When it comes to tattoos , there is one thing that is for sure—they are something to be thought about because those things are permanent . Unless you plan on spending money and time sitting for a tattoo you’ll have to spend more money and more time lasering off, it’s pretty smart to consider just what you’re getting tattooed before you get it.
Many couples prefer to have their names and faces “off limits” in terms of “couple tattoos.”

Some couples who choose to get tattoos showcasing their love for each other oftentimes decide that their names and faces should totally be off-limits, just in case things end up going south. Other couples are against tattoos as a couple altogether.
But, what would you do if you had your significant other tattoo a truly embarrassing photo of yourself on his body?!?

When you think about having someone tattoo your face on their body, it’s awfully sweet and truly touching—kind of. I mean, if someone loves me enough to have my face on their body forever, that’s a definite commitment right there. Just, I’d hope they pick a good photo.
One spouse is now dealing with the aftermath of her husband’s choice.

James McGraw decided to surprise his wife, Kelly, with a photograph of them tattooed on his upper thigh. But, Kelly definitely did not expect him to get the tattoo, nor to choose the photo that he did for the piece.
The tattoo was part of a “prank.”
The tattoo was to get back on a prank Kelly had played on him.
“We’ve been playing pranks on each other for 24 years. I’m one up at the moment — but I’m also scared because I don’t know what she’s now planning,” James told The Sun.
However, Kelly didn’t find it so funny.
The wife had given her hubby a pretty bad haircut, and this was his “revenge.” The photograph happens to be James and Kelly together—except, Kelly doesn’t look all that great in it. And, now he has it inked on him for life.
The photo in question isn’t just a “bad photo.”

The photograph James chose as his “revenge tattoo” is one of Kelly sleeping, with her mouth wide open, next to James. The two were on an airplane and Kelly is totally KO’d. Any wife would be annoyed, prank or not!
She said it “totally crossed the line.”

Kelly’s reaction? Not great.
“I was horrified. I couldn’t believe it. I hated the photo so much,” she said. Not only did he get the tattoo of her sleeping, he “added more chins” on her for the total package deal.
She did say she’s “come around to it now.”
Despite her original anger, Kelly admitted she “can’t look at the tattoo without laughing.” So, there is some bright side to this. The two can laugh at the tattoo forever, even when it’s wrinkly and old. I wonder how many chins there will be then!
How is she going to get revenge on something like this?

As the two go back and forth with pranks, Kelly is totally looking for something to get James back with. But, she apparently hasn’t figured out just what that will be yet. I’m sure it has to be truly terrible to get back at him for this.
Last Updated on September 7, 2021 by Lex Gabrielle