Ever had a house guest that overstayed their welcome? Well, imagine that guest is pregnant, jobless, and has a long list of demands that turn your life upside down! This is the predicament of a college student who’s found herself in a smoke-filled standoff with her roommate’s pregnant friend. Let’s dive into the drama…
Meet our Frustrated Roommate
The Smoke-Filled Sanctuary
Enter the Pregnant Friend
The Temporary Truce
Demands, Demands, and More Demands
The Meaty Matter
The Overstaying Issue
The Unsuccessful Eviction Attempts
The Breaking Point
The Ashtray Rebellion
The Confrontation
The Roommate’s Response
The Final Stand
The Ultimatum
The Update
Smoking Standoff: The Final Verdict!
After weeks of bending over backwards to accommodate her roommate’s pregnant friend, our frustrated protagonist has had enough. She’s returned to her smoking habits, cranked up the Netflix, and even started cooking meat again. The pregnant guest, unsurprisingly, is not pleased. But with no rent paid and her welcome worn thin, it seems the time has come for her to find a new place to stay. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this smoke-filled saga…
ESH. Roommate drama escalates as smoking and pregnancy clash.
ESH: Drama between entitled mooch and smoker roommate escalates!
NTA: Smoking indoors is allowed, time for her to leave!
ESH, but kicking out a pregnant lady is harsh. Discuss options.
NTA. You’re being generous, but second-hand smoke is harmful.
ESH: Pregnant woman making unreasonable demands, smoker not considerate enough.
ESH, smoking harms her fetus, but other annoyances are irrelevant.
NTA: Pregnant squatter guilt trips smoker roommate for free housing.
ESH. Smoking inside is gross and harmful to everyone’s health.
NTA: Smoker advised not to smoke around pregnant roommate.
Smoking indoors harms others, especially pregnant women. Stop being ignorant!
“Pregnant Squatter: NTA! She needs to move out ASAP! “
ESH vs NTA: Smoking rules ignite roommate drama!
“NTA. You gave her options, she’s making unreasonable demands. “
Pregnant friend demands no meat or TV, NTA for snapping!
OP confronts pregnant squatter, prepares to lock her out.
Rent-free squatter vs. smoker: ESH but no opinions allowed
ESH: Smoking around a fetus? Entitled roommate needs to leave!
NTA: Don’t let her pregnancy control your smoking habits!
Roommate drama: Smoking, bills, and a baby on the way!
Smoker vs. Pregnant Squatter: Who’s in the Right?
Stand your ground! Your home, your rules.
Smoker vs. Pregnant Squatter: A toxic mix of smoke and drama!
YTA for smoking inside while pregnant woman lives there
ESH. Set a deadline! Don’t risk the baby’s safety!
Pregnant squatter vs. smoker drama! ESH for lacking empathy.
Smoking around a pregnant woman? ESH! Boundaries need setting.
Smoker vs. Pregnant Squatter – ESH! Drama and harm to baby
ESH: Pregnant squatter causing chaos, but don’t punish the baby
Evict her ASAP! The longer she stays, the tougher it gets!
NTA. Stand your ground!
NTA. Pregnant squatter overstays welcome. Time for her to leave!
Roommate drama escalates with smokers and a pregnant squatter!
NTA! Your house, your rules. She took advantage of you.
NTA. Roommate overstaying welcome, time for a serious conversation.
ESH: Smoking in common areas affects innocent person, but compromises freedom.
NTA. Roommate called OP a b***h, should’ve been kicked out!
Get her out. Soon.
Smoker vs. Pregnant Squatter: Who’s the real a**hole?
NTA and loving the term Aunt Rona!
“ESH for overstaying welcome and smoking indoors (gross).”
NTA, but kicking her out is necessary for baby’s health
NTA vs Pregnant Squatter: Roommate Drama and Smoking
NTA: You’re not responsible for her, focus on yourself!
Kick her out. Not the a**hole!
“NTA. Smoking takes 5 mins. She’s TA for overstaying & making rules.”
“NTA You’ve been smoking in the house for 2 years? She’s not supposed to be there. You and your roommate care more about the baby than she does. “
Engagingly defends smoking around pregnant roommate, considers neighbors’ impact.
Pregnant roommate bullies, gets shown the door. NTA
Surprising revelation about young people and cigarette smoking!
Debunking the myth: Smoking policy in a crazy college town!
Smoker vs. Pregnant Squatter Drama: ESH, but there’s a solution!
NTA. Smoking roommate drama: pay up or move out!
NTA: Pregnant squatter needs to get a job and be grateful
Smoking rights vs. entitled roommate drama!
NTA: Pregnant squatter taking advantage. You owe her nothing.
ESH: Smoking roommate vs. pregnant squatter. Drama and repercussions ensue!
Pregnant squatter vs. smoker – a clash of smells and priorities!
NTA. Pregnant squatter taking advantage. Get her out!
ESH: Smoking inside with a pregnant woman is an AH move
“Meat and Netflix are fine, but the smoking isn’t”
ESH: Smoking around a pregnant woman is dangerous, but boundaries!
Everyone s***s here! Drama unfolds between smoker and pregnant squatter!
NTA vs Pregnant Squatter: Drama, rudeness, and eviction!
Smoking inside is nasty, but it’s your place. NTA!
Last Updated on December 14, 2023 by Diply Social Team