There are some situations that we get ourselves into, or things that we find ourselves doing, that leave us baffled at our own insanity.
So, from people who bought things that really didn’t need purchasing to individuals who hired very strange mechanics, here are 20 people who might have out-clevered themselves.
“My dog ate my wallet, so I got a new wallet with a picture of my dog eating my wallet.”

Surely this is just issuing your dog a challenge to try and eat this wallet as well?!
Talk about Walletception
All we need now is for the dog to eat the picture!
“They got their phone number game down.”

“And you’re saying that you actually want the number to end with ‘p**p’?”
“For the last time, yes! And I’m not a creep!”
Oh yeah, no problem. We believe you.
I hear toddler humor is very ‘in’ right now.
“My wife got me a cake, I’m having my r****m removed on Tuesday.”

“Do you get it, I wrote goodbye a*****e because you’re getting your…”
“Oh, Sandra, I get it, don’t worry about that.”
That woman is either the best wife ever, or the worst.
I guess it depends on what the cake tastes like.
“I get the ‘gr-EAT’, but why would they do it in the other words?”

This quickly went from looking intentional to looking like the graphic designer sneezed half-way through putting this together.
Imagine if this was something important, like an eye test.
Yeah um…I think that’s a…a blob.
“Cleaning out my grandmother’s old house and found this absolute gem written to her by my grandfather some time in the 50s.”

It looks like this person’s grandfather may have shot themselves in the foot with this because, as someone pointed out, “The next year’s only reason: You made a [expletive] list.”
That’s not the most relatable content if you ask me.
As Shakira once said, whenever, wherever.
“Father’s Day gift from daughter. I must say I AM a great pillow layer.”

I feel like this dad might be setting the bar too high for their daughter to live up to. I mean, who could live up to this roster of talents?!
I, too, am as handsome as a flower.
This flower, to be exact.
You Sure…?

What no one will really be expecting is that they actually taste like mackerel.
This is why I have trust issues.
What’s next, we find out what’s inside of hotdogs? Wait, wait, please do not tell me.
“Celebrating more than just a birthday!”

Sometimes you just have to find any reason to make a celebration that extra little bit more special.
Ah yes, right near my second favorite holiday.
I am, of course, talking about the 25th Birthday, aka “Congrats on still living with your parents”.
“Happy birthday, grandma!”

I guess that when you hit 90 you just stop caring what the world thinks of you, although she’s got this far so she’s obviously doing something right!
That’ll be me low key.
Catch me riding rollercoasters at 102.
“This ad for Dance Therapy I found while out on a date…”

But with an advert that appealing for such a successful product, this poor guy will never be off the phone!
Fine, the ad worked!
I am, in fact, p****d. I didn’t need to read and further.
“He lid…”

So, does the gold say “She’s broken because she believed” or “Sbrensbeve”.
‘Bren’ sounds likes your high school bully’s new daughter’s name.
‘Bren’, short for, ‘Brenjamin’.
“S21 Ultra in my wife’s jeans vs my 18-month-old Son’s joggers.”

Yet more proof that we absolutely have the technology to provide women with necessary pocket space, big fashion just chooses not to.
Give me pockets or give me death.
Seriously, I want bigger pockets more than I want to win the lottery.
Hard At Work!

Even if you don’t like the job that he does, I wouldn’t go complaining to him about it!
Nothing odd to see here.
Just a regular ‘ol…um…fixer!
“The banisters at my hotel were held up by little metal men.”

But what if all of the little metal men decide to go on strike? What will guests do then?!
Probably a better man than my ex tbh.
What? It’s true!
“I mean, it wouldn’t be the dumbest thing I’ve bought.”

You would have to really go out of your way to find a dumber purchase than these rocks!
While you’re there, honey, could you pick up some authentic dirt?
I too, would also rather spend my hard-earned cash than go to the dreaded outdoors.
“L-shaped pool table…”

I am sure that there is a reason why this exists…I just don’t have any slight inclination as to what that reason is.
If I played pool, I could definitely tell you why this won’t work.
Cause I’m an ADULT who knows ADULT THINGS. Like, um, pool! And the…cues!
“You’re welcome kiddo.”

That face suggests that this kid really does wish that they had stayed six feet apart.
Watch this kid be named something hilarious.
Pandemy? Covida? Hand San?
“My hotel phone in Iceland has a special button that will wake you up if there are northern lights in the sky.”

This is one of the most wonderfully genius ideas I’ve seen for ages. Being woken up by the “Northern lights wake-up alarm” would be the only time I’d welcome a wake-up call!
I don’t see how this is a problem.
“But couldn’t you like, go outside?”
“Just bought 153 bottles of Mountain Dew Major Melon because they were on clearance for $0.25 a bottle.”

“Hello, police? Yes there has been a car crash, there’s blood absolutely everywhere! Fizzy, melon-scented blood everywhere!”
Is this Kyle’s car?
If you don’t know what a Kyle is, you’re living in lovely, lovely niavity.
“Got some old produce signs in at work. Didn’t sleep last night, and took way to long to figure out what ‘snoino’ meant.”

“Today we’re selling ‘seotamot,’ ‘rebmucuc,’ and ‘snoino’!”
“What are those?”
“No idea! But they taste like tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions.”
Reading is overrated.
I mean, you did just read this list, but let’s keep that between you and I.
Last Updated on August 17, 2021 by Paddy Clarke