Uh oh, looks like we’ve got a stinky situation on our hands! Imagine coming home to a mysterious funk invading your apartment, day after day. Our poor protagonist has been dealing with this pungent problem for months, and they’re at their wit’s end! They’ve cleaned every nook and cranny, but the smell just won’t quit. Get ready for a wild ride as we dive into this smelly mystery and find out if confronting the neighbor is the right move! ️♀️
The Mysterious Funk Invades My Apartment!

️ The Stench Strikes Regularly!

Cleaning Frenzy Fails to Banish the Odor!

️♀️ The Great Door Sniffing Investigation!

The Downstairs Neighbor’s Door of Doom!

What’s a Neighbor to Do?!

️ Should I Tattle to the Landlord? ️

The Mysterious Disappearing Package! ️♂️

Late Night Window Watch!

Dead Body Debunked? ♀️

The Waiting Game Begins! ⏳

The Unlikely but Possible Scenario!

The Case of the Putrid Apartment: Will Confronting the Neighbor Solve the Stench?!
Our nose-plugging protagonist has been plagued by a persistent, pungent odor in their apartment for months. Despite their best efforts to clean and eliminate any potential sources, the stench keeps coming back with a vengeance. After a thorough door-sniffing investigation, they’ve traced the smell to their downstairs neighbor’s apartment. ️♀️ Now, they’re faced with a dilemma: confront the neighbor about their stinky habits or tattle to the landlord? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this smelly situation! ️
Call the landlord to sniff out the problem!

Survival tips for dealing with mysterious apartment stench.

Take action, contact your LL or leave a note

Dealing with smelly neighbors? Tell your landlord ASAP

Anonymous landlord complaint suggested for mysterious apartment stench.

Don’t wait! Overcooked brussel sprouts = decaying body odor

Possible dead body downstairs? Call the police/landlord ASAP!

Approaching the landlord may be the best solution. NTA

Neighbor confronts YTA about mysterious stench, still no answers

A stinky situation. Commenter predicts a dark outcome…

Concerned resident suggests calling police for welfare check on neighbor
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/206470c6-bd72-4dc3-bea6-ec8fdfe90981.png)
Resident seeks help for mystery smell in apartment. Landlord solution?

Report the stench to the landlord and let them handle it

Concerned neighbor suggests a clever way to check on downstairs neighbor

Concerned neighbor suspects death, advises wellness check on tenant

Don’t confront the neighbor, call the landlord and police

Homemade kimchi may be the culprit

Possible explanation for the mysterious stench

Report the smell and package disappearance to your landlord/police. NTA.

Contact Odour Abatement Taskforce & landlord, wellness check suggested

Curiosity for updates keeps commenters engaged in the mystery

Heartfelt concern for neighbor’s well-being.

Concerned neighbor suggests wellness check to investigate the stench

Smell may not be from downstairs, inform landlord for investigation.

Possible explanation for the mysterious stench from downstairs apartment.

Neighbor’s stench may be more than just a dead rat ♂️

Supportive comment urges for an update on the mysterious stench.

Last Updated on April 11, 2024 by Diply Social Team