Imagine planning the perfect honeymoon with your newlywed spouse, only to have your family try to hijack the entire trip and turn it into a family vacation! That’s exactly what happened to one couple who decided to take matters into their own hands. After being bombarded with ‘jokes’ about their family showing up at their honeymoon destination, the couple secretly changed their plans and left their family in the dust. But the drama doesn’t end there…
Honeymoon Plans Hijacked ️
Family Vacation? No Thanks! ♂️
“Jokes” Turn Serious
Secret Change of Plans
In-Laws in the Loop
Surprise Gone Wrong
Accusations of Betrayal
In-Laws Under Pressure
Apologies and Forgiveness
Not Accepting the Apology
To Cut Off or Not?
Mom’s Anxiety
Fed Up with the Drama
The Big Question ❓
Past Interference
Honeymoon Hijack: Will They Cut Ties? ✂️
The newlyweds are now left questioning whether they should cut ties with their family after this latest stunt. The couple has dealt with constant interference in their lives, from showing up on dates to stopping them from attending a best friend’s funeral. With their family now apologizing and claiming to forgive them for ‘ruining the family vacation,’ the couple is left to decide if they can continue dealing with the drama. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Newlyweds set boundaries, family disrespects them, NTA for cutting communication
Newlyweds stand up to family’s honeymoon hijack attempt
Commenter offers support and advice to OP dealing with controlling family.
Honeymoon hijacked by family, but still NTA for wanting privacy
Family’s honeymoon hijack attempt backfires. NTA but consider consequences
NTA stands up to batshit crazy family’s controlling behavior
Setting boundaries with family can be tough, but necessary
Toxic family? This commenter missed their friend’s funeral for them
Newlyweds and commenter share terrible in-law stories, offer support.
Spouse is amazing despite family’s unwelcoming behavior.
Family hijacks honeymoon, commenter calls out inappropriate behavior.
NTA. Family took loans in your name, cut them off.
NTA for cutting off family who hijacked honeymoon. Boundaries needed
Commenter defends newlyweds and gets upvoted with support.
Newlyweds stand up to intrusive family’s honeymoon hijack attempt
Setting boundaries is not enough, consequences and follow-through matter.
Honeymoon hijack gone wrong, but NTA for standing up!
Cutting off family after financial abuse is necessary. NTA
NTA, newlyweds take back control of honeymoon from obsessive family.
Bride sets boundaries with family on honeymoon, stalks social media
Controlling in-laws ruined dates, family cut off, mom pouted
Newlyweds stand up to intrusive family, demand respect
Betrayed commenter wants genuine remorse, not just empty apologies.
NTA comment suggests petty revenge, but gets called out
Commenter shocked by insane behavior of family.
Set boundaries with family to avoid honeymoon hijack attempts
Commenter calls out family’s ‘bonkers’ honeymoon hijack attempt. NTA.
Honeymoon pit-stop turns into family vacation? NTA, set boundaries
Self-love wins! Newlyweds put themselves first and outsmart family.
Newlyweds consider cutting off family after honeymoon hijack attempt. NTA.
In-laws try to hijack honeymoon, but NTA couple outsmarts them
Newlyweds stand up to overbearing parents on honeymoon
Cut them off for good. Seek support from online communities.
Setting boundaries with family
In-laws crossed a line, cutting them off is justified
Newlyweds stand up to family’s honeymoon hijack attempt. NTA
Commenter defends NTA verdict against family’s entitled ‘surprise’.
Newlyweds set boundaries with manipulative family
Honeymoon hijack attempt fails! NTA for saying no.
Set boundaries with family during dates. NTA stands firm.
Newlyweds set boundaries and outsmart family’s honeymoon hijack attempt
Congrats on the marriage! NTA, live your best life
Setting boundaries with family is important for mental health
Congratulations on your wedding and honeymoon! Family’s emotionally abusive behavior.
Setting boundaries with family is crucial for a healthy marriage
Commenter supports newlyweds’ decision to ghost family after honeymoon hijack.
Embrace your inner a**hole for the sake of sanity
Set boundaries and hold them accountable. Don’t accept backhanded apologies.
Newlyweds reject family’s honeymoon hijack attempt, NTA in best way
Commenter shares relatable experience while prioritizing furry friends
Setting wedding boundaries is key. NTA comment agrees.
Family tries to hijack honeymoon, blames newlyweds. NTA wins.
Wedding hijack attempt leads to revealing true characters
Setting boundaries with difficult family members. NTA
Family ruins life, commenter not the a**hole for cutting ties
Newlyweds stand up to intrusive family. NTA, press charges.
Enforcing boundaries is key. Low-contact compromise may work
Setting boundaries with family, NTA for not wanting to share.
Setting boundaries with family: NTA suggests time-out for parents
Protect your privacy and boundaries from nosy family members
Prioritizing self-care and boundaries at a family’s expense.
NTA outsmarts family’s ‘fun surprise’ for honeymoon
NTA outsmarts family’s honeymoon hijack attempt with a taste of medicine
Setting boundaries with family: NTA stands their ground
Setting boundaries with family after honeymoon hijack attempt
Honeymoon hijack attempt thwarted by newlyweds. NTA wins!
Cutting off family after honeymoon hijack attempt?
Parental honeymoon hijack attempt met with firm boundaries. ✈️
Last Updated on June 5, 2023 by Diply Social Team