When I was a kid, my family took me to a zoo that apparently featured a pretty hungry tiger. The reason why I say this is that as soon as my little legs stumbled a bit, I’m told that this tiger suddenly became very interested in me.
Since I’m now able to write this, it’s clear that it wasn’t able to eat me. But that encounter does a lot to illustrate the difference in curiosity between seeing an animal at the zoo and actually trying to climb into its enclosure.
While it’s possible to find pretty much anything fascinating to a healthy degree, it’s also true that not all of what appeals to us is entirely safe. And as we go through the photos we’ll be discussing today, we’ll see plenty of opportunities to remember what should be admired from afar.
Apparently, it’s not completely unheard of for a civilian aircraft to have these missiles strapped to them.
Obviously, there isn’t much reason for the larger commercial airliners to have these equipped, but they might appear if your plane also doubles as a maritime patrol craft.
That’s because those are harpoon missiles designed to be fired at ships.
For those who grew up in the Czech Republic, this figure might bring back a lot of unpleasant Christmas memories.
Apparently, some parents would hire people to dress as this Krampus-like figure so they could come into their houses and scare their children into behaving by screaming, moaning, and rattling chains.
Some would even have bags that appeared to have children’s feet sticking out of them to complete the illusion.
Sometimes, it’s not the figure itself that it may be best to stay away from, but its maker.
For instance, this strange creation with a mannequin head doesn’t appear to be able to move, but it’s hard to imagine any non-sinister intentions behind building it in the first place.
If something is big and watching you from a tree, it’s almost not enough to say that approaching it is a bad idea.
Really, being outside in general while this thing is lurking around is probably ill-advised.
And unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as though the uploader ever found out who or what it is.
It may be hard to bring ourselves to approach this statue of Lucifer at the Holy Trinity Church, but it definitely looks secure.
Some commenters have wondered whether it was necessary to include so many wires, but I can’t really say there’s such a thing as “too many” if the alternative involves this massive sculpture falling on us.
Just because these folks look happy, that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily welcoming.
While I can’t say I know a way to make a mysterious group gathered in the woods at night look comforting , I can say with confidence that the answer is definitely not giant happy face masks.
I hope I’m never so desperate to use the bathroom that I’d consider exposing myself to whatever this is.
The best case scenario is that these are just plant roots, but it’s also possible that we’re witnessing the spread of some kind of fungus and nothing about that sounds good.
There’s no danger in getting close to what we see in this picture, but it clearly shows why we should avoid what causes it.
That’s because this was the scar that formed after this man was struck by lightning.
It’s wild to think that this is actually one of the better case scenarios after that happens.
Even if nothing comes of it, it’s hard not to be nervous if you see something like this while walking through a train tunnel.
It’s hard to figure out the least welcome encounter in this scenario if we had to choose between a person cloaked in shadow, an angry wild animal, or an actual moving train.
This scene is oddly amusing to look at, but it would be hard to feel comfortable about spending the night here.
It’s not that I normally expect much to happen when someone puts a car on a roof.
It’s just that this roof doesn’t look too sturdy, so I’d really need to know which room is under it.
Uh oh, it looks like this guy picked the wrong place to relieve himself.
Although it’s only natural to want to turn away from the shore and give ourselves at least a little privacy, that also makes it a lot harder to spot approaching sharks.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not wild about the prospect of finding out what it wants.
Just because something is cute, that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to get too close to it.
Although the woman who made this TikTok post was clearly excited about having so many curious raccoons stop by, it doesn’t change the fact that one of them bit her.
That seems like a long day of rabies testing that I’m not trying to have.
Fortunately, the person at the top left of this image does not actually exist.
In fact, neither of the subjects in this photo do, as they are composites from facial data collected by thispersondoesnotexist.com .
Obviously, the site is not entirely without its glitches.
Creepy dolls on cars aren’t a welcome sight at the best of times, but this one gets particularly unnerving when it rains.
That’s because its arms are attached to the windshield wipers, so they start to move whenever the wipers aren’t at rest.
The scene captured by this security footage is scary at first glance, but then sad once you realize what’s going on.
While it’s true that an elderly woman approached this door with a knife in her hand, her confused behavior seemed to indicate that she was suffering from dementia rather than acting with any harmful intent.
It is for this reason that I’ve elected not to reveal her face.
While the uploader was walking through the woods in Wisconsin, they came across this glowing pair of eyes.
They’re six feet tall and said that the eyes likely came up to their chest, which makes it pretty hard to determine what exactly was watching them.
This student walked into the bathroom at school only to discover that someone had lit the toilet paper dispenser on fire.
Considering how intense the blaze has already become, it seems like now would be a good time to put all those fire drills to good use.
While this person was laying in bed, a bald eagle apparently decided to crash through their window.
The window was apparently doubled paned, but all that glass on the floor indicates that this didn’t seem to matter.
This tense standoff kept going for about 45 minutes before staff from a raptor center showed up to collect the eagle. I guess it liked it in here?
I like how even the person trying to give this away couldn’t help but wonder whether it was haunted.
And the fact that someone left it on their dumpster isn’t exactly encouraging either.
At least the kid from Jumanji found the cursed game buried at a construction site. Whoever discarded this couldn’t have made it more obvious that they wanted it gone.
Once they discovered what was in it, it seems this Advil capsule gave this person more headaches than it helped with.
In case it’s not clear what’s inside the pill, it seems like an unknown bug got a little too curious during the manufacturing process.
Maybe skip that one.
Last Updated on September 1, 2021 by Mason Joseph Zimmer