Let’s begin by acknowledging that I don’t hate raisins. They are a bit on the sweet side for my liking, but as an element in a well-rounded dessert, they can be quite nice.
That said, oatmeal raisin cookies are the work of devils and you can’t convince me otherwise. In fact, I’m low-key convinced that the reason so many people are violently opposed to raisins entirely is due to two childhood raisin traumas.
The first is being promised candy on Halloween, but getting raisins instead.

I mean, I get the impulse to hand out “healthy” treats on a holiday devoted to sugar highs, but it’s one night a year and you’re just setting yourself up to have your house egged.
The second is the awfulness of an oatmeal raisin cookie.

There are only a few ways that a child ends up presented with one.
A grandparent or family member may force it due to a misguided belief that they are a more “healthy” cookie option, or the kid may steal from the cookie jar without looking closely at the contents.
Or in my case, a dad with a sick sense of humor may trick you into thinking it’s an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie.

Only to laugh maniacally when you take that first bite and instead of melty chocolate goodness, you get a sickeningly sweet, weirdly chewy shrivelled grape.
Thanks, Dad.
I truly believe that raisins are treated too harshly by most people.

A holiday bread pudding filled with autumnal spices wouldn’t be complete without those pockets of raisin sweetness for contrast.
It’s just that well-meaning adults — or prankster parents — are ruining the honest raisin for each generation.
So down with the oatmeal raisin cookie! Chocolate chips for life!
Last Updated on August 12, 2020 by Amy Pilkington