Every now and again, people post pictures to the internet that capture a lot of attention. Whether those pictures be powerful , important, or just straight up entertaining, you could say they’ve all left an impression in some way or another.
These pictures just so happened to do that. I can see why they ended up fascinating so many people on the web.
“Elephant gives birth to twins at Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage.”

It’s not every day that you get to hear about the birth of one elephant, let alone two. Since they’re endangered species, ever elephant birth matters immensely.
And look, they’re just so dang cute! Here’s hoping they grow up to be big and strong.
“The dog is covered with Holi powder, looks like he’s on fire.”

This is such an incredible shot, even if it’s a bit frightening. At first, it looks like this dog just ran out of a burning building. But don’t worry, the pup is just covered in Holi powder, which is way less dangerous than fire.
“President of Cairo College while passing through the college gate.”

I guess it doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re doing, if you see a dog, you might just have to stop and say hello. Luckily, most dogs are pretty friendly, and they won’t pass up an opportunity to meet a new friend.
“I ‘painted’ Mona Lisa using 720 Rubik’s Cubes.”

So, in order to do this, this guy would’ve had to arrange each Rubik’s Cube just so. That probably takes a lot more brainpower than most of us have, to be honest. At least we can sit around an appreciate this guys’ hard work.
“Went viral on Twitter & sold over $1100 worth of art prints in 24 hours!”

That’s actually super impressive. If this artist can make $1100 in commissions in one day, imagine what he can do in a month, or a year. It just goes to show you how much power the internet can have over your career.
“Ghostlike sculptures which were produced by artist Jackie Lantelli, erected in the Church of St. John cemetery, Slimbridge, UK, to commemorate 100 years since the end of WW1.”

These statues are haunting, sad, and amazing all at once. There’s no better way to honor all the sacrifices from World War I than by remembering the soldiers like this.
“This Afghan rug I found at my late father’s house.”

This definitely isn’t the kind of design I’d ever expect to see on a rug. All those cars, boats, and planes make it feel like it could be right at home with a board game. I guess having it on the ground to keep your feet warm works, too.
“This is the thickness of a Penguin’s inner layer of feathers to keep themselves insulated.”

From a distance, penguins look kind of slick, like they’d just have skin instead of feathers. But they are birds, and feathers are kind of a thing in the bird world.
At least this layer looks like it would be nice and warm.
“I took a photo of thousands of stars clustered together!”

I don’t know about you, but I just love looking at stars. It’s kind of hard to do, though, considering there’s so much light pollution drowning the stars out. Luckily, though, people go out and take amazing pictures of them. Like this one!
“A landmine-sniffing rat is retiring after 5 years of helping explosives teams clear 20 football fields worth of land.”

I, for one, had no idea that there were rats out there that could sniff out landmines. But that’s a really neat job. Hopefully this little guy can have a nice, peaceful retirement.
“Our dog had a tick. Our dog’s tick also had a tick.”

Now there’s something no one wants to see. Not just a tick, but a tick on top of another tick. That’s way too many ticks. Hopefully this person got if off of their dog before the dog got bit or anything, because that wouldn’t be fun.
“Guy Fieri, Mayor of Flavortown, cooks for firemen/first responders battling California’s Dixie Fire.”

I swear, I always hear random stories about Guy Fieri doing good things for others. And it just warms my heart.
He’s helping people who deserve the help, given all the hard work they’ve been doing to combat the fire.
“I have no idea what this is but I have never seen anything like this before.”

That’s just cool. I can see why people would flock to an image like this. The way the clouds part to show a different cloud pattern, complete with a rainbow? Yeah, pretty sure this is pure magic.
“What you see on the map (light blue) versus the true size of each country (dark blue).”

It’s pretty funny how some countries have so much land, but such small populations in comparison (I’m looking at you, Russia, Greenland, and Canada). Then again, there’s a reason why a lot of this land isn’t populated (hint: it gets real cold).
“Camera flash on a spider web.”

This is such a cool effect. The way the lights bounce off the spider web (and the spider, too) make it look like some kind of kaleidoscope. Even though it’s a picture of a spider (gross), it’s hard to look away from all the pretty colors.
“A Roman Road was discovered while excavating for a new McDonalds in Marino, Italy. They incorporated a glass floor in the restaurant after excavations were complete.”

Of all things to go over this historic road, it ends up being a McDonald’s. Talk about random.
But at least they kept the road intact in the end.
“MRI of a mother kissing her two-month-old son.”

So I guess this is what happens in the brain when a mother kisses her son, and when a baby receives a kiss from his mother. I have no idea what that all means, but there’s something amazing about this picture regardless. And I don’t think I’m the only one who thinks so.
“Amish community moving a barn.”

The strangest part of this picture isn’t the fact that they’ve lifted the barn to move it. It’s the fact that so many people have come to help. How do you even coordinate that many people moving with an entire building on their shoulders? Seems like hard work.
“California farmer Tony Dighera made plastic mold to put his pumpkins so that they grow into the face of Frankenstein’s monster. Known as ‘Pumpkinsteins.'”

I absolutely love how melons, pumpkins, and other squash-like vegetables can grow into the shape of a mold. You wouldn’t even need to carve these pumpkins, since they already look like an iconic horror movie monster.
“The ‘Witch House’, Tatra mountains , Poland.”

No thoughts, just a cool building. Pretty fitting, now that it’s September and spooky season is officially in full swing. It really does look like the kind of house a witch would live in, which makes the name so much better. Wish I could go visit.
Last Updated on September 2, 2021 by Ashley Hunte