I don’t want to darken anyone’s doorway, but I can’t remember a time when life was as hard as it is today. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, or maybe it’s due to the fact that the current state of the world, to put it bluntly — s***s.
It’s true that complaining about something never solves it, but sometimes you just have to vent! So for those of you who understand where I’m coming from, here are some quotes about the general troubles of life that I think we can all relate to .
WebMD really shouldn’t exist.
Whenever I’m sick, I always inevitably turn to WebMD for a list of possible causes and contributing ailments. In the last year alone, I can’t even begin to count the number of times I was sure I had a looming terminal disease.
Can you keep a secret?
I know that this will probably sound r**e, but I just can’t continue to have the same 30-second elevator conversations with people whom I haven’t seen (or cared to see) since high school. I wish them well, I just hope I never run into them out in public.
Well, there goes my self-confidence for the rest of the day.
Whenever I’m in a spin class, which I’ll admit is rare nowadays, the instructor always winds up coming over to my bike and cranking up the resistance. I already know I’m the most out-of-shape person in the room, you don’t need to draw attention to that fact.
It’s all about perspectives.
I understand that when you’re out at a bar, you need to be a little loose with the pocketbook and allow yourself to go with the flow. At home, on the other hand, I won’t even touch wine unless it comes in a giant 2L box.
Last Updated on February 2, 2022 by Jordan Claes