We’ve all had our fair share of roommate disagreements, but this one takes the cake! Imagine coming home to a house that feels like a sauna, with the thermostat cranked up to a sweltering 90 degrees. This is the reality for our protagonist, aptly named the ‘Thermostat Warrior’, who is locked in a simmering dispute with her roommate over their house temperature. The situation quickly heats up when medical conditions and personal comfort collide. Let’s dive into this fiery tale, shall we?
The Heat is On!

Thermostat Tampering Begins

The First Confrontation

The Heat Rises

The Fiery Response

The Counter Argument

The Third Roommate Weighs In

The Standoff

The Compromise

The Aftermath

The Exit

A Heated Conclusion to the Thermostat Saga
After a series of fiery confrontations, our ‘Thermostat Warrior’ is left questioning her actions. Was she inconsiderate for not accommodating her roommate’s medical needs, or was she right to stand her ground in the face of sweltering living conditions? The tension in the house is palpable, with the third roommate caught in the crossfire. In a surprising twist, our protagonist decides to move out, unable to bear the heat of the situation any longer. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this sizzling saga…
NTA calls BS on medical condition, suggests at-home n****y for heat

Wearing extra layers or using a space heater can solve this!

NTA. Keeping the temp low due to migraines, blankets for comfort

Engaging comment and replies about managing a temperature-related condition

“NTA. Roommate should’ve disclosed disability before moving in. Agree.”

Sweater wars! The battle over the thermostat heats up!

NTA- Roommate should have disclosed medical need before moving in

NTA. Commenter doubts roommate’s supposed health condition, suggests reptilian nature

NTA: Roommate wants higher thermostat, but should consider cost

Roommate from h**l? Find out why this person thinks so!

NTA. Unfair and expensive heating battle with secretive roommate.

NTA. 90° inside is absurd. Compromise at 70-75°.

NTA, discuss this need before moving in
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/455f02a0-2cf4-4f96-bb53-a77a88f69e76.png)
NTA: Roommate should have disclosed need for environmental consideration. ️

Debate over thermostat: NTA questions roommate’s medical condition without evidence.

NTA, dress warm but can’t shed skin. Is roommate a reptile?

Contact your landlord. Protect the apartment from potential black mold!

“NTA. Roommate wants it hot? Tell her to close vent!”
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/940662bc-7df7-490e-b5cb-9e7970c9182e.png)
NTA, suggest space heaters and communication for thermostat disagreements.

NTA, time to find a new roommate!

Confusion over thermostat settings sparks debate on weather and preferences

Fiery debate: Thermostat wars ignite over temperature preferences and finances

Warm house lover calls for better communication on thermostat usage

“NTA. Roommate claims medical condition for sauna-like temperatures. Find new place.”
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/73485fe8-c602-4fdc-909b-2ffe28517361.png)
NTA: High temperature causes health concerns, she needs special living arrangements.

Put on a sweater and chill, it’s not that serious!

NTA. They make room heaters. Stay warm and chill!

Fiery confrontation over thermostat leads to name-calling. NTA wins!

NTA. Roommate’s extreme temperature demands spark roommate search.

Last Updated on September 21, 2023 by Diply Social Team