Picture this: you’re 33 weeks pregnant with a high-risk pregnancy, and your husband decides to go on a 10-day trip to Europe. Sounds like a recipe for disaster, right? One woman found herself in this exact situation, and she’s not feeling too great about it. While she wants her husband to have some fun, she can’t help but worry about her own health and the wellbeing of their toddler. Is she being unreasonable for making her husband feel bad about his trip? Or is he the one being inconsiderate? Let’s dive into the story.
Husband’s Euro Trip Plans
A High-Risk Pregnancy
Increasing Risks ⚠️
Optimism Amidst Uncertainty
No Support Network
10 Days Away
Emotional Milestone
Memories and Concerns
Party Scene Worries
Inconsiderate and Irresponsible?
Feeling Bad but Not Cancelling
The Great Euro Trip Debate: Who’s in the Wrong?
So, we have a wife who’s 33 weeks pregnant with a high-risk pregnancy, and her husband is planning a 10-day trip to Europe. She’s worried about her health, the wellbeing of their toddler, and the lack of a support network in case something goes wrong. On the other hand, the husband feels bad but isn’t considering cancelling the trip. Is she being unreasonable for making him feel guilty? Or is he the one being inconsiderate and irresponsible? The internet has some thoughts…
Husband’s Euro trip vs. high-risk pregnancy: NTA for wanting him home
Husband chooses Euro trip over high-risk pregnant wife. NTA.
No plan for childcare or care during hospitalization, NTA
Husband’s Euro trip vs. wife’s high-risk pregnancy and toddler ❌
Pregnant wife needs husband’s support, not a European vacation
Husband prioritizes vacation over wife’s pregnancy and child’s care. NTA.
Husband’s Euro trip during high-risk pregnancy?
Husband’s Euro trip during high-risk pregnancy and COVID-19? NTA, stay home!
Solutions discussed for pregnant wife’s care while husband’s away
Husband wants Euro trip during wife’s high-risk pregnancy? NTA wins
Leaving pregnant wife for Euro trip? NTA says commenters
Partner wants Euro trip during wife’s pregnancy: commenters suggest solution.
Spouse’s Euro trip while pregnant? NTA says the crowd
Husband prioritizes partying over pregnant wife and family. NTA.
Husband’s Euro trip or pregnant wife? NTA suggests divorce!
Husband’s Euro trip during high-risk pregnancy: NTA says comment
Husband’s Euro trip during wife’s pregnancy: NTA calls him selfish
NTA. Suggests getting help and being petty with divorce prints
NTA. Supportive commenters suggest leaving husband, dropping dead weight
Commenter calls out husband’s irresponsibility, warns against going.
Husband’s Euro trip while pregnant? Commenter says NTA, husband TA
NTA husband’s lack of concern for wife and child alarming
Being present for your pregnant wife is crucial.
Commenter suggests hiring caretaker/nanny, deems husband NTA.
Husband’s Euro trip over high-risk pregnancy? NTA, divorce imminent
Pregnant wife needs support, husband wants Euro trip. NTA.
Commenter suggests leaving husband for abandoning pregnant wife.
Husband’s Euro trip vs. pregnant wife. NTA comment agrees.
Support and understanding for pregnant wife, but husband not TA
Pregnant wife has valid concerns, husband should understand. NTA
Supportive comment highlights husband’s potential regret.
Leaving a pregnant wife with a toddler? Not cool, dude.
NTA needs support during pregnancy, husband being inconsiderate
Supportive comment about husband’s Euro trip being insensitive.
Husband’s Euro trip causing marital conflict. NTA called out.
Supportive comment from a fellow high-risk mama. ❤️
Husband’s Euro trip or pregnant wife? NTA says stay home.
NTA commenter advises leaving husband and calls out selfish behavior
Parenting requires sacrifices, husband should stay home with pregnant wife.
Supportive comment, wishing well for the family
Pregnant wife with high risk pregnancy needs husband’s support, NTA
Marriage means being there for your partner in times of NEED
NTA. Honest communication is key in any relationship.
Husband’s Euro trip or pregnant wife: NTA calls out selfishness
Husband’s risky Euro trip: NTA or YTA?
Husband’s Euro trip during a hard time? Huge problem!
Prioritizing buddies over family during pregnancy? NTA, WBTA?
Commenter slams husband for choosing Euro trip over pregnant wife
Last Updated on June 5, 2023 by Diply Social Team