If you’re someone who isn’t currently a parent but has plans to become one in the future: are you sure about that? Are you really, truly certain that you want kids?
Whatever your position is now, it may change by the time you’re done going through this list.
“Our dog peed on our new couch. My 6 year old daughter documented the events, including my reaction.”

If you bumped up the artistry on this one a few notches, you’d basically have a Renaissance painting. All of the drama is there.
“My daughter hates the sun and she drew me a picture of her yelling at the sun.”
![Image credit: [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/V9AfJL0wvi4SnHW1G9sY.jpg)
I like how there’s some, but not nearly enough, context in the caption of this photo. Why does OP’s daughter hate the sun? Who could possibly hate the sun so much that they’d want to yell at it?
“My son’s hide-and-go-seek spot.”

Part of having kids is indulging their silliness. Like, most of us could utterly dominate a game of hide-and-go-seek against an opponent who uses these tactics, but a good parent has to play along and let the kid win.
“I asked for art for my new apartment this Christmas. May I present ‘butterflies’, a painting from my nieces made entirely with their b**t cheeks. Lovely.”

To be fair, compared with some of the questionable art that kids create, this b**t cheek extravaganza isn’t even that bad.
“Because we all have that one kid…”

When you graduate from kid, singular to kids, plural, you’ll start to notice a few differences between kids. You’ll love them all equally and all that, but still, let’s just say there will be differences.
“Little sister was invited to the ‘princess party’. But she wanted to be a puppy.”

I admire this kid. She turned it from a princess party to a whatever she wanted to dress up as party, and should be commended for it.
“My 4 year old thinks he’s a ninja so my wife took a ‘before’ picture and showed him. He absolutely thinks he’s completely invisible in front of our black appliances.”

As a parent, you’ll have to resist the urge to trick your kids…unless it’s really, really funny.
“My daughter’s personality perfectly expressed through her outfit choice.”

Kids are weird, and there’s no telling what kinds of aesthetics they’ll be in to. In ten years, will this kid be into princess stuff or dark, gothic stuff? It’s a toss-up at this point.
“My son is a f**t for Halloween.”

If there was a contest for best costume, this kid darn well better have won it. If he didn’t, I’m pretty sure the fix was in, because this is the best costume I’ve ever seen.
“My daughter looks like a mom that regrets all her life decisions.”

Are you on the fence about having kids? The thousand yard stare on this little girl’s face is essentially what you’re in for, so if you’re going to do it, be prepared.
“I run grief and loss sessions with children. This 5 year old is wise beyond her years.”

This kid totally gets it. Judging from the color of the pic, it looks like she’s talking about fried chicken. Excellent call, I must say.
“My daughter’s reaction when holding her new baby sister. Much heavier than the dolls she practiced on. LOL.”

To be fair to this kid, this is also my reaction when I’m handed a baby. All I care about is transferring the baby to someone else before I drop it.
“My son was invited to a birthday party to learn ‘superhero’ moves, aka jujitsu. He took it very seriously.”

Kids love dressing up, and this pic proves it. Basically, we encourage them to play dress-up and be creative as much as they want, right up until we tell them to stop playing dress-up.
“These kids were asked to dress up as Elves for their school play. One kid dressed up as Elvis.”

I wonder if this was a case of poor photocopying blurring the line between ‘elves’ and ‘elvis’, or if this kid just wanted any excuse to bust out his sweet Elvis outfit.
“The outfit my nephew wore to meet my boyfriend.”

I don’t know what this kid is getting at with his sunglasses at night / pajamas getup, but I’m sure it left some kind of impression on everyone who saw it.
“Potentially the best answer my daughter has ever given on a worksheet.”

This kid has some serious chutzpah to call out her principal so boldly. To be fair, maybe the principal really should reconsider their career choices and find something more fitting.
“My niece discovered the cat door today.”

This is a cute pic and all, but there’s a fine line between ‘cute pic’ and ‘my toddler escaped out the cat door and is now roaming the neighborhood in diapers’. At least she didn’t get stuck, I guess.
“Imagination Level 100. My 2-yr-old daughter drew a pillow with chalk, then laid down for a nap…”

I wonder if this toddler has a dark personality and is re-enacting a crime scene, or if all that chalk art simply got her tired out.
“Okay…at least my daughter is cute.”

Can this kid really be scolded for these answers? They were asked to name the angles, and they named them. If the teacher wanted a more mathematical answer, perhaps the question should have been more specific.
“The wife is getting dinner ready… I think…”

Trying to accomplish everyday tasks while raising a kid is kind of like defusing a bomb: the objective is within sight, but it’s going to take some careful manouvering to get to that point.
Last Updated on October 20, 2021 by D