Ever been caught in the middle of a family drama that’s not even yours? Well, buckle up, because we’ve got a tale straight from the office that’s got everyone talking! A co-worker, let’s call her ‘Mystery Mom’, decides to take leave to care for her ‘new baby’. But hold on, plot twist! Turns out, it’s not her baby, but her son’s and daughter-in-law’s. And the real kicker? They don’t even know she’s coming!
The Unexpected Request
Surprise! It’s Not Her Baby!
Family Drama Unveiled
The Confrontation Begins
Grandma or Mom? The Debate Heats Up!
Boundaries Crossed?
The Final Showdown
Baby Drama: The Aftermath ️
So, what happens when you’re caught in the middle of a baby-claiming scandal? You’re left questioning if you’re the bad guy for not covering for a co-worker who, let’s be honest, misled you. And while our ‘Mystery Mom’ might think she’s the victim here, it’s clear that she’s stepping on some serious boundaries. But hey, at the end of the day, it’s not about who’s right or wrong, it’s about the popcorn-worthy drama that unfolded! So, let’s dive into the internet’s top responses to this wild tale…
NTA – Thank you for sticking up for the new parents!
NTA: MIL’s creepy behavior raises concerns of potential kidnapping!
NTA. Grandma’s possessiveness and creepy behavior raises serious concerns.
NTA. Set boundaries with nightmare MIL, focus on work aspect.
NTA. Expose her lies to HR before she plays victim.
NTA, but should’ve gone straight to HR
NTA defends son and daughter-in-law, deserves a gift basket!
NTA saves strangers, biggest favor ever! ♀️
NTA. Co-worker’s lies caused inconvenience and ruined family gathering.
Grandma-to-be caught in scandal after lying and getting caught!
Grandma-to-be caught in scandal! Not her baby, not welcome!
Confusion and disbelief as grandma-to-be tries to claim maternity leave
NTA: Keep work comments to yourself. Don’t comment on family.
Stand up for yourself! Report her unannounced visits!
NTA: Protecting family from scandalous baby-claiming grandma!
NTA: Boundaries are key! No one wants an intrusive MIL
NTA: Helping someone harass new parents? Not ethical!
NTA, cover your b**t with HR to avoid twisted stories!
Grandma-to-be escapes baby-claiming scandal unscathed!
This guy deserves a round of applause!
Grandma-to-be fights back! Will she get a restraining order?
Co-worker’s overbearing behavior ruins son and DIL’s birth experience.
NTA – Drama alert! Check out the Reddit thread for more!
NTA. Co-worker sounds like a boundary-stomping troublemaker. No obligation!
Last Updated on September 26, 2023 by Diply Social Team