Buckle up, folks! We’ve got a birthday bash gone wrong that’ll make your jaw drop! Meet our leading lady, a 35-year-old woman who’s been dreaming of being a mom since she was a little girl. She even told her hubby she wanted a whole basketball team of kids on their first date! But life had other plans, and despite trying everything under the sun, including the emotional rollercoaster of IVF, they just couldn’t make it happen. Now, her in-laws are piling on the pressure, and her birthday party turned into a baby-themed intervention! Grab your popcorn, because this story is about to get wild! ️
Birthday Bash Gone Wrong

Dreaming of a Big Family

Infertility Struggles

Failed IVF Attempts

Feeling Like a Failure

️ Family Pressure

Surprise Birthday Party

MIL’s Shocking Gift

Confronting MIL ️

Emotional Outburst

♀️ Storming Out

Shattered Dreams

Birthday Bash Blowup: MIL’s Shocking Gift Leads to Tearful Walkout!
Well, well, well… looks like our birthday girl’s special day turned into a baby-themed intervention! Her in-laws just couldn’t resist the urge to bring up the couple’s infertility struggles, even going so far as to gift her money for another round of IVF! Talk about a tone-deaf present! Our leading lady, understandably, lost her cool and gave her MIL a piece of her mind before storming out of the party. Now, the family’s accusing her of being selfish and dismissive, while her hubby thinks she should’ve just grinned and born it. But let’s be real, who wants to be reminded of their fertility issues on their birthday? Not cool, in-laws, not cool. Let’s see what the internet has to say about this birthday bash blowup!
Husband skipped party to avoid in-laws’ manipulative gift. NTA

NTA and not at all in the wrong here.

Husband’s birthday ditched for buddy, NTA for IVF manipulation

MIL overstepped boundaries, and husband should respect your feelings.

Respectful response emphasizes importance of personal autonomy and offers alternative solution.

In-laws try to force IVF on daughter-in-law as a birthday gift

NTA. Important to check if husband is infertile too.

Questioning the husband’s role in MIL’s manipulative birthday gift

“They’re selfish for pushing IVF for a grandchild.” #NotTheAsshole

Supportive comment and valid concern about husband’s absence

NTA. MIL and FIL were out of line with their approach

Husband not on the same page, let his family manipulate. NTA

Insensitive family gifts hurtful to struggling couple. NTA stands up.

In-laws threw a party without son, suspicious? NTA, confront husband

Insensitive MIL throws party with baby clothes for infertile DIL. NTA.

NTA. You’re not an incubator. That wasn’t a gift for your birthday, that was a gift for your in-laws. Your husband is out of line.

Mother-in-law tries to manipulate daughter-in-law into IVF, Redditor stands up for her (NTA)

Insensitive in-laws buy baby clothes; take the money and run

Husband might be in on it; consider therapy or divorce.

Spouse absence at birthday raises suspicions about MIL’s surprise.

Empathetic comment supporting OP’s agency and mental health.

Mother-in-law’s cruel ‘gift’ backfires, commenter says NTA.

Mother-in-law’s manipulative IVF ‘gift’ deemed horrific by commenter

Insensitive in-laws gift baby stuff to struggling daughter-in-law. NTA stands up for herself.

When the husband skips his family party, it’s time to re-evaluate

Husband’s family gifts baby clothes to infertile wife. NTA for leaving.

Mother-in-law’s manipulative ‘gift’ for grandchildren is narcissistic and disrespectful. NTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/3eb45c9e-8be2-4e42-8f7b-770496745790.png)
Respectfully declining IVF is your right. NTA

Respectful NTA response to hurtful family. Suggestion of fostering/adopting.

Family gifts baby clothes to infertile DIL on birthday

NTA. IVF is emotionally exhausting. Take care of yourself

Husband may have played a role in MIL’s manipulative gift

Husband ditched wife’s birthday party, leaving her with in-laws. Weird?

Decision to try IVF again should be yours, NTA.

Husband and his family set up wife, NTA. Red flags

Husband’s family is manipulative and he’s not supportive. NTA

Suggests cutting off MIL and husband, NTA comment.

Pressure to do IVF is not a birthday gift. NTA.

Concerned commenter questions husband’s fidelity, sparking speculation.

This commenter points out the absurdity of expecting someone to go through IVF for the sake of having a grandchild, questioning why the family doesn’t just ‘grow another human’ instead. ♀️

Supportive comment, recommends leaving husband and his family.

Husband’s involvement in manipulative IVF gift questioned.

Setting boundaries with in-laws, NTA stands up for themselves

Husband prioritizes friend over wife’s birthday, NTA for refusing IVF
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Adoption is a great option!

Respect boundaries: NTA receives manipulative ‘gift’ from MIL.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/65cdcfb4-1dba-442d-a5b5-7897321a2cb9.png)
Hilarious response to manipulative MIL’s IVF ‘gift’

Husband’s involvement in toxic MIL’s plan, NTA, need to leave

Cutting off toxic family for your own well-being. NTA

Insensitive MIL and unsupportive husband. NTA, you deserve better
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/88b20c2b-95eb-48c0-becf-8337c9aa6af8.png)
Cursing and empathizing with the commenter’s anger towards the mother-in-law.

Supportive comment, advising OP to distance from toxic family. ❤️

Supportive comment empathizes with OP’s IVF struggles and condemns in-laws.

Husband’s absence at wife’s birthday party is suspicious

You don’t owe anyone kids, they’ve disappointed themselves. NTA

Husband’s indifference to baby-themed gift reveals family’s manipulation. NTA.

Husband might be in on it. Have an honest sit-down

In-laws are r**e and insensitive. NTA for not wanting IVF.

Mother-in-law’s manipulative gift met with sensible response. NTA

Supportive comment and empathy for a difficult situation.

Your body, your choice. Don’t let anyone manipulate you.

Comments empathize with OP’s situation and suggest leaving husband’s family.

Insensitive mother-in-law gifted baby clothes to infertile daughter-in-law. NTA.

Husband’s coordinated setup with manipulative MIL for IVF funding. NTA.

Husband’s family sees you as an incubator. MIL’s gift cruel.

Clueless MIL & coward husband? Time for a vacay

Husband and MIL want more IVF, NTA for saying no

Husband’s suspicious behavior prompts concern, commenter sees OP as blameless.

Husband’s family disrespected her body autonomy. NTA for leaving

NTA. In-laws and husband see you as incubator, not person. Leave.

In-laws push for baby at birthday party, treating her like incubator

NTA takes manipulative gift, suggests vacation instead

Suspicious behavior at the party raises red flags

The sad reality of a woman’s lack of bodily autonomy

Spouse skips wife’s birthday party for friend, fake or trouble?

Adoption is a valid option. Let’s normalize it more!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/fa4ec43e-4897-4c9d-a896-5857c9de4476.png)
Last Updated on May 16, 2024 by Diply Social Team