To go searching for something that has directions and guidance is a treasure hunt, but what about when you do it in reverse? Find the treasure first, then go about wondering where it came from and how it got there?
While it may not have a technical term, it’s happened to many people, including those in this list of people who found cool stuff and shared it online!
“This persons doorbell.”

When you push that doorbell, the homeowner doesn’t open the door, instead it swings open and reveals a crossing light. You look at your feet, it’s become a crosswalk.
A car is waiting to turn right but it can’t until you go, so you do the awkward little half jog inside. Or maybe not.
“Found an IRL Thinking Chair at an estate sale today.”

If I ever came across this anywhere, it would not be a ‘want’, it would be a desperate, soul-aching need. No, it doesn’t match any of my current decor, but who cares? It’s the thinking chair! It will always have a place in my home.
“My shoelace froze in this position.”

Are you sure you’re not playing some kind of flute out of frame there? This looks an awful lot like a snake charmer’s trick, but you’ve moved beyond just animals and began delving into controlling the inatimate.
“Found this 1829 silver half-dime in the woods. Nickels weren’t invented yet.”

Well, if you think about it, a nickel is still a half dime, just by a different name. We could go around calling quarters quarter-dollars and…wait, I’m realizing now that’s why they’re called quarters. Okay, nevermind, post canceled.
“This old high rise apartment building has a bench in the elevator.”

Wait, were benches common in elevators back in the day? Why did they do away with those? Sure my elevator ride to my apartment is maybe five seconds, but it’s five seconds I’d like to spend sitting if I have the option.
“My snow gloves have a squeegee for your googles.”

This is one good way to keep them clean, but at that point why not just install mini windshield wipers on your goggles instead? Flick a switch and wipe all the snow away, keeping your vision clear without all the work!
“I found plane wreckage while hiking in a state park this weekend.”

This just goes to show the sheer strength of the forest. A whole plane crashed into it and it’s going on like nothing happened! It was like, “Sure, yeah, we can deal with it,” and continued to grow despite the disturbance.
“My gf eats pizza sideways…”

I eat my pizza backwards and have been humiliated for it my whole life. I think me, this person’s girlfriend, and anyone else who eats their pizza abnormally should start a coalition. It’s not that bad! We deserve respect!
“This sushi restaurant has two different soaps for before and after eating.”

This is a whole new level of fancy, a sensory experience I’d never once considered in all my dining days. They say that scent plays a major role alongside taste, so smelling artificial flowers and cleanliness could really throw a meal off!
“This mosaic street sign.”

Wait, this is so pretty, why don’t we have this around more? Why are cities so afraid of doing little things that would beautify life a little? Driving around town would be so much nicer if signs looked like this.
“The dishwasher at my parents projects the remaining time on the floor below.”

A fun little easter egg that makes an appliance feel a lot fancier than it probably is. Something about projection still feels so high-tech even though it’s been around for quite a long time now. Personally, I won’t be impressed until there are touch-screen projections.
“My smoothie is the exact same color as this cup.”

This is so perfect I’m tempted to say it was on purpose, but even if it was, it’d still be impressive because you would have had to color balance that for a while to get it so close! Either way, super cute!
“An ashtray from Wendy’s back when there was a smoking section.”

Yikes, talk about old school. These are something Wendy’s probably does not want their name attributed to anymore.
It’s okay Wendy’s, we all make mistakes, and everyone was doing it at the time! Who could blame you, really?
“Nutrition facts vary depending on the state…”

Thankfully, someone in the comments had the explanation for this one, “Too put it simply. The packaging is the same. What differs is the beer that is in packaging. If you look at the carbs and alcohol they vary in each section. Each beer is a scaled down recipe to hit the target ABV. The more carbs higher the ABV will be.”
“Cat paw imprint on a 400 year old brick.”

It’s almost comforting knowing the phenomenon of animals making imprints on wet concrete has been around for so long, I can’t help but wonder if the human desire to do the same existed way back when too. Probably, we humans have always been kind of silly.
“These old shaving kits that I found.”

As small as they may be, they’re real shaving kits that used to be pretty popular way back when. Compact and convenient, they do make shaving on the go a lot easier. They could technically still be used today, but I’d rather stick to a modern razor, thanks.
“This bathroom in DFW airport that tells you which stalls are available.”

This is a savior for anyone who has even a smidge of social anxiety or general discomfort in public bathrooms. No need to knock on stalls, no fear of being knocked upon while in a stall, just a few moments of peace, for once.
“This Delorean I found in the wild.”

It’s not just a standard Delorian either, they’ve got it fully decked out and ready to time travel! They’re just picking up a few supplies before they go, you know, snacks and whatnot so they’re all prepared.
“The way the tree has devoured this very old sign at Lime Kiln Point State Park.”

If the tree completely eats the sign, does that make the sign null? No more trespassing rules if they’re not posted somewhere someone can easily read them?
Also, for the tree, does this count as an implant? Or is it more of a virus?
“The McDonald’s in France has a baguette option.”

Wait, now I really want to try a burger on a baguette. Why isn’t that an option here? It’s not like we don’t have baguettes available! By that logic, I guess I could go buy my own, but why do that when I can bother someone else to do it for me?
Last Updated on November 11, 2021 by Daniel Mitchell-Benoit