Picture this: You’re a 26-year-old guy, living in Ohio but dreaming of the Colorado mountains. You’ve got a bucket list of peaks to conquer, a thirst for local brews, and a craving for freedom. You’re planning a solo trip back to your roots, only to have your family insist you take your niece and nephew along. Sounds like a recipe for a family feud, doesn’t it? Well, that’s exactly what happened to our mountain-loving hero. ️
A Mountain Man’s Dream ️
The Peaks Left to Conquer ⛰️
Family Interference
Moonlight Hike vs. Kiddie Vacation
The Real Issue?
A Young Man’s Plans ⚾
Family Pressure and Expectations
A Hidden Plan?
The Big Question
A Solo Trip, Family Expectations, and a Brewing Storm ️
Our Ohio-based mountain man just wanted to return to his Colorado roots, conquer the remaining peaks on his list, and enjoy some freedom. But his family had other plans. They wanted him to turn his solo adventure into a kiddie vacation, much to his dismay. His brother’s plea, his mother’s agreement, and the mounting pressure from his family have turned his dream trip into a battleground. Is he wrong to stick to his plans and refuse to play the role of a vacationing uncle? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this mountainous dilemma. ️
NTA. Enjoy your life without taking on others’ responsibilities
NTA for wanting to go mountain climbing with the kids ♂️ ️
NTA: Your freedom is making your family jealous and envious
NTA. Enjoy your hike and brews! Your brother is TA
NTA: Family feuds over kids’ vacation. Grandpa should step up
NTA. Your brother wants a vacation from his own kids?
NTA: Live your best single life and enjoy those solo vacations!
NTA – Prioritize yourself and share your adventures with them
NTA. Parents who push their kids on others are selfish
NTA for prioritizing personal freedom and travel over family life
NTA. Take that solo trip and enjoy the freedom!
NTA! Enjoy your solo trip and tell your mom off
NTA: Entitlement, guilt, and jealousy. Climb those mountains ️
Spread your wings and soar! Enjoy your freedom, NTA!
NTA – Cincinnati is cosmopolitan compared to bumfuck Ohio
Jealous parent laments missing out on solo vacations ️
NTA. Kids don’t NEED a vacation every year
NTA. Family can’t dictate your life. Enjoy your trip!
Sibling rivalry escalates over free vacation and child responsibilities
Hilarious comment about “bumfuck Ohio” sparks cute response
NTA – Bringing kids who aren’t yours on vacation? No logic. ♀️
NTA: Take the kids hiking yourself! How old are they?
Stand your ground and don’t let anyone second-guess you! ✊
Insanely entitled family demands vacations from you. NTA.
Engaging in Ohio: Take charge of your own life!
Last Updated on September 23, 2023 by Diply Social Team