A misunderstanding between roommates leads to spoiled food drama in this AITA post. When one roommate unplugs a mini fridge to charge her phone, the other roommate’s food goes bad. Who’s in the wrong? Read on to find out- but be warned, the comments section is getting heated!
Roommate thinks my multi-socket adapter is for everyone. AITA?

Unplugged roommate’s fridge for phone charge. AITA?

Accidentally unplugged roommate’s fridge, ruined food. AITA?

Unplugging roommate’s fridge leads to conflict

Splitting the fridge cost caused a cold war ❄️

Accidentally unplugged roommate’s fridge, made amends. AITA?

⚡Forgot to plug fridge, spoiled food. AITA?

Roommate’s food spoils after I unplug mini fridge. AITA?
Sharing a living space with someone can be tough, especially if you have different ideas about what belongs to whom. In this case, a simple multi-socket adapter caused a rift between the roommates. The OP thought it was for personal use only, while the roommate believed it was for everyone. When the OP unplugged the roommate’s mini fridge to charge her phone, she had no idea the consequences would be so dire. All of the food spoiled, and the roommate was understandably angry. The OP tried to defend herself, but it only made matters worse. Now, she’s left with the aftermath of her actions and a strained relationship with her roommate. While the OP admits it was a mistake, she also thinks her roommate should have asked before using her personal belongings. Was the OP in the wrong or was her roommate being entitled? Stay tuned for the comments and reactions.
Roommate takes up outlet, OP unplugs fridge. YTA according to comments.

Roommate accuses OP of spoiling food by unplugging fridge, YTA.

Unplugging roommate’s mini fridge for wall adapter? YTA and petty.

Unplugging the fridge was a cold move. YTA. ❄

Unplugging shared appliances without checking? YTA

OP accused of unplugging shared fridge: YTA according to replies

Roommate’s spoiled food: Own adaptor, but not the socket. YTA.

Unplugging mini fridge leads to spoiled food & YTA judgment

Don’t be a penny-pincher, buy a multi-socket adapter. YTA.

Unplugging a mini-fridge is a big no-no ♂️

Unplugging roommate’s mini fridge without discussing = YTA ♂️

Don’t be petty, YTA

Roommate’s food spoils after unplugging fridge for phone charger. YTA

Did OP accidentally sabotage roommate’s food?

Petty unplugging of fridge for phone charger makes YTA.

Unplugging the fridge? YTA. Replacing her food? You should.

Unplugging roommate’s mini fridge: YTA according to commenters.

Don’t be a lazy roommate! ♀️ YTA for unplugging fridge.

Roommate’s food spoils after unplugging fridge – commenter calls YTA

Roommate unplugged OP’s stuff to use fridge. Confusion ensues.

Unplugging fridge out of spite? YTA

Unplugging shared mini fridge: YTA, make it right ♂️

Sharing is caring Don’t hog the outlet, YTA

Unplugged roommate’s mini-fridge to charge phone. YTA according to comment.

Unplugging the mini-fridge was a j**k move, YTA

Unplugging the mini fridge upset the roommate. YTA.

Don’t be a plug hog! YTA for unplugging communal fridge

Don’t be a power hog. YTA for unplugging roommate’s fridge.

Sharing an outlet is fair game, YTA for unplugging.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/ad314b6a-5baa-404a-866e-32ecd7888ddd.png)
Shared fridge, shared responsibility

Unplugging the fridge? YTA. Replace her spoiled food
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/ff0ae0be-0cfe-47e5-ae63-5ba96309c861.png)
Accused of intentionally unplugging roommate’s mini fridge. YTA.

Sharing a multi-socket adapter can be a slippery slope

Unplugged shared mini-fridge ruined all roommate’s food. YTA.

Unplugged roommate’s fridge without warning, YTA

Unplugging fridge was childish, YTA

Roommate calls out OP for unplugging fridge. YTA confirmed

Unplugging the mini fridge without discussing it? YTA

Unplugged fridge causes food to spoil. YTA for sharing space.

Unplugging the fridge without discussion makes YTA

Don’t be a penny-pincher and spoil your roommate’s food. YTA

Roommate conflicts over shared socket lead to food fiasco. YTA.

Unplugging your roommate’s mini-fridge without warning? YTA

Accidentally unplugged roommate’s fridge, YTA, but it was an accident ♀️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/776caad3-f36d-4bcd-84d8-eff88b663065.png)
Labeling is key! ️ Don’t be an a**hole, label your food.

Don’t blame your roommate for using the communal mini-fridge

Respect your roommates’ food and space.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/682280d4-13b1-4c0f-90d4-1a534aee5872.png)
Unplugging the mini fridge was a low blow. YTA

Unplugging the mini fridge without checking? YTA ♀️

Unplugging fridge for phone charger was costly mistake. YTA.

Unplugged fridge ruins roommate’s food, YTA without prior notice

Unplugging the mini-fridge without informing the roommate is r**e

Sharing is caring! Don’t be petty, YTA.

Sharing a mini fridge and a plug caused a YTA situation

Roommate unplugs fridge, ruins food. Commenter deems them YTA.

Communicate clearly to avoid spoiling relationships

Unplugged fridge without asking, YTA

Unplugged fridge for phone charge, food spoiled. YTA

Unplugging mini fridge leads to spoiled food. YTA, pay up!

Unplugging communal fridge with adapter causes roommate conflict. YTA.

User unplugs communal mini fridge causing roommate’s food to spoil

Unplugging roommate’s fridge leads to grocery payment. YTA.

Don’t unplug without consent! YTA ♂️

Don’t be a fridge hog YTA. Pay up

Don’t be a power hog . YTA for ruining food.

Replace her spoiled food! YTA.

Unplugging roommate’s fridge: YTA or just forgetful?

Roommate calls OP territorial for unplugging mini fridge. ♂️

Learn to work things out with your roommates. YTA

Unplugging common area sockets is unfair. YTA according to roommate.

Check before you unplug! YTA according to the roomie.

Commenter calls OP petty for spoiling roommate’s food

Unplugging shared mini-fridge leads to spoiled food. YTA according to commenters.

Unplugging fridge? YTA according to your roommate ♂️

Sharing is caring: YTA for hogging the outlet ♂️

You unplugged your roommate’s fridge and bought an adapter? YTA.

Questions raised on multi-adapter and shared area of mini-fridge

Unplugged roommate’s fridge, ruined food. YTA. Replace food ASAP.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/09ddf052-0dfd-4f1a-8fec-f7e4d07e95cf.png)
Gatekeeping an adapter? YTA, basic courtesy goes a long way

Communication is key – ESH should talk it out.

Unplugging fridge for personal gain makes YTA

Unplugging roommate’s fridge and ruining food is a**hole move. YTA.

Unplugging mini fridge: YTA according to commenters

Last Updated on April 15, 2023 by Diply Social Team