Ever had to deal with a family member who just won’t respect boundaries? In a tale that’s all too familiar, a man and his fiancée find themselves in a heated conflict with their future mother-in-law. The bone of contention? An engagement ring! The couple, living with the mother-in-law to help her financially, soon found themselves in a whirlwind of disrespect and boundary-crossing. The last straw? The mother-in-law wearing the fiancée’s engagement ring while she slept. Let’s dive into this drama-filled saga…
The Unwanted Houseguest

The Boundary-Crossing Begins

The Sacred Ring

The Unending Obsession

The Final Straw

Caught Red-Handed

The Explosive Confrontation

The Unapologetic Mother-in-Law

The Superstition and Hygiene Concerns

The Question of Overreaction

The Ring, The Drama and The Unapologetic Mother-in-Law
In a tale of family drama, disrespect, and boundary-crossing, a man and his fiancée find themselves at odds with their future mother-in-law. The catalyst? An engagement ring! The couple, who moved in to help the struggling mother-in-law, soon found their patience tested to the limit. From wearing their clothes to stealing their snacks, the mother-in-law seemed to have no respect for personal boundaries. The final straw came when she was caught wearing the fiancée’s engagement ring while asleep. Despite the ensuing confrontation and threats of moving out, the mother-in-law remained unapologetic. The man now wonders if he’s overreacting. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
FMIL’s ring obsession crosses boundaries and raises suspicions

Setting boundaries with mother-in-law’s ring obsession. Hygiene concerns too!

NTA. Move out! She can’t afford her own lifestyle.

NTA. Future mother-in-law’s strange behavior sparks family feud

NTA for getting angry at all – an engagement ring is a deeply personal thing and is intended for only the finger of the bride to be.
It’s not some communal property to be worn by whoever fancies it for an evening. She stepped well over a line that you’ve told her about many times.
You really need to ignore the superstition though, it makes no sense, and even if it did work it probably only refers to other lovers and not just random people trying it on without permission. If you can’t get past that then you’ll have to re-propose to refresh the sprit of the ring (or something that sounds convincing enough).
And as for the emotional blackmail about her not meeting her bills, that’s very sad for her, but it’s probably too late to repair that damage now. (Heck I would have moved out when she was wearing my hoodie without asking!)
Mother-in-Law’s outrageous behavior and hygiene issues spark family feud
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/f76719ac-4a70-4e36-93fe-1c209c766350.png)
NTA: MIL disregards rules, endangers child. Move out for safety

“NTA. Mother-in-Law’s ring obsession is just the tip of the iceberg. “

Boundaries set, but mother-in-law still ignores them. Not the a**hole.

NTA. Surprise Pikachu award for AITA stories like these
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/4c1b2622-4f6d-4b5e-b29e-95f977d9fa4f.png)
FMIL wearing YOUR hoodies? That’s super weird

FMIL steals engagement ring, OP advises moving out

Move out and be happy, you can’t keep on like this, its one thing to try something on for a second but to go to sleep with it on is really weird.
If you can afford it maybe look at having the stone remounted, maybe add in your sons birthstone set into a new band so then its no longer the same ring and rids the superstition, id even propose again with your son making it really cute and like its a new start might help ease your fiancé’s mind
Setting boundaries with mother-in-law, NTA.

NTA – MIL needs a reality check. Move out, teach her!

NTA. FMIL was r**e and violating. Clean the ring and sage it. Consider exchanging it.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/784a0e4d-0207-4935-9389-67b14c822c32.png)
Concerns about passing warts to family, especially the baby.

NTA. Mother-in-law’s ring obsession causing family feud

NTA: Mother-in-Law’s engagement ring obsession sparks family feud

NTA but the wart thing at the end was shocking

NTA and off to /r/JUSTNOMIL you go!

“Superstition about wearing the ring before marriage ignites family feud”

NTA: Mother-in-Law’s ring obsession backfires, causing family feud

Future MIL’s passive aggression sparks family feud. You’re NTA!

Mother-in-Law’s ring obsession sparks family feud. NTA stands firm!

Mother-in-Law breaks rules and disrespects marriage with engagement ring

Fiancée’s ring, not MIL’s! Keep your paws off! NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/16235475-3ecf-424d-afc6-c9172c4e2ca7.png)
Contagious warts and stolen clothes? This family feud is wild!

Mother-in-Law’s ring obsession: wearing it, wearing your hoodies? Gross

NTA – Buy a new ring and leave that crazy woman!

Escape the drama! Sell the ring and start fresh!

Last Updated on September 22, 2023 by Diply Social Team