We all know family drama can be intense, but this story takes it to a whole new level! When our protagonist was 15, her parents separated due to her father’s affair. The affair led to divorce, and her father eventually married the other woman. Over the years, our protagonist and her sister tried to connect with their dad’s new family, but with limited success. Fast forward to 2019, when the sister and father had a major falling out, leading to a year-long period of no communication. During this time, the sister became pregnant and had a child, asking our protagonist to keep it a secret from their dad. But when the truth finally came out, the father was furious and blamed our protagonist for lying by omission. Was she in the wrong, or was she simply respecting her sister’s wishes?
The Affair That Started It All

Failed Attempts to Reconnect

A New Family, A Strained Relationship

The Falling Out

A Secret Pregnancy

The Sister’s Request

The Big Reveal

Dad’s Reaction

Lying by Omission?

Unwilling to Accept Responsibility

The Blame Game: Who’s Really at Fault?
As the family drama unfolds, our protagonist finds herself in the middle of a blame game. Her father accuses her of lying by omission for keeping her sister’s pregnancy a secret, while she believes she was simply respecting her sister’s wishes. She also feels her father is unwilling to accept responsibility for his part in the strained relationship and is missing out on a crucial milestone in his daughter’s life due to his own stubbornness. So, who’s really at fault here? Let’s dive into the internet’s top reactions to this emotional rollercoaster.
NTA for calling out hypocritical dad and his side piece.

OP’s dad accuses him of lacking integrity for keeping sister’s secret , but ignores his own unethical behavior . NTA

NTA – OP did the right thing by honoring sister’s request

NTA. Dad willing to sacrifice relationship for new family.

Keeping her sister’s secret damaged OP’s relationship with their father

Keeping secrets is tough, but respecting boundaries is key

Commenter sympathizes with OP and calls out dad’s behavior.

Respect privacy: NTA for sister withholding news of pregnancy

NTA. Commenter calls out dad’s narcissistic behavior

Daughter called NTA after toxic father blames her for withholding news

Daughter claps back at cheating father and homewrecker stepmom.

Sibling chooses not to share sister’s pregnancy, dad blames her.

Engaging defense of OP’s actions and condemnation of father’s behavior.

Respecting your sister’s wishes doesn’t make you guilty. NTA

Don’t let dad blame you for sis’ secret baby drama

NTA. Commenter disagrees with dad’s reasoning, calls out grossness.

Sibling support reigns supreme in secret baby drama

Sibling secrets can be tricky but NTA for keeping quiet

Daughter defends herself against hypocritical father’s integrity lecture

Dad blames daughter for secret baby, but commenter says NTA

Respectful daughter keeps secret, dad blames her. #NTA

Daughter calls out father’s hypocrisy, defends her actions.

Daughter called NTA for not telling cheating dad about grandchild

Commenter defends OP and throws shade at cheaters

Cheaters can’t judge. NTA stands strong.

Dad prioritizes ‘do over’ kids, blames daughter. NTA.

Standing up for integrity, NTA comment calls out hypocrites

Don’t let him manipulate you with your child. NTA.

Daughter cuts off toxic father after he cheats and leaves family.

Parental entitlement exposed. NTA for respecting daughter’s privacy.

Delusional cheater and homewrecker accused of lacking integrity. NTA.

No lies detected. NTA comment shuts down dad’s hypocrisy.

NTA- Dad blames daughter for his actions. Don’t break sister’s confidence.

Don’t let him shift the blame. You’re NTA

Sibling loyalty overrules dad’s entitlement. NTA

Cutting off toxic family members? NTA takes a stand

Sibling loyalty prevails over cheater’s audacity. NTA

Daughter not at fault for dad’s secret baby drama

Respectful NTA comment defends withholding secret grandchild news

Keeping your sister’s secret was the right thing to do

Family secrets have consequences

Stand up for yourself! Remind your dad he’s to blame.

This commenter supports the poster’s actions.

Daughter stands up to manipulative father, chooses her own happiness

Savage clapback to a cheater’s lecture on integrity

Father’s pride may ruin his relationship with daughters and grandchildren. NTA.

Setting boundaries with absent father and stepmom, NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/dba940e0-3b2d-49df-9a3c-aa9649768924.png)
Commenter calls out father’s neglectful behavior towards his children.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/a481616b-db25-47ed-9959-884801065e17.png)
Keeping a promise to your sister and prioritizing your happiness

Dad plays victim, but commenter supports OP. NTA

Daughter defends herself against father blaming her for grandchild secret

Clear judgement, no room for debate. NTA wins

NTA: Cheating dad acting entitled to grandchild, needs to apologize first

Sibling defends sister’s decision to withhold news of grandchild

Daughter defends herself against dad’s blame, NTA

Cheating hypocrite accuses others of damaging integrity. NTA.

Family drama and priorities. NTA for keeping secrets

Sibling bond triumphs over entitled father. NTA

Standing up to a cheater, NTA wins with integrity

Respecting boundaries: NTA for not disclosing daughter’s secret.

Prioritize your relationship with your sister over your unreliable dad

Dad’s hypocritical behavior gets called out, NTA wins the day

Support for respecting sister’s wishes and standing up against family.

Daughter defends herself against cheating father in heated argument

Keeping secrets: NTA, but integrity accusations are rich

Keeping private information private is not lying. NTA

Don’t be a Flying Monkey for your dad

Sister’s secret baby news: not OP’s truth to tell. NTA

Protective stepmother and cheating dad cause family drama. NTA.

Commenter calls out father’s hypocrisy in secret baby drama

Cheating dad gets called out, commenter finds it hilarious

Supportive comment defends OP’s actions in secret baby drama

Daughter stands up to cheating dad and his wife

Daughter not at fault for dad’s infidelity

Last Updated on May 13, 2023 by Diply Social Team