In the heart of France, a new mother finds herself in a predicament that’s all too relatable for many. She’s been caring for her adorable two-month-old baby, while her partner, a Game Designer, works and plays video games late into the night. But what happens when she falls ill, and her partner leaves for a work trip, leaving her to fend for herself and their baby?
The Gaming Dad and the Sleepless Mom

Sickness Strikes!

A Plea for Help Ignored?

The Heated Exchange

The Departure ✈️

An Unexpected Savior ♂️

The Unspoken Truth

Sweet Messages from Paris

The Aftermath

The Living Arrangement

The Ex Factor

The Realization

The Path Forward ️

The Hope for Better Days

The Final Note

A Mother’s Cry for Help: The Final Verdict
In a whirlwind of emotions, our brave mom finds herself questioning her relationship, her partner’s actions, and her own role in the situation. Despite the sweet messages from Paris, she can’t shake off the resentment she feels towards her partner for leaving her alone and sick with their baby. With the unexpected help of her ex-husband, she manages to pull through, but the ordeal leaves her pondering over the ‘normal’ in relationships. As she braces herself for a serious discussion with her partner, she’s also considering returning to work and changing the dynamics of their relationship. It’s a tough road ahead, but she’s ready to take action. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
“He called your ex husband to take care of his child and you. NTA. He helped make baby, he can help raise baby.”

NTA: Husband should split responsibilities and be more supportive

Husband’s negligence and prioritization of work over family. NTA
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Partner’s neglect and toxic gender roles frustrate new mom.

“NTA: Your partner is NOT wonderful. “

NTA- You deserve better. Your daughter deserves a present father

Ex > Current Partner. NTA for Motherhood Meltdown

Ex-husband steps up, but is he more caring than partner?

Does your husband help with house and parenting duties?

Did he know how sick you were? Communication breakdown!

NTA: Husband’s lack of support causing strain on relationship

Emotional rollercoaster: ESH, but let’s not jump to conclusions

INFO: Partner’s involvement in parenting and work, potential burnout or PPD

NTA. Solo parenting a 2-month-old while sick? He went to Paris?

Bad father at Ubisoft? Let’s hear the story…

NTA mom expects husband to help with kids when sick

Is he working or playing? Lack of attention causing resentment.

A supportive partner is crucial in managing the chaos

NTA. Irresponsible parenting and an ex-husband to the rescue? ♀️

From resentment to empowerment: a single mom’s inspiring transformation ✨

NTA, but why isn’t he taking paternity leave?

Red flags before baby. Neglectful father. Single parent struggles.

NTA: Single parent comment was harsh, but he needs to coparent better
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Did he really want a child? Strange behavior. NTA.

Divorced spouse shares advice on leaving a selfish partner

NTA, communicate openly with your partner before losing your cool

Concerned about husband’s man-cave while wife cares for baby

Single mom gets support from ex while living together

NTA: Partner needs to prioritize parenting over video games

NTA. Your ‘baby daddy’ prioritizes gaming over your needs.

NTA. Set boundaries, discuss roles, seek counseling, or send him back ♀️

“NTA. Leaving you alone with the kid like that when you’re sick is abhorrent, and the comparison to being a single parent seems fitting to me. But… you’re contributing to your own misery here, and you need to stop it. For some reason, you have accepted this setup of him working and being an occasional babysitter instead of a father, and it’s burning you out. But he seems to think that’s what he’s supposed to do, so he gets defensive when you start to demand ‘more’ of him. If you want that relationship to last, you’ll need to communicate your frustrations to him. Sit him down and talk to him about your typical day, how much work a baby creates, and where you need him to step up more and take over his share. Otherwise, you will carry on as he currently is, and you will be quietly and silently heading for divorce.”

“He’s wonderful” – A sarcastic take on someone’s opinion.

Parenting is separate from work. He needs to step up

Resentment grows as partner avoids fatherhood responsibilities.

NTA – Parenting should be a partnership, not a one-sided responsibility
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Ex-husband’s lack of involvement makes her NTA for feeling overwhelmed

NTA, prioritize financial stability for you and your baby!

Parenting responsibilities neglected: resentment and financial control.

NTA, but cancelling a business trip isn’t always possible

NTA: Sick mom needed support, dad’s insensitive response
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Partner’s selfishness causes resentment and abandonment in parenting
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Is being a solo mom with a boyfriend really ideal?

Resentment justified: BF called ex-husband for help instead of stepping up

NAH. Communication breakdown: feeling neglected, sacrificing intimacy, advocate for quality time

NTA. Husband’s choice of help raises eyebrows

A harrowing tale of neglect and the power of female friendship

Partner not stepping up? You’re NTA, but he is!

Reflecting on mistakes, seeking change, and gratitude for support

NTA. Holy s**t. You’re under-reacting for having had to go through that much shame.

‘He’s not wonderful, he abandoned you. Time for reality check.’

NTA. Communicate your needs clearly to avoid misunderstandings.

Struggling new mom seeks help, but partner prioritizes video games

NTA: Ex is an overgrown child, be a partner/parent not doormat

Reevaluating the ex? NTA for sure!

NTA: Is he really a good partner and father?

Tell him to stay in Paris. You’re not the a**hole ♀️

A divided opinion: Is he wonderful or not?

♂️ ESH: He s***s, you’re not a single parent but…
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Engaging caption: The delicate balance of parenting and resentment

ESH. Both should have communicated better and shown empathy

A tale of love, resentment, and video games

Uninvolved dad? Not the a**hole.

NTA: Parenting responsibilities and ex-husband drama. What a mess!

NTA. Empathizing with a fellow parent’s frustrating and exhausting experience

Time to drop the “partner” and be a single parent

Ex’s sacrifice vs current partner’s neglect sparks heated debate
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NTA: Relatable struggle of juggling kids while partner plays games

Definitely NTA! Let’s hear the juicy details �yes

Is he working or playing? NTA

NTA. Run!

NTA for feeling abandoned. Have an open discussion before deciding.

Last Updated on September 11, 2023 by Diply Social Team