.

Friendship vs Unwanted Matchmaking: Who’s the Real A**hole? ♀️

Friends should respect you as you are. NTA!

INFO: Are you stuck with a toxic friend? Let’s discuss!

NTA. Time to cut ties and find some real friends

NTA: Cut them off. They’re not real friends

Cut ties with toxic friends. Protect your mental well-being.

Questioning friendships, but not the a**hole. ♀️

NTA: Friends need an upgrade ♀️

Setting boundaries: Real friends respect your personal space ♀️

NTA, but friends turned dictators? Find better friends!

Embrace your freedom and shut down the unwanted matchmaker!

Stay true to yourself and don’t let others judge you!

Last Updated on July 26, 2023 by Diply Social Team