To be honest, I kind of love really weird and random things. Sometimes, you learn something new, other times you see something you’ve never seen before.
But even if you come across something that’s mostly mundane and just a little weird, it’s still going to be super interesting. A lot like the weird , random things people shared in this list, actually.
“This frog sitting in my golf cart at work like he’s going to drive it.”

Chances are, that frog isn’t going anywhere. But I can’t say that it didn’t think about taking the golf cart for a spin. Mostly because I can’t read frogs’ minds.
“The scratched paint on our bathroom wall looks like a face with a big pointy nose.”

It almost looks like a person wearing a bird mask or something. Like, that nose is so big, it’s basically just a beak.
“Have a cactus at my office desk that I forgot to grab before lockdown (3/13/20) and came back last week expecting it dead. It’s perfectly fine (and yes it’s a real cactus).”

Okay, so OP can leave a cactus for two years and it stays alive, but I leave one for a month and it dies? Some people have all the luck.
“Bird made a nest on a windshield of car that’s been parked for a while.”

Hopefully the owner of that car won’t mind not using it for the next little while, because it looks like that pigeon is there to stay.
“Beer bottle shards used as budget barbed wire.”

I mean, that’s probably going to hurt a lot more than actual barbed wire. And it’s going to be a lot harder to get past. Whoever put that together might actually be a genius.
“Found a frozen snail in my frozen veggies.”

S***s for the snail. S***s for OP, too. Because I’m pretty sure you can’t just make escargot from a random snail you find frozen in a pack of frozen vegetables or anything.
“Papaya fruit looks like a bird.”

I bet every single person who walked by this papaya tree thought that one papaya was a bird. I’m honestly having a hard time seeing it as anything but a bird right now.
“A squid fact hotline I found walking around Philly.”

I guess some people really like sending (or maybe receiving) squid facts. I personally don’t care enough about squids for that kind of thing, but it’s neat for the people who do!
“Abandoned hard hat reclaimed by goose barnacles.”

That’s both really cool and really creepy. It looks like some kind of undersea monster. Or, like, a zombie or something.
Just… don’t let it get anywhere near me, and it’s all good.
“My grocery store sells Arizona Iced Tea for 78¢.”

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Arizona cans on sale for less than 99 cents (or even 99 cents to begin with). This feels so wrong, but so right at the same time.
“My friend and I found a really long pair of pants. (he’s the one holding them and he’s 6 foot).”

I have a feeling that pair of pants once belonged to someone who was really, really tall. Just a guess. Either that, or they enjoyed the feeling of their waistband in their armpits.
“This pine tree growing in the gutter at my work.”

Trees are honestly the strangest living things in the world. The way they can just grow in the most random places is pretty impressive, even if it is weird.
“You enter and exit this bathroom through a stall.”

This is so funny to me. It’s like that bathroom is actually a secret club or something. Hopefully no one tries to lock the stall door (if it even has a lock to begin with).
“My neighbor’s tree looks like a baboon is climbing it.”

I bet that’s freaked a bunch of people out. Based on the fact that the tree has no leaves on it, this seems like somewhere you don’t usually see monkeys, so…
“This woman and her hawk are hired to walk around my local town 10 hours a day to scare away seagulls.”

That sounds like a pretty easy job. But I still hope this woman (and her hawk) get paid well.
“Apparently cheddar math is a bit more complex than Swiss.”

And they’re the same brand and everything. I guess they just weren’t as confident about their ability to get 8 slices of cheddar in each pack as they were with Swiss.
“These curved parking spots.”

At least they look wide enough that you aren’t going to park in two spots, or park in a way that would block the person next to you. Still, this is beyond weird and confusing.
“Heat from this gas lamp causes buds nearest to bloom earlier than the rest of the plant.”

The extra light the plant would be getting at night probably helped it out, too. The only problem is that it’ll probably stop blooming by the time the rest of the plant catches up.
“There was a billiard ball inside of my bocce ball.”

This has just opened up a whole new world of possibilities. Are all bocce b***s secretly billiard b***s? Or was this just a hidden secret from the person who made this specific ball?
“Our host told us all the code violations had been fixed ‘except for the light in the bathroom.'”

I… feel like they probably should’ve fixed that violation, too. Like, could they not have just stuck an extension cord in there?
Last Updated on April 22, 2022 by Ashley Hunte