Not everything is going to make perfect sense the first time you see it. Heck, there are plenty of things that don’t make sense even after you’ve spent some time looking at them.
There are some things in this list that make sense. Others, though, will have to remain a mystery no matter how badly we might think they deserve an explanation.
“The light made my drink look like it was hovering.”

Shadows and lighting can play all sorts of visual tricks on a scene, and here’s a prime example. Once you see where this drink is set, it all makes sense. But that ‘floating’ effect is uncanny all the same.
“A few months ago I stabbed a bottle of hand sanitizer with a tack. Something is now growing on the tack.”

Serious question: if hand sanitizer is so, well, sanitized, how come this tack only grows this gross stuff when it’s immersed in sanitizer?
“These icicles on my hub caps.”

I have no idea what might cause these icicles — maybe they’re drawn outwards by the centrifugal force of the wheel turning? — but it’s still cool to see the spiky effect.
“I dropped a glass of water, it landed on the floor upside down with with water still inside.”

There’s going to be a spill whenever this glass gets picked up, and the cat is totally here to see the drama.
“This Worcestershire sauce is ‘English salsa’ at this Latin/Asian grocery store.”

I guess Worcestershire sauce is, in a sense, a form of English salsa. It just feels really weird to call it that. I guess it’s easier to pronounce, at the very least.
“Six sided die I made for one of my welding finals.”

I appreciate the craftsmanship, because it’s not like I could make something like this. Still, this seems a little bit too cumbersome to use for your next Monopoly night.
“Got an engraved quarter as change.”
![Image credit: reddit | [user]](
Doing this is probably technically illegal, and may turn legal tender into illegal tender. Still, it’s pretty great. I think everyone would be happier if our money had cool skeletons on it instead of dead presidents.
“This Train Waiting for its Next Destination Was Set to ‘Chillin’ , Glasgow Queen Street Station.”

This really helps sell the train as a sentient object. If there was an error code here, it would seem like a robot. But no, it’s just chillin’. We should all aspire to me more like this train.
“My fruit snack had this strange colorless cylindrical gummy.”

One of these things is very much not like the others. Why? What is it? It looks almost like a Mike & Ike to me, but it’s hard to say for sure.
“My local supermarket built a little habitat for their mushrooms.”

It’s one thing to have an assortment of mushrooms for sale. It’s quite another to literally grow the mushrooms in the middle of the mushroom display. At least you know they’re fresh.
“I got a weird extra bead in my blue bead pack and it kinda looks like a goldfish in water.”

I shouldn’t be so fascinated by this pic of one orange bead in a sea of blue beads, but it’s oddly soothing.
“This maple leaf stopped the water from turning into ice in one place and made a cool outline.”

With a little bit of touch-up work in Photoshop, this image could become the phone wallpaper of choice for Canadians everywhere.
“My girlfriend’s car has had a cockroach stuck in its taillight for over a decade.”

It’s a pain to mess with your car’s lights, so I understand not wanting to go in there. Still, cockroaches are gross enough to almost necessitate it.
“My sister found this tiny egg inside her hard boiled egg.”

I’m not going to pretend to know why some eggs are double eggs or why some eggs have double yolks. I’m just going to keep on hoping that the eggs I crack are normal eggs.
“How much information my classmate managed to fit on her exam notecard.”

It’s an impressive feat of note-taking, I’ll give her that. But I’m not sure eye strain is really worth whatever extra credit she might get on the exam.
“An abandoned Lamborghini in a parking garage in Manhattan.”

This has to be a secured garage. Park and abandon a Lambo anywhere else in New York and it’ll get stripped down to its base components in about five minutes.
“Came across this lamp full of bugs while delivering.”

This is kind of cool, in a sense. In another, more pressing sense, it’s actually very gross. It’s so gross I wouldn’t even want to look at it for too long.
“The ‘Octagon’: Egypt’s Ministry of Defense from the air.”

Washington has the Pentagon. Egypt has the Octagon — and we’re not talking about a UFC ring. Actually, now that I look at it, Egypt’s Octagon isn’t an octagon at all.
“The way these trees grew on a street in Amsterdam.”

These trees must have been planted on an angle to achieve this pleasing criss-cross effect. It bathes the street below in a beautiful, muted light on sunny days.
“Zero shadow day.”

If you live on or near the Equator, this sight is normal for you. But for the rest of us, it looks like a poorly rendered video game, one where the lighting effects weren’t properly implemented.
Last Updated on May 5, 2022 by D