Buckle up, folks! We’ve got a doozy of a dilemma on our hands. Meet our expectant couple: the pregnant wife who’s sworn off all things fun (aka booze and weed) , and the hardworking hubby who’s been dreaming of a well-deserved holiday abroad . But there’s a catch! Wifey says if she can’t indulge, neither can he! ♀️ Is hubby an a****e for putting his foot down and refusing to fund the trip? Let’s dive in and find out! ️♀️
Pregnancy Problems: No Booze for Daddy-to-Be?
Hubby’s Holiday Hangup: To Drink or Not to Drink?
Weed-Loving Wife Works High, Hubby Can’t Fly High
Rare Drinkers, Until Baby on Board
No Beer with Dinner? Pregnant Wife Lays Down the Law
Hardworking Hubby Pays Bills, Needs a Break
️ No Booze, No Bliss: Hubby’s Holiday Hopes Dashed
♀️ Pregnant Wife Puts Foot Down: No Drinking for Anyone!
No Compromise, No Trip: Hubby Holds Purse Strings ♂️
AITA for Wanting to Enjoy My Hard-Earned Holiday?
Pregnancy Problems: No Booze, No Bliss for Hubby?
Well, well, well… looks like our expectant couple is in quite the pickle! The pregnant wife has laid down the law: no drinking for anyone, not even a cheeky beer with dinner! Poor hubby, who’s been busting his a** at work to save up for a dream holiday, feels like his relaxation is being ruined. He’s put his foot down and said no trip if he can’t enjoy a few drinks. The internet is abuzz with opinions on this one! ️ Some say the wife is being unreasonable, while others think hubby should s**k it up and support his pregnant partner. What do you think? Let’s see what the masses have to say about this boozy brouhaha!
Recovering alcoholic defends husband’s right to drink on vacation. NTA!
Pregnant woman defends husband against entitlement accusations.
Encouraging comment to enjoy vacation without substances.
Husband wants to drink on vacation, but pregnant wife needs rest
NTA for refusing to give up drinking on vacation
Financially controlling spouse puts winning over pregnant wife’s needs. YTA
Partner’s stress and drinking habits discussed in NAH comment.
Compromise and relaxation are key, substance reliance is problematic.
Debate over drinking on vacation with pregnant wife. YTA cancels trip.
Pregnancy is hard and YTA for not being supportive
Having one beer on vacation is reasonable. NTA
Vacation drinking over wife time? YTA, sober up dude
Pregnancy is tough, husband should support wife – YTA slightly
Curious about wife’s pregnancy and possible concerns. Reminder on marriage.
A hard truth about pregnancy and childbirth. ♂️
Grow up and toast mocktails with your wife on vacation.
Husband’s drinking on vacation sparks ESH debate.
Husband throws tantrum over no alcohol on vacation. YTA
Wife asks husband to abstain from alcohol, but he won’t. YTA.
Depriving babymoon over alcohol? YTA! Respect sobriety deal, not superiority.
Sacrificing alcohol for pregnant wife is reasonable, consider sober vacation ♀️
A comment calling out the husband’s contradicting behavior and priorities.
Supportive husband defends his right to enjoy vacation sans alcohol.
Pregnant wife forbids drinking on vacation: Everyone s***s here (ESH) ♀️⚠️
Pregnant wife forbids drinking on vacation, husband cancels whole trip
Communicate with your wife and find a compromise
A thoughtful response suggesting reasons for the wife’s request.
“Jealousy is understandable, but compromise is key”
A commenter calls out a husband for prioritizing alcohol over his pregnant wife’s needs.
User calls out drinking problem in response to vacation conflict.
Alcohol on vacation: weird demand or necessary unwind?
Finding a compromise for a sober babymoon trip
Husband jokes about drinking for two on Napa trip
Vacation woes: ESH, she’s controlling, he’s unwilling to compromise. ♂️
Husband’s financial punishment over wife’s drinking rule deemed unfair. ♂️
Should pregnant women be allowed to drink alcohol?
Discussion on husband’s responsibility during pregnancy and alcohol consumption.
Autonomy matters. Seek communication to understand her concerns
Planning to drink? Consider wife’s pregnancy and trip activities
Pregnant wife asks husband not to drink, he cancels vacation. YTA
Can’t enjoy vacation without drinking? Both are immature
Confused commenter questions husband’s motives for drinking on vacation
Support your pregnant wife and don’t be a j**k about it.
Drug use on vacation debated in comment section
NTA but wife is pregnant, she needs you sober for emergencies.
Postpone vacation? NTA’s advice for pregnant wife and husband.
Compromise is key in a healthy relationship
Red flag for commenter if partner prioritizes alcohol over vacation
Pregnant wife forbids husband from drinking on vacation – Commenter says YTA
Pregnancy concerns over drinking on vacation spark debate.
Husband’s alcohol ban on vacation, NTA for canceling trip.
Husband stands up for his bodily autonomy in relationship
Supporting your pregnant partner is crucial. ESH.
Pregnant wife forbids drinking on vacation, husband cancels trip. YTA?
Compromise and enjoy your vacation without getting drunk.
Being sober around someone who isn’t is often a drag
Discussion on pregnant wife’s substance use and fairness in relationship.
Pregnant wife sacrifices more, YTA for not skipping drinks
Pregnant wife asks husband not to drink, seeks empathy. Understandable.
Redditors call out YTA for insensitivity towards pregnant wife
Soft NTA but why not give up drinking for your pregnant wife
Transactional approach to problems in relationships is not healthy.
Advice on handling a pregnant wife’s request.
User calls out husband for prioritizing drinking over pregnant wife
NTA but empathy goes a long way during pregnancy ♂️
Pregnant wife forbids husband from drinking on vacay – YTA or NAH?
Husband breaks pact with pregnant wife over vacation drinking, deemed YTA
ESH – Good practice to cut down on drinking, but ultimatums aren’t great.
Holiday drama: Husband and wife disagree on drinking limits. ESH.
Pregnant wife asks husband not to drink, YTA disagrees ♂️
Pregnant wife asks husband to abstain from drinking, ESH in comments
Pregnant wife asks husband to sacrifice drinking on vacation. Is she TA?
Could the husband’s behavior be the reason for the wife’s request?
A pregnant woman shares how she coped with her husband’s drinking
Is the husband TA or is the wife being controlling?
Husband drinks on vacation while pregnant wife abstains – YTA
Planning a babymoon? Consider both parties’ enjoyment and safety.
Engaging in parenthood begins now, not at birth. YTA
Vacation cancelled over drinks? YTA according to commenter.
Mutual respect is key in a relationship, especially during pregnancy
Married couple dying on hills that don’t make sense ♂️
Pregnant wife forbids husband from drinking on vacation. NTA says commenter
Wife forbids drinking on vacation, NTA decides not to go. ♂️
ESH. Wife can’t decide for you, but consider her pregnancy.
Plan a sober vacation now, enjoy it fully later
Partner shouldn’t dictate actions, but consider pregnant wife’s concerns.
Last Updated on April 21, 2024 by Diply Social Team