Life is full of lessons , big and small. It’s hard to find a silver lining when something goes completely wrong, but there is something to be said about learning from the experience .
Let’s just hope everybody in this list learned from their experience, because if not…well, let’s try not to think about sharing the roads with them.
“Went to the bathroom. Came back to find that my GF had taken a bite out of my burrito.”

How do you know someone is a full-blown psychopath? You could ask them to complete a psychological test, or you could just see them do something like this.
“Friend woke up to see his car like this.”

I’m lucky this has never happened to me, because I don’t know what I’d do. It’s not like you can just drive off when your car has no wheels.
“My flat mate has taken the security of the milk in next level. He cut one milk bottle into half and put on top of the new one and lock it so nobody can try to steal milk from him.”

I understand that food theft among roommates can be fraught territory, but it feels like this is just taking security to unnecessary levels.
“Got Chinese food for dinner, this was my fortune.”

Do you ever crack open a fortune cookie and think to yourself, this is the one…this is the fortune that’s going to be true ? I sure hope this one isn’t true.
“The Gaelic Athletic Association, in Ireland, show voting results like this.”

“So, you see, both sides are far apart, but both sides are also gigantic pies.”
They’re so, so close to getting the concept of pie charts — and yet, so very far.
“Never noticed.”

All of the components to a good cereal box photo are here: the cereal, the bowl and the splashing milk. They just got things a bit twisted.
“Bought fried chicken at the airport. Then, as I was boarding, the bag ripped from the bottom side.”

Let this be a lesson to all of us to steer away from extravagant fried chicken purchases at the airport…or the purchase of any food from an airport.
“I was babysitting my cousin while her dad was away on business. He told me dinner is in the freezer. Yum, battery and broccoli. Just like mom used to make.”

Tell me you don’t know how to cook without telling me you don’t know how to cook.
“Just pulled into our campsite 450 miles away from home.”

Car keys are made of solid metal. They shouldn’t break. And yet, sometimes they do break when you’re 450 miles from home. Hope they have a spare somewhere!
“Tell the firefighters to bring their chainsaw…”

This is already inaccessible due to the trees, but tying a chain around it is just the icing on the cake. It’s like somebody wants fires to spread uncontrolled.
“Who needs to strap down a load?”

Seeing flatbed trucks carrying big loads makes me nervous even if the loads are fully secured. This would give me a panic attack. What are the odds everything made it to its final destination without flying off at some point?
“Someone put the P’s on wrong.”

The sign still reads what was intended, it just looks a little weird. There’s a lesson here about beautiful imperfections, maybe, or just leaning into your mistakes, something like that.
“PS4 game.”

It’s hard to correctly label items. It’s not like video games all have the name of the system they’re intended for prominently displayed on the box or anything.
“My bank told me off.”

This is kind of useful to know. I’ve put dumb messages on cash transfers before, though I haven’t gotten quite this dumb. So, I think we’ve all learned a little something from this person.
“Spotted at my local McDonald’s. I feel uhhhh… mocked.”

I’d imagine if you worked in a drive-thru for any length of time, you’d get highly irritated anytime someone said, “Uhhhh…”
“Someone ‘threw away’ helium balloons- they are now floating in the trash chute on the top floor of my building.”

The cool thing about throwing away helium balloon is you don’t really throw them away, you throw them up. Wait, that doesn’t sound right.
“Had an air purifier running for over a year with the filter covered in plastic the whole time.”

Maybe the air in this guy’s house isn’t purified, but the packaging on that air filter sure is.
“There are 1,013,913 words in the English alphabet but I can’t string any of them together to explain how frustrated I am.”

Some failures are so significant that no amount of swearing will make things better. I think this is one of those cases.
“I don’t paint often, so I was really proud of myself for remembering to wear gloves this time.”

Maybe this person can expand their gloves budget to cover sleeves next time. Gloves are definitely a good start though!
“Just found out you have to clean out your dryer’s lint. Being single is hard.”

I don’t understand how people don’t know about the lint trap, but clearly this is a lesson some folks still need to learn, because that guy is holding one gigantic fire hazard.
Last Updated on March 9, 2022 by D