We all have our food preferences, but what happens when your significant other is a super picky eater? One guy found out the hard way when he accompanied his girlfriend to her favorite French café. Despite his willingness to try something new, he couldn’t find anything on the menu that appealed to him. Little did he know, his decision not to order would lead to an unexpected and dramatic reaction from his girlfriend. ️
The French Café Dilemma
First Time for Everything
Wheat Bread Woes
Trying to Be Supportive
The Big Deal?
Compromise and Irritation
A Small Menu
No Awkwardness, No Allergies
Usually Finding Something
First Time for Everything ️
Bread Revelation
White Bread Preference
A First in the Relationship
Trying New Things
No Food Waste Here
The Unforgettable Café Clash
So, our picky eater boyfriend thought he was being supportive by joining his girlfriend at her favorite French café, even though he couldn’t find anything on the menu that he liked. Instead of ordering something he wouldn’t enjoy, he decided not to eat at all, thinking it would allow his girlfriend to savor her meal. But to his surprise, she got furious and stormed out of the restaurant! The couple ended up going somewhere else, but the whole situation left him feeling irritated and confused. Was he really in the wrong for not ordering anything? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this culinary conundrum… ️
Research ahead of time to avoid ruining dinner plans. YTA
Dealing with picky eaters is exhausting
Girlfriend’s options limited, YTA for refusing to order anything.
Pro tip: Google the menu before dining out with picky eaters
Experienced similar argument, GF is right. YTA ♀️
Picky eater boyfriend gets called out for his behavior.
Boyfriend’s picky eating ruins girlfriend’s French café experience
Boyfriend’s picky eating causes conflict, deemed the a**hole.
Respectful comment defends picky eater boyfriend’s choice not to order.
Being a picky eater is okay, throwing a fit is not
Girlfriend’s French café dreams shattered by picky eater boyfriend. NTA.
Supportive spouse shares similar experience with picky eating.
Communication is key in relationships . Don’t be a picky eater
Let people enjoy their food choices , NTA for being picky.
Expand your palate and stop ruining your girlfriend’s experience. YTA
Importance of eating together highlighted in French café incident
Honesty is the best policy, NTA for not wasting food
Girlfriend overreacts to boyfriend’s picky eating habits. NTA.
NAH verdict, but the girlfriend may feel like he’s not enjoying.
Vegetarian commenter calls out picky eater for ruining date night
Supportive comment, agrees with NTA judgement
Check the menu beforehand, YTA. Ruining the shared experience
Family of picky eaters enjoys going out for company, not food
Defending picky eaters and suggesting checking menus to prevent issues.
Girlfriend tries to control boyfriend’s food choices at French café
GERD-sufferer supports girlfriend’s reaction to picky eater boyfriend
Compromise is key: finding a restaurant that suits both is ideal
Boyfriend’s picky eating habits deemed selfish by commenter.
French restaurant with no baguettes? Commenter asks for clarification.
Girlfriend overreacts to picky eater boyfriend at French café
Girlfriend calls out picky eater boyfriend’s ignorance with sass.
Respectful NTA comment defends picky eaters at restaurants.
Enjoying partner’s company matters more than food preferences
NTA calls out girlfriend’s childish behavior at French café
Food differences can be accommodated without drama
Girlfriend not wrong for not wanting to pay for unwanted food
Partner is YTA for not warning girlfriend about picky eating.
Don’t let anyone bully you into eating something you don’t want
Communicate like an adult YTA gets called out.
Savvy tip for picky eaters to avoid arguments with partners
Picky eater gets called out for not asking about other options
Defending picky eaters, NTA comment sparks no replies
Defending picky eater, calling out girlfriend’s overreaction. ♂️
Defending picky eater: GF overreacted, NTA.
User calls out picky eater boyfriend for being the a**hole.
Being a picky eater shouldn’t ruin a good time
Being picky on a date is a turn off, be honest
Agreeing to go but refusing to order? YTA according to commenter.
Empathy and understanding can go a long way
Being a picky eater is okay, NTA for not ordering.
Picky eaters unite! NTA for refusing unappealing food
Undiagnosed ASD may explain picky eating behavior. NTA.
GF thinks BF is passive aggressive for not ordering at café
Standing up for picky eaters, NTA comment sparks no replies.
Communication is key in any relationship, especially when it comes to food
Girlfriend demands picky eater BF to eat with her, gets mad. NTA
Girlfriend overreacts to boyfriend not ordering at French café
Partner’s picky eating habits cause discomfort and annoyance. YTA.
Boyfriend NTA for not ordering at French café, girlfriend TA for making a scene ♂️
Understanding partner appreciates picky eater boyfriend’s effort to try new foods.
NTA boyfriend and GF have different tastes, no big deal
NTA for having personal food preferences. Girlfriend’s reaction was childish
Defending picky eaters, NTA commenter calls out girlfriend’s tantrum.
Partner’s picky eating causes awkward situation at French café
Judgmental comment about picky eaters sparks backlash
Defending picky eaters and compromise in relationships. NTA verdict.
It’s your body, eat what you want!
Understanding partners make all the difference
Refusing to eat with girlfriend at French café makes YTA
NTA, accommodating picky eaters is not uncommon at restaurants
Picky eater defends boyfriend’s behavior, calls girlfriend’s reaction overblown ♂️
Engaging with your partner’s dietary needs is important. NTA.
Being a picky eater doesn’t make you the a**hole. NTA
Understanding and empathy for picky eaters is important
Picky eater solidarity Enjoy your food and don’t compromise!
Man’s picky eating habits make girlfriend uncomfortable. YTA.
Enjoying company without ordering food is acceptable.
No judgement for not eating, NTA. Relationship goals
Vegan picky eater calls out boyfriend’s behavior at French café
Communication is key! YTA for not telling your girlfriend.
Respectful disagreement on picky eating and communication
OP is called out for being a picky eater.
Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by Diply Social Team