Imagine your child, a stellar student, being denied academic recognition because of a P.E. class. This is the reality for one 40-year-old mother, whose 12-year-old son is facing this exact predicament. Her son, despite having the highest-grade average in his level, is being denied a school scholarship because he’s failing P.E. due to his weight. This mother’s response to the situation has sparked a heated debate. Let’s dive into this emotionally charged story.
The Stellar Student’s Struggle
The Weight of a P.E. Grade ️♂️
The Unfair Exemption
The Frustrated Mother’s Meeting ️
The P.E. Teacher’s Defense
The Unfair Comparison ⚽
The Mother’s Retort
The Silent Room
The Aftermath ️
Mother Bear vs. School System: A Battle for Fairness
This tale of a mother’s fight for her son’s academic recognition has left the internet divided. Her son, an exceptional student, is being denied a scholarship because he’s failing P.E. due to his weight. When she confronted the school, she questioned the overweight P.E. teacher’s ability to pass his own test, leading to an awkward silence. Her husband thinks she went too far, but she believes she was defending her son against hypocrisy. What do you think? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this situation.
NTA defends child against unfair P.E. grading, sparking discussion on inclusivity
NTA. PE should focus on education, not just athletic prowess. ♀️
NTA, fair question about overweight teacher’s influence on grading policy.
Grading P.E. by ability is unfair! Protect your kid. ESH
NTA: Standardized fitness tests caused anxiety and ruined self-confidence.
NTA: Standing up for your son’s fitness and calling out hypocrisy!
NTA for defending overweight son, but don’t be a helicopter mom ♀️
Concerned parent asks about child’s health condition, receives clarification.
Be your child’s advocate! ♀️ Stand up for what’s right!
UK vs US: Different P.E. grading systems. NTA mom fights back!
ESH, guy being a d**k doesn’t help your son’s case
NTA bravely challenges instructor’s unfair body shaming in nutrition class
Teachers debate fair grading in PE class for overweight students.
“YTA – Comparing grades is fair. Don’t take it personally.”
NTA. Elementary P.E. teacher shamed me for sweating. Arrogant j**k!
NTA. Private school P.E. grading is weird! Beeping test doesn’t matter!
YTA. Focus on your son’s activity level, not bullying the teacher. ♂️
Parenting criticized for child’s health; debate on fitness standards ensues
NTA, PE class should focus on helping students, not scouting.
Hating the beep test and confronting a mean P.E. teacher ♂️
Parent criticized for blaming teacher for child’s poor health choices.
Teacher suggests 504 program for overweight student’s P.E. grading
NTA defends overweight son against unfair P.E. grading. Empathy matters!
NTA defends overweight son’s PE grading, questions fairness for disabled
Mom defends son against assault – VP becomes hero
NTA: Mother defends son’s unfair P.E. grading, standardized testing s***s ♀️
Elementary school exams? Not in the US, but interesting nonetheless!
YTA defends overweight son, but gets called out for hypocrisy
ESH. Point made, but no need to fat-shame the teacher. ♂️
Grading handwriting vs P.E.: Should performance matter more than participation? NTA.
PE teacher and parent criticized for grading and child’s obesity
PE teacher fails student with spinal surgery, oblivious to condition
Is there a special needs exception for P.E. grading?
NTA defends overweight son against unfair P.E. grading. Fitness for life!
NTA defends old grading system for P.E. class. Agree or disagree?
NTA. Doctor should work with school for accommodations.
NTA defends overweight son’s P.E. teacher, calls for fair grading
Proud of kid’s effort, but consider talking to doctor for exemptions. NTA
Private school P.E. grading controversy: YTA vs entitlement.
NTA defends grading methods, calls out shady practices in P.E.
Nightmare beep test: PE theory saves us from sized-child trauma!
Outrage over unfair P.E. grading: NTA, exercise opportunity wasted!
YTA – Grading standards are set by the state/province. ♂️
NTA. Hypocrite didn’t like the taste of his own medicine, eh?
YTA- Personal attack on PE teacher, setting child up for failure
YTA parent defends overweight son’s unfair P.E. grading. Accountability questioned.
NTA. Beep test grading is unfair and unreasonable. Teacher hypocrisy exposed.
NTA. PE grades should measure progress, not just standard tests. ♂️
NTA defends son’s struggle with P.E. grading, encouraging healthier lifestyle
Standardized PE testing creates anxiety and hatred for physical activity. NTA
Parent criticized for child’s weight, accused of child abuse.
NTA defends son against unfair P.E. grading, empathizes with struggles
NTA defends son against unfair P.E. grading: F**k the pacer test! ♂️
PE grading trauma: NTA defends kids against humiliation.
NTA. Fish climbing analogy defends overweight son in P.E.
NTA defends overweight son against unfair P.E. grading. Empathy wins!
NTA defends overweight son against unfair P.E. grading, sadistic teachers?
NTA. Overcame unfair PE grading, defended kid’s self-esteem.
NTA. Overcoming asthma, dancer fights unfair PE grading. Mamma bear wins!
Not the a**hole. Defending her son’s unfair P.E. grading.
NTA defends PE grading: Participation matters, not athletic ability. ♂️
NTA defends overweight son’s P.E. grading: Teacher, pass thyself! ✊
Defending son against fat shaming: NTA or ‘Karen’?
Last Updated on July 31, 2023 by Diply Social Team