Picture this: you’re a hardworking hairstylist who’s saved up for months to buy your fiancé the gift of his dreams, a PS5. In return, he hands you a pack of toothpicks. Yes, toothpicks! Now, imagine this happening in front of his entire family, who seem to find the whole situation amusing. Let’s dive into this story that’s got everyone talking…
The Big Surprise: A PS5 for the Fiancé

The Fiancé’s Generous Gifts…To Everyone Else

The Christmas Day Reveal

The Shocking Moment

The Aftermath: A Family Affair

The Exit: Leaving in a Huff

The Aftermath: Blame Game

The Real Gift: A Day Late, A Dollar Short

A Prank Gone Wrong or a Joke Taken Too Far?
So, our hairstylist heroine saves up for months to buy her fiancé a PS5, only to receive a pack of toothpicks in return. The kicker? This all unfolds in front of his laughing family, who seem to be in on the ‘joke’. She storms out, feeling humiliated and upset. The next day, he shows up with her real gift and an apology, but the damage is done. Was this just a harmless prank or a sign of something more concerning? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this tale of holiday gifting gone awry…
NTA: Humiliated by fiancé and his family, take back PS5

“NTA. His sister’s TA. He’s either an idiot for going along with this or he’s an AH too. Look, are you sure you want to be tied to a family that thinks this kind of thing is funny?”

“Toothpick prank” goes too far, lack of support from fiance.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/eb42d3d4-2a3a-43d1-a3e5-fe90efbed707.png)
NTA. Trust breached. Block him, change locks. Disgusting behavior.

NTA. Prank him back with toothpicks, record his priceless reaction!

“NTA. He’s cruel, his family’s cruel. You deserve better. “

Believing a toothpick gift reveals trust issues and cruel intentions.

“Toothpicks? Seriously? Prank gone wrong, but family’s reaction is worse.”

NTA. Immature fiancé and disrespectful sister. Reconsider the engagement.

NTA. Public humiliation is not a prank. Communicate your boundaries.

“YTA: Overreacted to a bad joke. Time to control emotions.”

“NTA. It’s a dead giveaway that he doesn’t value you. “

“ESH: She had a tantrum, but he humiliated her publicly. “

“YTA for giving toothpicks as a gift, but her reaction… “

Prank present sparks debate: ESH or NAH?

YTA for overreacting to a bad joke. Dodging a bullet?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/4042c224-c2bd-4f4f-af30-87e1dbab6043.png)
NTA. He should apologize for the prank, not blame his sister.

YTA for overreacting and embarrassing yourself. Accept the gift gracefully.

OP misunderstood a gag gift, relationship issues may be present

OP overreacted to a prank gift, causing unnecessary drama.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/4d6cdc04-8321-4835-9f0d-336f91b68076.png)
ESH… Prank gone wrong, but an overreaction caused unnecessary drama

YTA. Chill, it’s just a prank! Don’t ruin your relationship

“NTA. If someone gave me ‘toothpicks’ after a PS5, I’d be p****d. Have a serious talk with him about it. “

“Lighten up! Relationships need humor and not overreactions. “

“NTA. His ‘prank’ was just mean-spirited humiliation. “

ESH: Toothpick gift was insensitive, but yelling at him was overreacting

Clever revenge: wrap your engagement ring, it’s just a joke!

NTA – He messed up big time, time for couples counseling!

Different strokes for different folks ♀️

Fiancé’s toothpick gift reveals family’s toxic behavior. You deserve better.

NTA. Mean-spirited prank ruins family celebration. Fiancé blames sister. Serious thoughts needed.

Prank gone wrong? Find out why it missed the mark!

Toothpick gag gift followed by underwhelming present? That’s just cruel.

NTA. Cruel prank by a selfish man. You deserve better.

NTA: PS5 gift turns into toothpick humiliation. Dump him!

“YTA. Overreacted to a prank. Love means accepting weird gifts. “

Prank gone wrong? YTA needs a sense of humor

Mixed reactions to a failed gag gift exchange.

YTA for not taking a joke. Hope he ends it.

NTA – Mean prank, he’s an idiot

Last Updated on September 9, 2023 by Diply Social Team