Crafting can be a beautiful way to honor the memory of a loved one, but sometimes, it can also lead to unexpected drama. Our protagonist (39M) found himself in the center of a family feud after creating quilts for his siblings using their late mother’s fabric. Little did he know, this heartfelt gesture would spark a sibling squabble over who deserved the ‘real’ quilt made entirely of their mother’s fabric.
Crafting Skills from Mom

A Heartfelt Project

The Quilt Dilemma

Making Do with What’s Left

Gifts for the Siblings

The Fabric Truth Revealed

Oldest Sibling Feels Entitled

The Quilt Mystery Unfolds

Playing Stupid to Avoid Drama

Nasty Messages from the Peanut Gallery

Second Thoughts on Quilt Distribution

Questioning His Actions ♂️

Edit: Overwhelmed by the Response

Grateful for the Support

A Quilted Family Feud: Who Deserves the ‘Real’ Quilt?
Our protagonist’s heartfelt gesture of creating quilts for his siblings using their late mother’s fabric unraveled into a family feud. The siblings began to question who got the ‘real’ quilt made entirely of their mother’s fabric, and things escalated quickly. As the mystery unfolded, our quilt-maker found himself in the crossfire, receiving nasty messages and accusations of playing tricks on his family. Despite the drama, he remains grateful for the support he’s received, and we can only hope that the siblings can eventually patch things up.
Sibling squabble over mom’s fabric for quilts. OP is NTA.

Loose lips sink ships. OP is NTA, but should’ve kept quiet.

Sneaky solution suggested to keep peace among quilt-hungry siblings.

NTA’s sentimental gesture goes unappreciated by ungrateful siblings.

Self-care reminder: Make sentimental crafts for yourself too!

Sibling feud over mom’s fabric for quilt. Crafting drama ensues.

Quilting takes time and effort. Sibling’s unappreciative behavior is unacceptable.

Sibling rivalry over mom’s quilt fabrics. NTA tries to reconcile.

Cut the fabric and the family drama with a closet.

Sibling’s entitlement is appalling, OP’s legacy of mom’s hobbies matters. NTA

Siblings fight over mom’s fabric for ‘real’ quilt, NTA suggests return.

Sibling bullies sister over quilt, commenter calls for apologies and gift

Sibling rivalry over mom’s quilt leads to ungrateful behavior. NTA.

Commenter suggests extreme response to quilt dispute.

Sibling rivalry over quilt, commenter sympathizes and compliments project.

Generous quilter suggests a ‘white lie’ to keep the peace.

Heartwarming comment reminds OP of their value to their mother ❤

Sibling squabble turns petty over ‘real’ quilt. NTA offers advice

Defending a quilt made in memory of mom against critics

Commenter shows concern for OP’s well-being amidst family drama

Gratefulness wins: NTA sibling gifts unique quilt, entitled sibling complains.

Sibling squabble over quilt, commenter supports OP and offers advice.

Sassy solution to sibling squabble over mom’s quilt

Sibling squabble over mom’s quilt, commenter defends OP’s actions.

NTA commenter empathizes with siblings’ grief-induced behavior.

Ungrateful siblings? NTA quilter stands up for herself

Praise for a good deed in quilt dispute.

Commenter sympathizes with OP and calls out family’s behavior.

Sibling entitlement ruins thoughtful gift from deceased mother. NTA.

Quilter sympathizes with NTA and suggests a sneaky solution

Sibling entitlement over quilt fabric, NTA puts in effort.

NTA sewist sibling kindly finishes quilt, siblings act like bratty children.

NTA shuts down entitled siblings in quilt dispute

Sibling drama over quilt: NTA creates a precious gift, siblings ungrateful

A heartwarming comment about the value of sentimental quilts. ❤️

Ungrateful siblings cause drama over mom’s quilt.

Sibling rivalry at its finest. You’re NTA

Fairness is key: NTA suggests splitting fabric equally for quilts.

Reclaiming the quilt: a satisfying NTA solution

Selfishness questioned in quilt dispute.

Quilting siblings shut down for complaining about 5 free quilts

Commenter thinks the quilt is not a big deal. NTA.

Sibling squabble over mom’s quilt, commenter supports OP’s NTA stance.

NTA stands up for their gift against entitled siblings

Commenter praises OP’s kindness despite ungrateful siblings.

Sibling rivalry at its finest. NTA, keep being generous
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Sibling rivalry over mom’s fabric turns ugly. NTA wins.

Sibling squabble over mom’s fabric, commenter calls siblings ungrateful.

Sibling rivalry turns emotional, but NTA quilter keeps the peace.

Sibling squabble over mom’s fabric: NTA deserves the quilt

Sibling nitpicks thoughtful gift, receives NTA judgement.

Sibling squabble over mom’s fabric: crafter stands up for herself

Redditor defends OP’s actions against entitled siblings and friends.

Sneaky solution to sibling squabble over mom’s fabric

Craft hoarder defends sister’s right to ‘real’ quilt fabric.

Close call with fabric sparks gratitude in sibling squabble

Commenter defends recipient of quilt, uses idiom

Limited resources, big heart. Siblings ungrateful for quilt gifts.

Ungrateful siblings? Take back the quilts and scraps! NTA

Crafty solution suggested for fabric squabble

Sibling’s hard work and thoughtfulness ignored in quilt dispute

Last Updated on May 29, 2023 by Diply Social Team