A mother and bride-to-be clash over the decision to have a child-free wedding ceremony. The mother’s daughter was supposed to be a flower girl, but the bride’s family raised concerns about children attending the wedding. The daughter was only allowed to attend the reception, but the bride later asked for her to be brought over for the wedding photos. The mother refused, causing drama and tension within the wedding party. Now, the mother is being called a petty a**hole by her extended family. Read on to find out who is in the wrong in this wedding debacle.
Sibling’s wedding creates divide between mother and daughter.
A mother’s heartbreak when daughter is excluded from wedding photos
Mother struggles with daughter’s exclusion from wedding ceremony.
Bride’s sister-in-law lies about child-free wedding for fear of tantrums
Mom stands up for daughter’s inclusion in wedding despite opposition
Bridezilla demands daughter be in wedding photos, mom puts foot down ♀️
Bride’s mother excludes daughter from wedding photos causing drama.
Excluded daughter causes drama at wedding, mother called a b***h.
Excluded daughter from wedding photos, family feud. AITA?
No content for this section.
No tantrums here! ♀️ Mom defends daughter’s behavior
Unexpected MOH promotion due to wedding party drama
Pre-wedding photos taken, only family and bridal party on wedding day
Mother fights for daughter’s place in wedding photos
A mother was left heartbroken after her daughter was excluded from her uncle’s wedding photos. The bride had originally assured the mother that her daughter would be included in the wedding as a flower girl. However, just weeks before the wedding, the bride decided to make the ceremony child-free and only allow children at the reception. On the day of the wedding, the mother’s daughter was not invited to the ceremony and instead was to join the reception later. To make matters worse, when the bride saw that the daughter was not present for the photos, she called the mother to have her daughter brought over for the pictures. When the mother refused, the bride called the mother a ‘b****’ and the wedding became awkward. Family members are now divided over whether or not the mother was being petty for refusing to have her daughter brought over for the photos. Read on for the comments and reactions to this controversial situation.
NTA for not letting daughter in photos, but concerns over her behavior?
NTA. Sometimes we have to be careful what we wish for
Bride lied about child-free wedding, NTA for excluding daughter.
Wedding drama! Bride and groom lied about child-free policy. NTA.
Mother stands up for daughter’s dignity in wedding photos
Protective mother defends daughter’s well-being in wedding photos
Bride excludes daughter from wedding photos, Reddit says NTA.
Bride wanted daughter in photos but not festivities, NTA
Respectful boundaries set for wedding, child not a prop
Excluding a child from wedding photos? Not cool. NTA.
The hypocrisy of uninviting a child and wanting them in photos
Bride told mother not to come to wedding, now regrets it
Excluding one child from a family event is not okay ♀️
Commenter predicts wedding doom with humorous wagering comment
Parenting comes first. NTA for respecting the bride’s decision.
Mom lies to exclude daughter from wedding photos. NTA stands up.
Behind the scenes drama at the wedding party
Protecting her daughter: Commenter refuses to let her be used as a photo prop
Honesty is the best policy. You’re NTA
Truth hurts NTA stands up for excluded daughter
Protective mother stands up to wedding bullies. NTA!
Bridezilla demands child to be a prop in wedding photos
Standing up for what’s right
Commenter calls Brittany a nightmare, NTA verdict supported.
Timing confusion cleared up about wedding photo debate ⏳
Unexpected promotion to MOH leads to drama in wedding party.
NTA for refusing wedding photos after being lied to
Not the a**hole for excluding niece from wedding photos
Wedding shaming sub might hear about this bridal party soon
Savage suggestion for the terrible sister-in-law
Excluding a 5-year-old from wedding photos? Not cool, bro.
Honesty is the best policy, even when it comes to weddings
The quiet kid who materializes snacks steals the show
Toxic bridal party drama overshadows mother-daughter photo dispute.
Sometimes, pettiness is necessary
Don’t use kids as props or risk being labeled AH ️
Bride told mother not to bring daughter, then asked where she was?
Standing up to lies and insults like a boss!
Daughter excluded from wedding photos, commenter supports bride’s decision.
Handling a difficult family member with grace – NTA
Commenter defends against unreasonable behavior. Not the a**hole.
Commenter defends decision, calls out wedding party’s behavior.
Honesty can reveal true colors. #NotTheAHole
Stay petty NTA comment gets support
Commenter calls out brother’s lack of spine in wedding drama
Mother stands up for daughter’s exclusion from wedding photos. #NTA
You’re NTA for not bringing your daughter to the wedding.
A commenter defends the mother’s decision in wedding photo dispute
Support for not letting daughter ruin wedding photos.
Commenter expresses disbelief at woman’s behavior and offers support.
Daughter excluded from wedding photos for being a photo prop
Daughter wasn’t in the wedding, so why in the photos?
Asking about potential behavioral issues with daughter, chill kid confirmed
Brother’s wife wants perfect photos, brother won’t stand up for niece ♀️
Stand up for your daughter, don’t let others make decisions
Brittany got what she deserved ♀️ #NTA
Family drama at a wedding, brother is enabling wife’s behavior
Wedding drama already brewing, but OP not at fault. ♀️
Commenter thinks the mother is NTA.
Commenter is not the a**hole. Why? Find out here!
Brother’s bridezilla causes family drama
Sensitive topic, is race a factor in this situation?
Mom doesn’t want OP’s kid at wedding, but wants photos? NTA
Last Updated on April 19, 2023 by Diply Social Team