I don’t know if I told you I’m a pretty frugal person. At least I try to save as much money as I can when I shop. And I’m always on the lookout for products that are not only reasonably priced but are super useful, too.
So when I stumbled upon this Reddit thread that asked, “What purchase under $100 improved your life?” I was really intrigued to see what other people found. Let’s check their answers out.
This Gardening Book

“A book on gardening on a budget. I had nothing to do in my life at the time and needed a hobby. It was soothing and I felt like I accomplished something when I reused old furniture to make garden beds. I was depressed but gardening gave me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Can’t leave my spinach thirsty right? I ate healthier, I meet friends and now it’s a passion for me.”
I love that, especially since I did a garden this year for the very first time.
This Shower Improvement

“I just got a water filter for my shower head. Now the water doesn’t smell like chlorine.”
I second that purchase and I love my shower head filter, too. It also makes your skin and hair so much softer.
This Car Accessory

“Bought a jump pack for $50-$70ish, it jumped my car four times on one charge and still reported a 3/4 charge level. Super easy to use (just hook it in, push the power button, and then start the car) and it can charge phones and such, too.”
Oh yeah, that’s so needed. That’s for sure.
This Dash Cam

“Dash Cam. More peace of mind when driving. Got one for my mom as well, not a month later it helped her win a court case against a scammer.”
Oh my goodness. Is that right? Well, it sounds like it came in handy for this lady here, alright.
This Super Cool Tool

“Soldering Iron. Any broken technology you got could be fixed with these! Careful though cause they burn hotter than a glue gun.”
That’s absolutely right. I remember my dad always had one and fixed everything around our house.
These Orthopaedic Insoles

“I didn’t think of this, but you’re right! Without mine, I’m good for two hours of errands. With them, I can do 30,000 steps on vacation.”
They really are a lifesaver and if you can find them under $100 that’s even better.
This Electric Toothbrush

“Oh yes, this is absolutely true for me. Paid less than $50 for my Sonicare. No need for a super fancy model. The base models still work great. My dentist always compliments my teeth. This never happened before I got an electric toothbrush.”
I have one and the same thing happens when I go to the dentist. It’s definitely worth the small investment.
This Used Suit

“The suit and tie I bought at my local Salvation Army to land me the job of the century that changed my life.”
Oh, wow! Kudos to this person for landing their dream job, thanks to a used suit, of all things.
This Bathroom Accessory

“Get a bidet. Game changer. Life changer.”
“1000% came to say bidet. Environmentally responsible and clean and refreshing.”
Ha, ha! You don’t say? I’ve always wanted one, but I had no idea you could get one for under $100. Hmm, I must look into that. They’re very popular in Europe, you know.
These Proper Bed Sheets

“Nice bed sheets. Been sleeping like a king.”
The truth is we spend a large amount of time sleeping, so it makes sense to have your bed as comfortable as it can be. That’s why having good quality sheets is key.
This Paper Towel Alternative

“Sweedish dishcloths. Who knew that there could be innovation in the dishcloth domain? These are fantastic. Wherever you would use a paper towel, sponge, or dishcloth — use this instead. They absorb like crazy, wring out to almost bone dry, and last a long time. It is estimated that each one will save you 17 rolls of paper towels.”
Oh, I need to try those.
This Pet Idea

“Got my first dog for $20. He was an older dog at the shelter (6), snarled if you came near his enclosure so I almost kept walking, but something about him made me ask if I could meet him in the yard. Soon as he was out of his shelter enclosure he was a total carebear. Turns out he just didn’t like being in there. Since he’d been there for three months he was slated to be put down, and instead of the usual $100 adoption fee, his was $20 to cover the microchipping. Had him for six years before we had to put him down (aggressive cancer). Best $20 ever.
Aww, I love that.
These Pillowcases

“Silk pillowcases. Screw $40 shampoo, all I needed were these things and my hair is d**n near perfect every day.”
I so need to get myself one of these. I love my hair after I wash it but the next morning it’s so greasy and gross.
This Old School Razor

“An old school safety razor, a badger brush, and a jar of shaving cream paste. My skin doesn’t get trashed anymore by the multi-blade disposable garbage everybody uses. It’s hella cheaper ( I can buy blades for cheap as h**l and the paste lasts forever) and I’m not throwing insanely expensive plastic razors/cartridges in the trash weekly. I actually love shaving now, brushing that sandalwood-scented foam on with that brush has turned a chore into a luxurious bit of ‘me” time.'”
I’ve been thinking of getting that, too.
This Magic Grill

“18” Weber charcoal grill, $60 in 2006. Big enough to smoke a 15-lb. pork shoulder, small enough to use on any crappy little deck or bring to a tailgate in an economy station wagon. I might need to replace a vent cover… in another year, maybe. If you could quantify enjoyment, this thing has the single highest Joycount per penny spent of anything I’ve ever bought.”
We definitely need to upgrade our BBQ.
These Sandals

“Got a pair of Doc Martens flip-flops so no replacing flip-flops every year. On most flip-flops, the thong part breaks after a while. These haven’t yet and I’ve had them for over 15 years. I don’t think they make them anymore either.”
Okay, how did I not know Doc Martens made flip-flops?
This Kitchen Appliance

“Air fryer — game changer.”
“People either love them or see them as useless. I love them, it’s basically a microwave that cooks things with the quality of an oven. There are pretty much no downsides.”
I still need to get one of those. If anybody can recommend a good brand, let me know.
This Cat’s Best Friend

“Automatic cat feeder. No more 5 a.m. wake-ups — we’re hungry.”
Wow, that does sound like a game-changer for sure. If only our cat didn’t wake us up to let him out, ha, ha. How do you stop that? Inquiring minds want to know.
Wow, so many cool items here, and all under $100!

Did you learn anything new today that could make your life better? I, hands down, need a bidet now, haha. So as soon as we get a more spacious place, that’s one thing we need to put on our must-get list. What item have you bought, for under $100, that’s totally changed your life?
Last Updated on September 2, 2022 by Kasia Galifi