Picture this: you’re working hard at your job, picking up the slack for a co-worker who calls in sick frequently. You’re not a fan of their work, but you do it anyway. Then, your boss rewards you with a gift card for your efforts. But wait! Your co-worker and another colleague expect you to hand over the gift card to the one who called in sick. What would you do? Let’s dive into this juicy office drama.
The Sick Day Habit
Sales Duty Nightmare
Picking Up the Slack ♀️
Frustration Voiced ️
A Thank You and a Gift
The Unexpected Demand
Standing My Ground
The Lingering Tension
Update on K’s Health
Standing Firm and Enjoying the Reward ☕
The Gift Card Standoff: Who’s Right?
So, our hardworking protagonist is stuck doing sales work they despise, thanks to K’s frequent sick days. After a particularly rough Monday, the boss rewards them with a gift card for their efforts. But plot twist! T and K expect our protagonist to hand over the gift card to K, the one who called in sick. Our protagonist stands their ground, keeping the well-deserved reward. Now, K and T are giving them the side-eye. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA stands up for herself after being expected to give gift card to co-worker who called in sick.
Employee receives reward for going above and beyond, but drama ensues.
Co-worker expects gift card for your shift, not the a****e.
Going above and beyond for a sick coworker, but no gift
Co-worker’s entitlement questioned in coffee reward dispute
NTA. You earned the reward for going above and beyond. No gift card handout for a sick co-worker!
Small office woes: Co-worker calls in sick, expects gift card
Bosses should treat you better and K may not be genuinely sick. NTA.
Confused commenter questions gift card handout after sick day.
Toxic coworkers and a spineless boss – time to quit?
Sick days are not gifts, NTA.
Pregnancy doesn’t stop OP from doing extra work. NTA
Don’t let a brown-noser ruin your day! Enjoy that coffee ☕️
One comment calls out undervaluing of employees in gift card drama.
Reward for extra work causes coworker gift card drama. NTA.
Rewarding someone for doing their job is not fair.
No gift card needed for doing her job. #NTA
Employee calls out sick, expects gift card, NTA refuses.
Taking a sick day shouldn’t burden coworkers. NTA for reward.
Gift card for extra work? Might as well get coffee ☕️
NTA shuts down entitled co-worker’s gift card demand.
Underappreciated and overworked? ☕ Time to find a new job
Gift card not meant to make co-worker feel guilty. #NTA
Rewarded for extra work, not punished for taking a day off
No gift card for calling in sick, NTA sets the record straight
Rewarding someone for doing their job? NTA has spoken
Time for a raise and a new job?
Generous co-worker shuts down entitled sick day beggar ♂️
A coffee as a reward? NTA, but let’s not stretch it ☕
Sales team member defends VP’s gift card decision. ☕
Keep rewards to yourself to avoid drama and jealousy
Being recognized for going above and beyond is not a reward
Rewarding coworkers for extra work is fair and appreciated ☕
NTA for taking time off, but not entitled to gift card.
Co-worker demands gift card meant for OP and another co-worker.
Employee defends not sharing commission, calls out unfairness.
NTA for denying gift card. K should thank you instead.
Reward not related to absent co-worker. NTA
Curious commenter questions why K deserves a gift card handout.
Navigating office politics and drama like a pro!
Appreciation can go a long way in boosting worker morale!
Co-worker expects gift card for calling in sick? NTA says it all.
Rewarding undeserved behavior sets a bad precedent. Stand your ground.
Opinionated comment on excessive absenteeism in the workplace.
Sales team should divide K’s work, they have experience & skills. INFO
Standing up to entitled co-workers like a boss!
Salesperson defends colleague in bizarre gift card situation.
Gift card demand raises questions about company culture and ethics.
Gift card drama: Confused commenter questions K’s entitlement
User doubts co-worker’s sickness, calls out foolish gift giver.
NTA for keeping gift card, K is for trying to get it. Boss is a huge a****e.
Deserving of reward card for doing extra work, not obligated to give it away.
Don’t let entitled co-workers guilt you into gift card handouts. NTA.
Reward for covering sick colleague’s work is not shareable. NTA
NAH co-worker prioritizes health, but it s***s for OP. Coffee compromise.
A sick day, a gift card, and good people all around
Reward should be earned, not expected. NTA
Don’t let K guilt you into giving her your gift card
Gift card drama: NTA for not giving it to absent co-worker ♀️
Coffee card causes coworker conflict. NTA wins.
Gift card debate: NTA refuses to share with entitled co-worker
Being honest with your employer is important for job satisfaction
Asserting for commission during sales work. You go, NTA!
Bosses should pay commission for work done for co-worker
Last Updated on February 16, 2024 by Diply Social Team