Alexis Ohanian Sr. is using social media to help him get better at doing hair and it’s the cutest thing ever!
Now his tweet is bringing back the #DadsDoingHair trend and dads from all over are sharing adorable photos of themselves doing their child’s hair.
Parenting comes with a crazy long list of responsibilities.
Changing diapers, cooking food, going on doctor’s visits, becoming a human jungle gym… the usual. Except people don’t always talk about doing their little ones’ hair and we almost never expect the dads to be the one doing the talking.
Dads will typically play with the kids outside or take them to and from their games and moms will do everything from cook dinner to wash the laundry and style their kids’ hair.
For parents with biracial children, hair care routines can be a little more complicated.

The kind of hair products that would work on a baby with silky straight hair, won’t do much for a baby with k***y, curly hair.
So for that reason, parents of biracial children usually have to seek out information on caring for black hair.
Take Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian Sr. for example.
Ohanian is married to tennis superstar Serena Williams and the pair have a beautiful baby girl together named Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr.
Ohanian Sr. went on Twitter recently to talk about his efforts to improve his hair styling skills and wrote, “Just applied to join 4 private Natural Hair facebook groups. I hope they don’t auto-reject my application when they see my profile photo.”
Ohanian’s tweet then quickly made the rounds online with hundreds of people offering their support and advice.
“This is great. It’s cool to see a dad wanting to learn more about how to care for his daughter’s natural hair,” one person wrote.
Another offered, “We can give you the info you need here. #1 don’t be pulling it back all the time. #2. Moisture.”
Ohanian’s tweet even helped to revive the #DadsDoingHair trend.
Fathers from all over tweeted Ohanian or made posts of their own with pictures and videos of themselves styling their kid’s hair.
This is all too cute for words!
There’s no word yet on how Ohanian’s hair styling efforts are going so far but I bet he’s doing a great job.
The simple fact that these dads are taking such a concerted effort to learn how to do their kid’s hair already earns them points in my book.
Plus there’s something so heart-warming about seeing a dad putting little pigtails and ribbons in their daughter’s hair.
How do you feel about the #DadsDoingHair trend?
Last Updated on June 5, 2019 by murissa.barrington