There are many relationships in life that are so very special and important. One of those relationships is between a mother and their child. From day one, as a child, mothers are there to take care of their children and support them in every way.
Most importantly, they show them love and affection to set the standard for them for years to come.
Books have the power to make a huge impact on people.

Growing up, there are so many books that showcase the love between a mother and a child.
It’s one of the most profound loves in the entire world.
Many children’s books display the amount of love a mother has for their child.

That no matter how old their child gets, they will always be there for them.
Support will always be the most important thing.
One book we all remember is “Love You Forever” by Robert Munsch.

The children’s book is a staple of everyone’s childhood, literally.
Every parent gets this book as a gift, or even gets it themself, to read to their child night after night. And, kids fall in love with the book, too, for its value.
The book looked at the development of a relationship between a mother and her son.

The book showcased the dynamic between a mother and her son, how she would rock her son “back and forth” and recite the same lines to her son every night.
“I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living, My baby you’ll be.”

It’s one of the saddest, most heartwarming, and best books ever. With every page, you feel your tears well up more and more.
At the end of the book, the roles switch.
As the mother gets older, the end of the book shows that the son becomes the caretaker of his own mother.

He is still rocking her “back and forth,” reciting the same famous four lines.
“I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living, My mommy you’ll be.”

The backstory behind the 1986 book, however, is truly heartbreaking.
A lot of people might not know that, but we’re about to explain why to you.
While the book holds dear value in children’s lives, the author actually wrote the book from a heartbreaking experience.

The book was originally a four-line poem that Munsch would sing silently to himself after his wife gave birth to a stillborn baby—their second stillborn baby.
Unfortunately, Munsch and his wife couldn’t have children.

After the two stillborn children, Munsch and his wife were told they could not have kids. So, he instead dedicated his life to working in orphanages and got a master’s degree in Child Studies.
The couple later adopted three children.
While the backstory is very sad, many still remember this book fondly.

Many think of it when they see their own children or even see children caring for their own parents in the world.
One person shared a photo of a mother and son on Facebook, seeing the son holding his elderly mother in the hospital, saying it immediately reminded her of Munsch’s book.
Many people online were moved by the image and shared their own relationship to the book.
One person said that they read this book to their three children as toddlers.

And now, they all have children and she reads it to her grandchildren, as well. And, all of them love and know the song by heart.
Others shared that the book is sentimental to them.

Some people shared how often they read this book to their own children. Others said that no matter what, they cry whenever they read this book.
While the book has some sad backstory and came from a dark place, it’s so moving to see how many people it impacted!
But after all, that’s the point of books, whether they are meant for adults or children.
They are meant to make an impact and change our lives.
Now, we want to hear from you.
Did this book have a large impact on you? Or was another book more monumental for you?
Let us know down below in the comment section! We would love to hear from you.
Last Updated on August 19, 2021 by Lex Gabrielle