It’s common knowledge at this point that Reese Witherspoon has a talent for creating children that look practically identical to her.
Initially, we thought it was only her daughter who looked just like her. But this just in, so does her son, Deacon!
There is no denying that there is something very special about Reese Witherspoon’s genes.

She has the ability to clone herself, basically.
Biologically, Reese’s three children all share DNA with their father. But I’m pretty convinced that she created her three children all on her own .
Everybody knows that Reese’s eldest, Ava Phillippe, is a spitting image of her mother.
It’s actually creepy how alike they look. But obviously in a good way, because Reese Witherspoon is awesome , so having two of her is not a bad thing, by any means.
And while we’re on the topic of cloning, I’m also 99.9% sure that Reese’s mother is the mastermind behind it all.

It’s like I’m looking at the exact same person at three different stages in life.
The resemblance is uncanny.
Not only does she look like her mom, but the two seem super close.
By the look of Ava’s Instagram, she spends a ton of time with her mother.
Mother-daughter? More like sisters!
Last year Ava moved away to study at the University of California, Berkeley, where she met her current boyfriend.

Fans couldn’t help but notice that he kinda looks like her dad, Ryan Philippe — which is probably the last thing she wants to hear. But it’s true.
So, in a nutshell, Ava is most definitely her mother’s daughter.

But what we didn’t realize up until now, is that Reese’s eldest son, Deacon, also looks a h**l of a lot like her.
It feels like the last time we saw Deacon, he looked something like this:

But as you may know, the children of celebrities seem to grow up the fastest.
So, naturally, we blinked and he looked like this:

You have my deepest sympathies if this photo makes you feel about a million years old.
I can relate.
If you can believe it, Deacon is 15 years old. Shocking, I know.

Anyway, he and Reese recently posted a hilarious mother-son video on Instagram, and it’s about to brighten your day.
It’s basically just Deacon rolling his eyes at his mom — as most teenagers do — for not knowing how to use the new app, Tik Tok.

To be fair, I had no idea what Tik Tok was either up until now.
In fact, when I first heard of it, I thought it was the 2009 classic pop hit, “Tik Tok” by Kesha.
You know, the one where she wakes up in the morning feeling like P Diddy?
The only Tik Tok that matters. Don’t @ me.
“Deacon, this is really important,” Reese begins the video. “I brought you here because I have questions for you.”

“It’s about Tik Tok,” Reese says.
“Oh, god,” he says back, rolling his eyes in typical teenage fashion.
“Should I be on Tik Tok?,” Reese asks. “Sure,” Deacon replies.

“Will you help me make a video for Tik Tok?,” she adds.
“Okay, yeah, I’ll do that,” Deacon sweetly responds.
And thus begins the best 60 second video footage I have ever seen.

It really made me wish that Reese Witherspoon was my mom too.
She is a hoot!
Watch the full video here:

Let us know what you think of this hilarious and adorable mother-son moment, and what you think of Reese’s resemblance to her children, Ava and Deacon!
Last Updated on October 1, 2019 by Elizabeth Spina