We all know that family gatherings can sometimes be a breeding ground for conflict, but this story takes it to a whole new level! A proud mom of two successful kids, one a military nurse and the other a paramedic, is hosting a family dinner later this month. However, her older brother, a doctor with a massive ego, has a history of making condescending comments about her children’s careers. Tired of his passive-aggressive behavior, she confronts him and gives him an ultimatum: either grow up and act like an adult or don’t attend the dinner. But will this bold move bring peace or just add fuel to the fire?
Proud Mom of Two Successful Kids
Daughter: Military Nurse, Son: Paramedic
Enter the Egotistical Doctor Brother ⚕️
Condescending Comments Galore
“There’s Still Time for Medical School”
Kids Take the High Road ️
Upcoming Family Dinner ️
Confronting the Brother ️
Denial and Deflection
The Ultimatum: Grow Up or Don’t Come ⚠️
Brother’s Response: Get Over Yourself
Family Dinner Drama: Will the Doctor Brother Behave?
In a classic case of sibling rivalry, a mom is fed up with her egotistical doctor brother’s condescending comments about her children’s careers. As she prepares to host a family dinner, she confronts him and gives him an ultimatum: either grow up and act like an adult or don’t attend the dinner at all. But instead of apologizing or changing his ways, the brother accuses her of being overprotective and acting like a stroppy teenager. Will this bold move bring peace to the family gathering or just add more fuel to the fire? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this situation…
Don’t invite him, withdraw your offer. NTA, he is.
NTA. Brother’s fragile ego insulted nieces and nephews. No excuses.
Sibling rivalry at family dinner. NTA advised to ignore AH brother.
Uncle’s behavior called out by commenter as intentional or ignorant.
Projection alert! Commenter calls out easily offended family member.
NTA calls out bullies and narcissists in a powerful comment.
Sibling rivalry at its finest, but mom’s rules stand ♀️
Parenting a parent: Standing up for kids like a boss
Setting boundaries is important for your well-being.
A former doctor shares their experience with condescending behavior in hospitals
Standing up to bullies is always the right thing
Sibling rivalry and medical jokes in family dinner invite dispute
Brother skips family dinner, commenter approves.
Alternative career suggestions for entitled dinner guest
Counting insults: a clever way to shut down an ego maniac
Uninvited guest causing drama? Remove the choice and disinvite
Grandma’s wisdom: ‘If you have nothing nice to say…’
Sibling rivalry sparks in the comment section
NTA shuts down medical doctor with academic burn
Nurse explains the importance of her profession and calls out brother’s self-esteem issues
Petty but satisfying clapback suggestions for NTA dinner host.
Protect your kids how you see fit, he’s the A.
Beware of weaponized incompetence used by narcissists to feign innocence
Sibling rivalry and insecurity can lead to toxic behavior
Respect is key. Don’t let negativity ruin family dinner
Setting boundaries with a bully at family dinner
Nurse agrees with NTA’s take on r**e doctors
Fighting fire with fire: shutting down insecure siblings.
Doctor sibling’s jealousy exposed by NTA commenter
Doctorate ≠ social intelligence. Set boundaries, evaluate behavior, act accordingly.
Sibling drama at dinner: Accusations of snottiness and tantrums
Nurses and paramedics are essential for doctors. #NTA ⚕️ ⚕️ ⚕️
Setting boundaries in your own home is important.
NTA for confronting r**e relative, but let your kids handle themselves.
Setting boundaries with toxic family members.
Sibling feud: Host shuts down immature brother, NTA
Cutting toxic family members out of your life
Setting boundaries at family dinner: NTA, but consider kids’ feelings
Mama Bear defends her cubs against entitled brother
Uninviting the doctor from dinner: NTA. Enjoy your night
Don’t invite him . He takes no responsibility for his actions.
OP’s family member is acting immature, don’t invite him
Setting boundaries with unapologetic family member
Acknowledging the value of all team members.
Respect family or miss out on events
Brother’s insecurity shines through, NTA.
Medical hierarchy creates division in healthcare. NTA comment warns.
Nephew stands up to condescending uncle at family dinner
Calling out deliberate insults, NTA takes a stand
Breaking stereotypes: Commenter supports nurses, suggests ignoring ignorant family.
Doctor dad gets called out for being a j**k.
Nurse praises own profession, calls out doctor’s ego. YNTA.
Proud parent stands up to brother at family dinner.
Calling out a pompous j**k brother. NTA wins!
Doctor commenter relates to host’s struggle with unsolicited advice.
Consider your kids’ feelings before excluding family members
Educated man behaving like a boor, time to stop him. NTA.
Sibling feud over COVID-19 precautions leads to family banishment.
Sibling’s complex of superiority stems from a complex of inferiority
Savage clapback shuts down unsolicited opinions. NTA wins.
Expertly trolling your sensitive brother at family dinner
Sibling rivalry at its finest. Clap back and assert dominance. NTA
Sibling belittles commenter, unlikely to change ♀️
Changing careers is hard, but putting others down is wrong
Sibling rivalry? Lay down the law without being the a**hole
Adult behavior expected, not teenage attitude. NTA.
Respectful doctors are appreciated and supported by nurses
Elderly doctor brags about degree, but is an AH to family.
Doctor gets called out for being an a**hole boss
Surgeon recognizes value of team, asks nurse for help ⚕️
Last Updated on February 17, 2024 by Diply Social Team