We all have that one thing we cherish, and for this 22-year-old, it’s her porcelain collection. She’s been collecting since she was 13, and her collection is worth tens of thousands of dollars. But what happens when her roommate can’t resist using these precious pieces? Drama unfolds!
The Porcelain Collector ️

Priceless Collection

Roommate’s Temptation

The Deal

Tea Set Obsession

Caught Red-Handed!

Fragile and Valuable

Lockdown Time

Key to the Heart (and Cabinet)

Overreaction or Justified?

Taking Sides

Doubting Herself

Update: Taking Action

Locking the Room

Insurance and Storage

Porcelain War: Who’s in the Right? ♀️
This porcelain collector has had enough of her roommate using her precious pieces, so she decides to lock her cabinet. But her roommate and others think she’s overreacting. Is she really in the wrong for protecting her valuable collection? Or should her roommate respect her boundaries? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Valuable porcelain collection causes roommate tension and storage dilemma.
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Valuate and insure your collection; keep it safe from roommate’s negligence.

Roommate ignores boundaries, locks protect porcelain collection. NTA
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Roommate’s entitled behavior causes lockdown! NTA for protecting belongings

Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes AH lockdown and housing dilemma.

Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes concern for commenter’s belongings. NTA.

Suggest deposit for borrowing porcelain set. NTA.

Roommate breaks porcelain rule, definitely T A on this one.

Roommate’s porcelain obsession leads to a NTA’s hilarious suggestion

Expensive porcelain collections are not for everyday use. NTA.

Roommate violates boundaries, NTA for protecting own property. Insure belongings.

Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes lockdown, commenter sides with OP.
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First-time accidents can happen even to the most careful people.

Respect your roommate’s boundaries, or face the consequences!

NTA for locking up valuables, roommate needs to respect boundaries

Roommate’s lack of respect for belongings causes tension.

Roommate’s porcelain obsession leads to trust issues and lockdowns.

Roommate’s entitled behavior causes porcelain lockdown. NTA for locking cabinet.

Secure your valuables and find a new living situation.

Roommate takes porcelain without permission, NTA stands ground

Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes lockdown. NTA suggests storing offsite.

Roommate’s antique dish obsession causes tension. NTA suggests food safety concerns.

Respect boundaries and ask permission before using someone’s possessions.

Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes lockdown, but OP is NTA.

Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes lockdown and property dispute.

Protecting your property: NTA locks up porcelain collection

Respect your roommates’ belongings and get a lock

Protect your porcelain collection with insurance and surveillance. NTA.

Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes lockdown, but NTA for keeping them private

Respect and boundaries are key.

Roommate’s porcelain obsession gets validation and insurance suggestion

Roommate uses valuable porcelain without permission, NTA for locking cabinet.

Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes lockdown. NTA locks it up

Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes lockdown. NTA sets boundaries.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/85b58108-316a-4e0f-a3cb-706a551255b4.png)
Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes lockdown and potential disaster. NTA.

Roommate violates boundaries, porcelain collection on lockdown.

Secure your room with a lock and camera to prevent theft.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/73dd0b64-6de6-441b-83f8-5bc1e81b1d36.png)
Safely store your valuable items in your own room

Roommate accused of stealing porcelain, commenter calls her out.

Suggests a clever way to handle roommate’s porcelain obsession.

Locking a cabinet to protect valuable items is a logical response #NTA

Appraise everything for safety and peace of mind. NTA.

Asserting ownership over belongings. NTA wins this round!

Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes lockdown. NTA, roommates s**k.

NTA, but your roommate needs to respect your valuable porcelain.

Protecting porcelain from entitled roommates

Expensive porcelain, ignored request, NTA. Drama ensues. ♀️

Secure your valuables and find a new friend. NTA

Roommate steals porcelain items, get them insured to protect collection.

Roommate can’t keep hands off valuables, lock them up!

Roommate’s entitlement over shared cabinet causes lockdown. NTA.

Sell the porcelain collection and move out to avoid conflict
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/aa7e0453-6ec7-42ca-b11e-038b89b2d4e8.png)
Storage unit not recommended, lock room and cabinet instead. NTA.

Assertive response to entitled roommate’s porcelain obsession.

Suggests finding a new place to live due to roommate’s hostility

Roommate’s porcelain obsession sparks NTA comment about sharing

Respect boundaries, respect property. Locks were necessary. NTA

Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes tension and potential sabotage.

Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes tension over usage rights.

Protect your porcelain with a lock and camera!

Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes tension despite clear boundaries.

Possessions are possessions, roommates have no say. NTA

Setting boundaries with a lock? NTA wins porcelain war.

Asserting property rights is NTA, porcelain obsession causes lockdown

Protect your valuables from selfish roommates! Lock them up

Roommate’s porcelain obsession causes lockdown but NTA and insured collection.

Offer a solution: take her thrifting for her own set

Respect people’s property, even if you haven’t broken anything before!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/22ef34e9-cab5-4f66-845a-03889f7294ce.png)
Protecting porcelain or overreacting? Valuable vs. fragile items.

Setting boundaries is important and you’re NTA for doing so.

Respect boundaries: roommate’s porcelain obsession causes lockdown. NTA

OP suggests storing roommate’s porcelain collection elsewhere to solve problem.

Asserting ownership and boundaries without being the a**hole.

Locking up porcelain: NTA roommate logic doesn’t add up

Protect your belongings and document everything.

Last Updated on February 16, 2024 by Diply Social Team