I might have told you once or twice how much I love #LifeHacks . After all, they make our lives easier and help us accomplish a task faster.
However, I had no idea that there were so many bad ones out there that pretty much do the opposite. Whoever came up with them has no business hacking anything.
1. This Fire Alarm
This is probably one of the dumbest life hacks I’ve seen in a while. If you’re going to wait that long after a fire has started, you’re not worth saving. I’m just kidding, of course. It’s silly, though, right?
2. This Glasses Fix
If the nose bed on your glasses breaks, shouldn’t you just go and have it replaced? At least, that’s what I would do. But no, this person thought this pistachio shell was a better solution. Um, no!
3. This Silly Food Hack
If you ever find yourself with no bowl to eat your pasta, here’s a hack for you. Just use a White Claw can to eat it and make a spoon to go with it. No, don’t do that either.
4. This Car Fix
If you ever encounter a problem with your car’s tire, please don’t think you can fix it yourself. This not so clever person did here, and this solution won’t hold up in court. Better be safe than sorry, folks.
5. This Useless Advice
So this Twitter user offered a so-called “life-extending” solution for anybody who wants to have a baby. Oh yea, that’s exactly how leap year works. And secondly, expectant mothers can definitely pick a day their kid is born. Seriously!
6. This Lazy Man’s Furniture Assembly Hack
We all know that IKEA furniture can be such a pain to assemble. Am I right? I get it, but that doesn’t mean you can just leave it in the box. That won’t fly in my house.
7. This Travel Hack
If you ever find yourself traveling on a train for a long time without a pillow, listen up. This man grabbed a Twix bar and used it as one. Um, I don’t see how this provides any cushion whatsoever, but alright.
8. This Cooking Tip
This lady thought she was so smart that she would offer some cooking tips to her Twitter audience. Thing is, there is no appliance that could handle that temperature, so the joke is on her. Am I right?
9. This Car Key Idea
I don’t know if you’ve ever had a car key break on you. That must s**k. So before you get a replacement, you may need to resort to some unorthodox ideas like this one, for example. Wow!
10. This Food Expiration Trick
Here’s some sound advice from a Reddit user, “My wife likes to throw away food on the expiration day. Lifehack: move it to a bowl that doesn’t label the expiration date to keep food longer.” Um, I don’t think that’s how it works, dude.
11. This Novel Way To Gear Shift
If this is how your car shifts gears, I think it’s time for a fix. I mean, I suppose it does work, but I wouldn’t risk it if I were you. Do you feel me?
12. This Car AC
One year, our car’s AC broke, and I can tell you right now that wasn’t a joke. It got pretty hot and uncomfortable. However, I had no idea we could just have done this instead, ha, ha!
13. This DIY House Boat
Oh my goodness, what in the heck is this? I think it’s a house, but then again, it’s a boat. Oh wait, it’s both. How in the world is this even still floating? I will never know.
14. This Work Dress Code Workaround
Does your work have a strict dress code where you can’t wear ripped pants? So did this girl’s but she found a way to fool those sneaky HR people. Honestly, I wouldn’t go that far.
15. This Fashionable Idea
OMG! What? This must be the most ridiculous fashion hack. Please, ladies, don’t start wearing underwear as a top. That is definitely not a good look on anyone. I can’t believe she even did that, ha, ha!
16. This Old-School Computer Hack
I don’t know about you, but I find it annoying when I see all those ads pop up in the sidebar when I’m scrolling online. I guess this lady had enough, so she found a way to avoid it alright.
17. This Contacts Hack
If you can’t afford tinted contacts, don’t worry about it. According to one person on Imgur, you can leave them in a cup of coffee overnight, and they become instant sunglasses. Um, yeah, don’t try that.
18. This Wall Shelf
Oh wow! What the heck am I looking at here? Seriously? Is this person joking? I mean, if you have money to spend on all that masking tape you might as well just buy a proper shelf.
Oh, no! I can’t believe what some people resort to, huh?
I mean, a few of these hacks could possibly work, but then again, I wouldn’t risk it if I were you. After seeing these, I might need to reconsider my love for life hacks altogether.
Last Updated on October 20, 2021 by Kasia Galifi