Family drama unfolds when a daughter refuses to help her pregnant step-mother navigate a steep staircase. The father’s affair and subsequent remarriage to his mistress has left the family in shambles, with the daughter harboring intense resentment towards her dad and his new wife. This emotional encounter takes place at the daughter’s grandma’s house, where the step-mom was visiting for unknown reasons. Let’s dive into the story and find out what happened…
Dad’s Affair and Remarriage
Mum’s Regret
Cutting Ties with Dad
The Staircase Encounter
Step-Mom Struggles
Tears and Accusations
No Help Offered
Step-Mom Leaves
Grandma’s Disapproval
Decency vs. Anger
Daughter’s Dilemma: Help or Ignore?
This emotionally charged story has left us wondering: should the daughter have helped her pregnant step-mom down the stairs, or was her decision to ignore her justified? The daughter’s resentment towards her dad and his new wife is palpable, but her grandma argues that basic decency should have prevailed. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA. Grandma is baby obsessed but lacks empathy
NTA. No obligation to help pregnant step-mom. Social distancing matters.
NTA. Pregnant step-mom didn’t ask for help, assumptions were made
NTA. Daughter refuses to help pregnant step-mom. Smart a*s comments.
Pregnant step-mom refuses to help, daughter shows no kindness
YTA for not video taping it to share with your mom.
“NTA! How dare she call them ‘you b****es’! “
Pregnant step-mom struggles, daughter refuses help. NTA, not disabled
Don’t be a babysitter, let him struggle with his choices!
NTA, but cutting contact can prevent future uncomfortable situations.
Daughter refuses to help pregnant step-mom, justified or not?
Daughter refuses to help pregnant step-mom, calls her a b***h
Opinions split on whether everyone s***s here or not ♂️
Pregnant step-mom refuses help, daughter calls her a b***h
Being the bigger person to a**holes gets old
Daughter refuses to help pregnant step-mom; justified resentment and empathy.
Mixed opinions on helping pregnant step-mom, some think she deserves it
Last Updated on February 2, 2024 by Diply Social Team