Buckle up, folks! We’ve got a doozy of a story for you today. Our protagonist, let’s call him the ‘Work-From-Home Hero’ ♂️, found himself in a sticky situation after offering to help out his neighbor, ‘Distraught Mom’ , by watching her 6-year-old son, ‘Balcony Boy’ . What started as a kind gesture quickly turned into a legal nightmare when Distraught Mom tried to file for child support! Will our hero be forced to pay up, or will he find a way out of this mess? Let’s dive in and find out! ♂️
️ From S****y Apartment to New Beginnings

Work-From-Home Hero ♂️

Troubled Past, Scared Kid

Hot Chocolate and Balcony Hangs ☕

$20 Offer, Full-Time Nanny Needed

Good Samaritan Steps In

Moving Out, Mom’s Distraught

⚖️ Lawyer’s Letter, Child Support Shock

Massive Fight, Blocked Number

⚖️ Lawyer Says: Probably Fine

Sisters Say: Right Thing, But a D*ck Move

Feeling Like S**t, Stuck in S****y Apartments

UPDATE: Child Services Contacted

From Good Samaritan to Accused Dad: The Shocking Twist!
Well, well, well… it seems no good deed goes unpunished! Our Work-From-Home Hero ♂️ thought he was just being a kind neighbor by watching Balcony Boy while Distraught Mom worked her a** off as a nurse aid. But then, BAM! A lawyer’s letter hits him with a child support claim! Talk about a plot twist! Hero immediately cuts ties, blocks Distraught Mom, and lawyer says he’s probably in the clear. But sisters think he’s being a d*ck for ditching the kid. Now, Balcony Boy is back to hanging in the s****y apartments. So, internet, what’s the verdict? Is our hero an a**hole for refusing to watch the kid anymore, or is he just protecting himself from a legal sh*tstorm? ️ Let’s see what the top comments have to say! ️
Sara’s audacity shocks readers as OP’s kindness backfires.

Friendship ends with Karen. Self-preservation is the new friend.

Helping the innocent child turned into a liability

NTA! She dug her own grave with that stunt

NTA. Refusing to babysit after a frivolous lawsuit threat.

Is filing for child support that easy? NTA for sure

Escaping a predator and false accusations. #NTA

Beware of Sarah and Mark’s intentions, stay away

NTA. Going above and beyond, don’t let her ruin that

NTA but she’s suing? Money for lawyer suspicious

Don’t use kids as pawns . NTA for not helping.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/d9b7e9db-8789-4761-b7f5-7d52f7e3fe3c.png)
Babysitting offer turned into a custody battle? NTA for sure!

Country lets woman demand child support from non-father? NTA

NTA and legal advice is key in a potential lawsuit.

NTA: Avoid her and her child. Sisters can babysit

Entitled parent demands child support for free babysitting NTA

Protecting yourself can also protect the child. NTA

Lawyer’s incompetence and absent father’s responsibility questioned. NTA.

Sarah’s greed ruined any chance of a relationship. NTA.

Unexpected legal claim leads to loss of free childcare NTA

Man hilariously shuts down friend’s request for childcare.

Offered to babysit, got sued for child support?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/9e7d683d-799a-4f18-bd4b-1ce959ec1dc3.png)
NTA. Sarah was a predator taking advantage of your generosity.

NTA! Cut ties with her to avoid being taken advantage of again.

Offered to help with childcare, got hit with child support

Concerned commenter suggests calling children’s services for safety reasons.

NTA’s reaction to the situation is warranted

NTA defends man’s good deed and calls out entitled woman

Sympathy turns sour as lawyer’s letter sours goodwill. NTA

Counter sue for compensation, child care isn’t cheap

NTA stands up to entitled person demanding child support

NTA. The mother tried to sue for child support. Wow

NTA refuses to babysit, suggests calling CPS for child neglect.

Being a good neighbor doesn’t equal being legally responsible
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/5076eb1d-4699-4624-ac94-5de2cdeff90f.png)
NTA. Kind babysitter shouldn’t pay child support. Contact Child Services.

Unpredictable turn of events, but NTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/47feaa42-44ef-4611-b685-1b54634a720c.png)
Unjust court system awards child support to cheating ex. Infuriating!

Babysitter not responsible for mother’s child support demands. NTA.

NTA for not wanting to resume babysitting for Sarah’s child.

Cutting ties with Sarah is necessary to avoid legal issues. NTA

Man helps child, gets hit with child support. NTA wins.

Be careful who you help, some will take advantage of you.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/0fde216d-fa68-4d8f-8226-949e44a1ab0a.png)
NTA saves neglectful woman’s child, but gets trapped in baby drama

NTA. Doing a favor backfired with a cash grab for child support

Woman tries to take advantage of man’s good deed

Good deed backfires as ungrateful woman demands child support. NTA.

NTA but leaving a 6-year-old alone is concerning

Don’t take Mark back in, for your safety. Your sisters should help. NTA

Sisters think he’s a d**k for not paying child support

Good Samaritan offers free babysitting, gets sued for child support NTA

NTA, sever all ties. Mother’s clownery is to blame

Compassionate yet firm response to entitled demand

Grateful babysitter called a NTA after entitled parent demands money
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/a99d9133-7741-448c-8a4d-905de9ac5187.png)
NTA. Stopping parental role when sued for child support is logical

Woman’s response to good deed: Sue for child support

NTA. OP’s kindness was taken advantage of by entitled mom

Leaving a 6-year old unattended is neglect

Heartbreaking consequences of a good deed gone wrong

Skeptical comment receives no replies

Compassionate man risks being burned by ungrateful mother ♂️

Mom’s entitlement ruins son’s good deed. NTA prioritizes self.

Single mom demands child support from man who helped her. NTA.

NTA, but commenter advises calling CPS to ensure child’s safety.

NTA takes care of kid, mom sues for child support

Compassionate man faces crazypants lawsuit for good deed. NTA

NTA. Commenter sympathizes with man and criticizes entitled ex.

NTA, Good deed gone wrong. Some people just can’t be grateful

Legal system’s flaw allows stranger to demand child support

When doing a good deed leads to legal troubles

Dodged a bullet with a shocked Pikachu face

Redditor recalls similar post, agrees NTA for helpful guy.

Refusing to provide nanny service to child – NTA

Doubts raised about the validity of the situation

Last Updated on May 24, 2024 by Diply Social Team