We’ve all had our fair share of annoying roommates, but this one takes the cake! Our storyteller finds her roommate to be quite irritating and borderline racist. The roommate, who seems to have never met a black person before, constantly asks questions about “black things” and even offers to pay for cooking lessons. But the cherry on top? She’s obsessed with learning how to twerk and won’t stop bugging our protagonist about it. Let’s dive into this cringe-worthy tale!
Annoying Roommate Alert

Student Housing Woes

Ignorant or Racist?

“Wow, Black People Can Cook!”

The Alien Roommate

Twerk Obsession

Ballet Dancer, Not a Twerk Instructor

Lockdown Troubles

The Twerk Request Gone Wrong

The Brutal Truth

Cue the Waterworks

The Aftermath

Hurt Feelings or Lesson Learned?

So, Did the Twerk Request Deserve a Reality Check?
Our storyteller’s roommate seems to be clueless about boundaries and racial sensitivity, constantly asking questions about “black things” and offering to pay for cooking lessons. But the most annoying part is her obsession with learning how to twerk, which leads to an awkward confrontation. After a night of drinking, the roommate barges in and demands a twerk lesson, only to be told, “It’ll be hard to learn with no a*s…”. The roommate is left in tears, but was it a harsh reality check or just plain mean? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this situation…
NTA shuts down racist roommate’s twerking request. Inspiring response.

Setting the record straight without being r**e. #NTA #NoRacism

Standing up to a racist roommate. NTA

Communication is key! ️ ESH for not addressing issues.

Roommate’s racist behavior called out. Don’t be moved by tears.

Setting boundaries can be a win-win situation

Setting boundaries with a racist roommate can be exhausting.

NTA, but roommate’s microaggressions need to be addressed through communication
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Roommate offers to pay for cooking, but still annoying af

Addressing racial ignorance with empathy and communication
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Being annoyed is valid, but communication can help resolve misunderstandings

ESH. Communication is key, but busting into someone’s room is unacceptable.

Jokingly called out sensitive roommate’s twerking, still NTA. ♀️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/91e556a9-5661-4c46-8bb7-9d2a8bfcec72.png)
A thoughtful suggestion to have a conversation with the roommate

A civil discussion on who’s the a**hole in this situation.

Calling out bad behavior with insults is ESH territory

NTA shuts down offensive roommate’s ignorance about Asian culture

Roommate’s ignorance not necessarily malicious, but communication is key

ESH for making racist remarks, but communication could have helped.

Communicate with your roommate about her behavior when sober

Calling out racism vs body-shaming: ESH in this argument ♀️
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It’s not your job to teach someone not to be racist

Body-shaming not cool, but maybe she needed a reality check

Calling out racism and refusing to sympathize with the offender

Mixed race commenter calls out both parties for poor behavior.

Teaching opportunity for cultural insensitivity, but introversion vs extroversion clash.

Cultural insensitivity or insecurity? NTA for setting boundaries.

Racism and twerking don’t mix, but was the response fair?

Redditor calls out roommate for cringe-worthy attempt at black culture. YTA.

Roommate’s offensive behavior addressed, but communication could have helped. ESH

One-shot reaction to end it all NTAs revenge
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Roommate’s racist behavior gets called out, NTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/7546b301-8719-43b0-9e09-25d8edf204d0.png)
Explaining why something is demeaning can help change views

Teaching twerking doesn’t make you racist, NTA wins.

Mission accomplished NTA shuts down twerking roommate

NTA shuts down racist roommate’s cooking comment

Roommate learns twerking isn’t for everyone

Addressing ignorance and cultural insensitivity with empathy and communication
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/37691ca0-f85e-4788-98cd-26f694eee7f8.png)
Addressing racial comments and awkwardness with twerking roommate.

Roommate is NTA for not wanting to twerk. Boo is not racist.

Mature response to ESH situation. Honest communication is key

Constructive criticism or body shaming?

Calling out racism in a delicate but straightforward manner

Racially insensitive roommate gets what she deserves. NTA.

Address issues with roommate instead of insulting her. Be mature.

Unresolved communication issues lead to hurtful insults and hate.

Laughter is the best medicine! NTA comment.

NTA, confront her about her behavior and hope for resolution

Roommate’s twerking attempt handled immaturely by both parties. ESH.
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ESH, OP’s roommate is clueless but not intentionally racist. Petty comment.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/1f168476-ff4b-4f63-98fe-2326499a7462.png)
Insulting comment leads to awkward roommate tension
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/cfb1a1b4-b2a8-45eb-a93a-48749da47560.png)
Calling out racism: NTA for standing up to microaggressions
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When you have no a*s but try to twerk

Engage in a conversation with your roommate to educate her ️
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Comparing assumptions about race to stereotypes.

Calling out objectification and a witty comeback suggestion

Standing up to microaggressions and racism. NTA wins.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/ae0095d4-8b5b-4ca8-99cf-dcae50c513d0.png)
NTA shuts down racist roommate’s twerking request

Missed opportunity for roommate to learn, NTA handled well

Teachable moment missed: YTA for insulting instead of communicating

Roommate’s ignorance is not your responsibility. NTA.

Dealing with an attention-seeking, stubborn roommate. Set boundaries.
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NTA calls out roommate’s racism and white tears, stands up for self

Calling out racist behavior with grace and clarity. NTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/2a47c264-04a3-4508-b587-6a4ed0a8d1c0.png)
NTA, but missed opportunity to teach a full barre routine

Roommate’s twerking ignorance called out, but can be educated

Roommate’s ignorance about race causes tension, but OP not TA.

Compassionate advice on dealing with ignorant roommate

College roommate horror stories shared, but happy ending in sight
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Defending the roommate’s curiosity and calling out cancel culture.

Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by Diply Social Team