I know it seems impossible right now, but try to remember a few months ago when the coronavirus lockdown first happened. (Yes, it was only a few months and not years , though it certainly feels that way.)
During that time, just about everything was closed off to the public, including aquariums, malls, and museums, rending them entirely empty and unused.
But there were a few adorable animals who were given special permission to explore these places themselves. And it has been my privilege to write about these cuties and their heartwarming adventures.
In the past, I’ve told you guys about puppies scurrying around an aquarium, and penguins waddling their way through an empty mall.
Today, I’m happy to report I have yet another story about a penguin duo taking advantage of an empty location to do some wholesome exploring.
And this time, they hit up a Chicago museum to check out a few dinosaurs. So this story has both penguins and wicked-cool dinosaur fossils. Please prepare yourselves accordingly.
These Magellanic penguins, named Izzy and Darwin, are from the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.

In a video posted to the Aquarium’s Instagram page, the pair can be seen taking an exciting trip to the Field Museum, also located in Chicago, where they were given free reign of the entire place.
And of course, they headed straight for the dinosaur exhibit.
Throughout the video, Izzy and Darwin are filmed as they wander through the museum’s wide rooms, taking in all the fossils on display.

As the caption explains, the pair were able to check out all of the facility’s super cool dinosaurs, including “SUE the T. Rex and Máximo the Titanosaur.”
Watch the whole video below!
I have to admit, there’s just something so *bizarrely amazing* about watching two penguins waddle up beside a gigantic T. Rex.
And I should also give these guys some well-deserved credit: they never once appeared to be even slightly freaked out in the presence of such huge dinosaur bones.
In fact, they just seem genuinely curious and intrigued by the whole exhibit, and appear eager to check out everything the museum has to offer. So I’d definitely call that a worthwhile field trip!
As it turns out, Izzy and Darwin aren’t the only penguins at Shedd Aquarium who have been doing some exploring lately.
For a few months now, staff have been documenting the adventures of one of their rockhopper penguins named Wellington with the appropriately named hashtag, #WheresWellington?
Although he hasn’t hit up any museums yet, this cutie has been able to check out all the sights and exhibits inside the Aquarium.
If you want to check out Wellington, Izzy, Darwin, or any of the other penguins who call Shedd their home, you’re in luck! As of July 3, the Aquarium is officially back in operation and is open to the public. Check out its website here for more info.
Last Updated on July 11, 2020 by Caitlyn Clancey