There are many people in life who believe in fate and believe that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes, the universe works in such mysterious ways, that there is no denying that things are meant to be.
When you find a storyline that seems almost too good to be true, you know that it was absolutely the universe giving you something you deserve and know that you were meant to have that person or thing in your life . Not everyone believes in stuff like that, but some things are undeniable.
We go through life meeting people that we grow apart from.

Whether it’s people we meet when we’re kids, or throughout our young adulthood, many of us have had close friends that we drift away from as we get older.
It’s not one person’s fault, but many times we grow up and move away from our local neighborhoods and childhood homes, losing touch with people we once knew.
However, there are some moments where people re-enter your life.

Whether you catch up on social media, or you see each other out at the grocery store, a local bar, or a friend’s home, you sometimes are reunited with old friends and people in your life by chance.
When it happens, it’s always a warm and somewhat special feeling that you can reconnect with someone, no matter how long it has been.
But, some reunions are more special than others.

Sometimes, there are reunions we have with people that are so special, it can only happen and be brought together by fate, the universe, and some other powerful forces we truly know nothing about—but know they are there. And, let me tell you, these stories make us weep.
Amy Giberson and Justin Pounders first met back in Pre-K.

The two had met at their Pre-K, Sunshine Pre-K, in their hometown of Petersburg, Florida. They had apparently been close friends, sharing a “shy and quiet” romance on the schoolyard and in the classroom.
As Pre-K students, they were always doing activities together. But, they ended up drifting because they attended different schools for the rest of their childhoods.
Eventually, the two reconnected, without even realizing it.

Giberson and Pounders matched on the dating app and began to see each other regularly.
However, neither knew that they were the same people from that very first Pre-K class. In fact, it wasn’t until they had been together for a year that they realized they were each other’s “Pre-K crushes” from 30 years ago.
Obviously, everyone loved this story.

A story about two childhood “sweethearts” that reconnect and find each other 30 years later? Now, that’s something right out of a Hallmark Movie.
So, people picked up on their lovely story and wanted to cover it all over the media outlets—including on ABC’s “The View.” And, during their episode, something magical happened.
Pounders decided to have a surprise for his girlfriend on-air.

While appearing on “The View” to share their story, Pounders arranged for a very special moment for the two “Pre-K Sweethearts.”
The cameras cut to a Pre-K classroom, from that very Pre-K that they had met, with adorable little ones holding up signs saying, “Amy, Will You Marry Me?” And, before you know it, Pounders was down on one knee.
The two got engaged on “The View” and married a year later.

On November 18th, 2016, the couple shared a very special day in which they exchanged vows and decided to spend the rest of their lives together.
The wedding took place in a sentimental place to the bride and she was able to share the moment with friends and family—some who even remember her groom from back in Pre-K.
Deep down, the couple says it was “fate.”

“I truly feel it was fate!” Amy told People . “Our hearts met at the age of 3 and we had our own journeys to go through for 30 years, but ultimately our hearts were meant to love each other.
“He is my world and I love him more than I could ever describe. Marrying Justin is my dream come true, it was nothing short of perfection.”
And, they hope their love story inspires others.

The now-married and happy couple says that if anything, they hope that their story can inspire people to “never give up on love.”
Even though many struggle and are lonely in their own lives, there is always a chance that the universe and fate can bring someone into your life who you least expect, when you least expect it.
How beautiful!
Last Updated on February 3, 2022 by Lex Gabrielle