Ah, the joys of sibling rivalry! A 20-year-old is staying with their family for the holidays, hoping for a nice time. However, they quickly remember that their family treats them like a housekeeper, and their 18-year-old little brother is the worst offender. The older sibling is constantly asked to cook and clean up after their brother, who refuses to help and complains to their parents when they don’t get their way. Frustrated, the older sibling decides to teach their brother a lesson by sabotaging the food he asks for with ingredients he hates! ️
Housekeeper for the Holidays

Chore Wars

Parents Taking Sides

Cooking Demands

Help? What’s That?

Food Sabotage Begins!

Nuts in Brownies: A Recipe for Anger

Lesson Not Learned

Hunger Strike? ️❌

Parents Step In ⚖️

Last Day Drama

Family Fallout

Sibling Sabotage: A Recipe for Family Drama
In an epic tale of sibling rivalry, the older sibling takes matters into their own hands, sabotaging their little brother’s food with ingredients he hates. They hoped this would teach him to help out in the kitchen, but their brother remains stubborn, even going on a hunger strike! Their parents intervene, siding with the younger sibling, and leaving the family in a state of conflict. As the older sibling wonders if they were too petty, we can’t help but wonder: will this family ever find a recipe for peace? ✌️
NTA, older brother needs to learn basic life skills

Sibling sabotage and gender bias – NTA and well played!

Sibling rivalry and gender roles spark heated discussion. NTA wins.

Sibling rivalry over food! Commenter supports OP’s decision to not cook.

NTA’s story of sister’s entitlement warns against catering to lazy siblings.

Stand up for yourself and say NO to enabling.

Gender roles and entitlement in sibling dynamics
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/d5250e76-8efa-412d-863a-7fc57d4dcdd6.png)
Enabling little brother? Parents make OP do it anyway.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/cdc17a85-e622-4aad-a35c-9834e7f7b513.png)
Cooking skills are a must, even for older siblings!

Sibling sabotage is not okay. Seek support and stand up. NTA

Sibling rivalry and parenting styles debated.

Commenter questions sexism and brother’s upbringing, receives NTA reply.

Sibling rivalry or justified defense? NTA stands strong.

Setting boundaries with entitled siblings

Sibling refuses to be unpaid servant, suggests Zoom holidays. NTA

Female sibling stands up to patriarchal family expectations.

Malicious compliance? This sounds like a juicy story!

Commenter suggests being assertive with annoying sibling, sparks upvote debate

Sibling rivalry leads to valuable life lessons.

Sibling sabotage leads to family feud. NTA prevails.

Sibling entitlement and boundaries discussed. NTA for setting limits.

Savage revenge plan against food sabotaging sibling

Asserting boundaries at 20? NTA, but what’s the context?

Stand up for yourself and set boundaries.

“Toxic and narcissistic individual.” Don’t enable entitled behavior. NTA

Learn to say no and stop coddling him

18-year-old brother’s behavior called ‘pathetic’ and ‘nonsense’

Sibling rivalry heats up in kitchen, commenter supports older sibling’s actions.

Empowering independence in the kitchen at a young age!

Setting boundaries and standing firm is key.

Spice up family drama with spicy chocolate brownies

Confused commenter questions the sibling sabotage situation.

Commenter advises to avoid toxic family during holidays.

Food sabotage gets a pass? Not according to this commenter! NTA

Commenter supports OP and calls out the sibling’s behavior

Sibling rivalry heats up over household chores

Sibling bonding over pancakes, breaking gender roles.

Sibling rivalry heats up in the kitchen

Commenter initially thought YTA, but agrees NTA in the end.

Sensitive question sparks curiosity in comment section.

Commenter calls out sexism in sibling’s actions.

Commenter’s clever retaliation with nuts earns NTA judgement.

Sibling rivalry at its finest, but OP takes the high road

Sibling rivalry and favoritism causing tension at home.

Commenter defends younger brother, calls out older sibling’s immaturity.

Fighting sexism in the family. NTA takes a stand!

Doubting the authenticity of the story

Take control of the situation and set long-term goals

Malicious compliance at its finest.

Sibling dependency at 18? NTA suggests tough love and reality check.

Sibling rivalry at its finest. NTA claps back at parents.

Set boundaries and prioritize self-care.

Last Updated on June 5, 2023 by Diply Social Team