Picture this: you’re living your best college life, sharing a house with your best friends, throwing legendary parties, and acing your classes. Life is good. Then, one of your roommates drops a bombshell – she’s pregnant. And she plans to keep the baby. Suddenly, your carefree college days are filled with baby stuff, and your wild parties are put on hold. What do you do? For these four roommates, the answer was clear: find a new place to live. But when they finally broke the news to their soon-to-be mom friend, the reaction was explosive.
The Perfect College Setup

The Unexpected Announcement

The Baby Plan

The Housemates’ Decision

The Cat’s Out of the Bag

The Explosive Reaction

The Aftermath

A Friendship on the Rocks: The Fallout of a Baby Bombshell
In a whirlwind of drama, these college roommates found themselves at odds over an unexpected pregnancy announcement. As baby stuff began to replace beer bottles, they made a tough call to find a new place, leaving their pregnant friend behind. When the news broke, the reaction was explosive, with accusations of selfishness and betrayal flying. Could they have handled it better? Maybe. But with three months left on the lease, they believe they’ve left enough time for their friend to find a new home. The question remains: were they wrong to put their own comfort first? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA: Roommate’s unrealistic expectations of living with a newborn
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ESH for keeping the baby plan a secret, but understandable to not want to live with a baby. NTA for giving 3 months notice, but could’ve been handled better.
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NTA, but communication could have avoided this messy situation.

“NTA She has time to figure things out. It would have been good for her to know sooner but she still has plenty of time. I think she is fooling herself to think it was a reasonable expectation that you guys would be cool living with a baby. You didn’t have a baby and your lives are just not where hers is right now. You shouldn’t have to completely rearrange things because of her decision to become a parent. Did she think you guys were all going to be live in help? It is not selfish to not want to live with a child when you are young and childless.”
Expectations shattered: Baby bombshell tests friendship and living arrangements.
Living with a baby is tough! NTA for setting boundaries.

ESH. Roommate blindsided by baby bombshell, but communication could’ve helped

NTA: Roommates discuss the challenges of living with a baby.

NTA: Roommate’s unrealistic expectation of resignation without discussing baby.

NTA’s plan to have kid live with mom is flawed.

Roommate drama: Renting without telling her? ESH for sure!
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ESH. Roommate tension escalates as baby news disrupts living arrangements

NTA. Baby, her problem.

Friendship tested by unexpected baby bombshell and assumptions.

“YTA. Going behind her back damaged your friendship. Be honest! “

NTA. Roommate’s baby bombshell creates major living arrangement dilemma

NTA, roommates clash over unexpected baby bombshell
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Planning to offload baby to parents, needs reality check.

ESH. Lack of upfront communication about living with a baby.

Where’s daddy? A missing piece in this baby bombshell

Cold roommates knew about baby but didn’t want to say it

Roommate brings baby to college house, friendship tested. ESH.

NTA. Roommate’s baby bombshell tests friendship. Should’ve found new place.

NTA! Roommates not signing up for baby. Babies are annoying!

Betrayal: YTA secretly finds new place, leaving pregnant friend
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YTA for hiding moving plans and avoiding accountability.
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NTA: Newborn not a pet. Naive pregnant girl’s wake-up call.

Roommate drama: Secrets, assumptions, and a tiny intruder

Living with a newborn is tough, but 3 months is reasonable.

“YTA for not telling her. Now she’s pregnant and homeless? “

NTA. Time heals all wounds.

Friendship tested by a tiny intruder. YTA for lack of communication.
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“ESH. Lack of communication led to a college living nightmare. “

“YTA. Signing a new lease without discussing it? Underhanded move.”

Roommates clash over baby bombshell, behaving appallingly and abandoning each other.
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YTA for lack of honesty and empathy. Shabby move, dude!

NTA. Roommate’s unrealistic expectations clash with partying lifestyle.

Roommate’s baby bombshell tests friendship. NAH. She assumed too much.

NTA for wanting to change. But YTA for signing a new lease and just not telling her. ETA: if she’s 6mons pregnant now the lease sounds like it’ll be up right around the time she’s due. It would have been nicer to told her as soon as you knew so she might have to change her plans.

“NTA. She expected help, but it’s her responsibility, not yours. “

“ESH, but communication is key in stressful situations. “

NTA. Roommate should be more independent and considerate.

Mixed opinions on roommate’s lack of communication about pregnancy

YTA for going behind your friend’s back and signing a lease without telling her

NTA for not living with her but should’ve communicated better

NTA for not wanting to tailor your lives around her baby

YTA for not being upfront about the baby bombshell

Friendship tested by a baby bombshell and a broken promise
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NTA. Roommate upset about new place, but expecting too much.

NTA: Roommate’s unrealistic expectations clash with others’ living arrangements ♀️

Debate on roommate’s baby bombshell: ESH, NTA, or NAH?

“YTA. Should’ve been honest with her. Friendship tested by secrets.”

“YTA for blindsiding your pregnant roommate with a new lease.”

Miscommunication leads to unexpected challenges in roommate’s pregnancy journey

Friendship tested by a tiny intruder and a s****y reveal

Roommate betrayal and hurt feelings. YTA for hiding plans

Last Updated on November 29, 2023 by Diply Social Team