I’m sure that you’ve had plenty of situations where you’ve looked at a picture and got really confused. Sometimes, the perspective of a photo can really mess you up.
And yes, the same can be said for these pics. You might have to look at them a second or third time before you really get what’s going on in them.
“This play button doesn’t start a video!”

I’m sure that when the photographer took that photo, they didn’t expect the sun to hit the roof in such a way that it would make it look like there’s a play button on there. What a crazy coincidence!
“This is a flat wall.”

I keep looking at this wall, and all I can see is a 3D ladder looking thing. Even though I know that it can’t be anything other than a flat wall. Shadows are such strange things.
“Tree sort of looks like dinosaur.”

I mean, if you’re going to take a picture of a tree at this angle, you can probably make plenty of shapes out of it. But yeah, I definitely see a dinosaur in there.
“Tree doesn’t line up right…”

I’m… actually really confused. Is the tree leaning? Is it just weirdly unbalanced? This is one of those pictures where you really can’t tell what’s going on, no matter how hard you stare at it.
“Three Headed Deer.”

From this angle, it looks less like a three-headed deer to me, and more like three deer that are posing for their debut album cover. And all because one of those deer is all turned around.
“When you get a Labrador thrown at you.”

Sometimes, when you take a picture at the exact right moment, you can find some pretty strange stuff in them. Like the fact that the chocolate milk (?) somehow looks exactly like a chocolate lab in this pic.
“Tiny cat in sink… or is it a large bath?”

That’s… a bathtub, right? Like, it would be a really weird sink, but it also looks a lot like a sink. But that cat can’t be smaller than the sink.
“Squirrel inside a bubble.”

Wow, talk about some crazy timing. I doubt that squirrel knew that bubble was going to be there (and probably didn’t care), but, well, here it is. A second or two later, and this picture would’ve been way less interesting.
“Big Feeder for a Big Bird.”

That bird feeder looks a lot more like a fancy patio table with an umbrella. Probably because it looks like the feeder is sitting on that driveway across the street.
Or it could be a really big bird.
“Truck looks like it has a possum logo.”

Yeah, it totally looks like that possum is part of the truck’s logo. But that would be a really strange animal to put on the logo for a shredding company. Yeah, that was definitely the biggest giveaway.
“Beachwalk with the doggo.”

This picture either looks like tiny people standing next to a regular-sized dog, or regular-sized people standing next to a giant dog. It could also be a regular-sized dog that’s next to and slightly in front of regular-sized humans, but that wouldn’t be as fun.
“When two become one.”

I can’t tell if that’s two dogs or a dog and a cat, but it definitely isn’t just one dog. Though, I wouldn’t put it past any pet to lie down partially inside of a piece of furniture, and partially on the floor.
“Wait, I thought I had two dogs.”

Okay, but it would be really funny if that was one really long dog. Funny, but also frightening. You know what? Maybe we’re better off not having weird, long dogs in this world.
“Spider looks much bigger than it is. Don’t worry it’s only a shopping docket, not a sheet of paper.”

Okay, I’m really glad that the caption says that the piece of paper is small, because I’d probably be freaking out otherwise. Giant spiders are too much as it is, but that’s a black widow. Yeah, no thanks.
“Whose head is whose?”

Even though I know that the head on the left belongs to the cat on the left and vice versa, I wouldn’t put it past cats to have fur patterns on their heads that look different from their bodies. Cats are weird, man.
“Headless NBA Player.”

According to OP, the player’s head is tilted back at an angle that makes his beard look like it’s the top of his head. To be honest, though, I thought this was a video game glitch for a second there.
“Why is the guy next to me at the traffic light staring at me so stupidly?”

I wonder if this was planned, or if it’s just some kind of crazy coincidence. Because seriously, what are the odds that the head on the ad was the right size to fit through the car window and create this illusion unplanned?
Step outside and get some fresh air!

It looks like there’s a big window or open doorway along this wall, but it’s actually a picture! I don’t know about you, but to me, it looks pretty realistic. I wouldn’t have known that it wasn’t real.
“Thought this was a picture of a guy swimming in the ocean.”

When you look closely, it definitely just looks like a hand holding a sea urchin. But it also kind of looks like a guy with really curly hair taking a swim. I don’t know what to believe anymore.
“A full size baby human.”

It’s actually so hard to tell where the baby ends and the mom begins. I guess in a way, though, that’s kind of what parenting is. Holding your kids in ways that make it look like their head is on your body.
Last Updated on December 14, 2021 by Ashley Hunte