Buckle up, folks! We’ve got a sizzling family drama on our hands that’s sure to get your blood boiling! Meet our protagonist, a loving mom who’s just trying to teach her teenage daughter to love herself for who she is. But wait, there’s a twist! Enter the sister, a fitness fanatic who’s determined to “help” her niece lose weight, even if it means pushing her own extreme lifestyle habits. ♀️ As tensions rise and accusations fly, this mom takes to Facebook to expose her sister’s body-shaming ways. But the internet is divided – is she an a****e for airing the family’s dirty laundry, or is she just a concerned parent trying to protect her daughter? Get ready for a wild ride as we dive into this juicy tale of family feuds, body image battles, and the quest for self-love!
A Family of Healthy, Happy People

♀️ Sister’s Strict Regimen: Eating Like a Rabbit

Sister Praised, But at What Cost?

Daughter’s Body Image Struggles Begin

Mom Tries to Teach Self-Love ❤️

♀️ Auntie’s Influence: Exercises and Running

Daughter Complains About Mom’s Meals

⚖️ The Final Straw: A Food Scale Gift

️ Auntie’s Advice: Weigh Your Food

Mom Confronts Sister About Pushing Lifestyle

♀️ Sister Blames Mom for Daughter’s “Unhealthy” Habits

♀️ Mom Defends Daughter’s Health Despite Not Running ♀️

Mom Takes to Facebook to Expose Sister

Mom Wants Everyone to Know Sister Pushes Body Hate

️ Criticism Floods In: Is Mom the A****e?

Mom’s Perspective: Spreading Awareness

Family Not Obese, Just a Bit Chubby

♀️ Healthy Activities Don’t Require Running ♀️

Family Feud Erupts Over Teen’s Body Image!
The drama reaches a boiling point when the mom discovers that her sister bought her daughter a food scale, encouraging the teen to weigh her food and eat less. ️ Furious, the mom confronts her sister, accusing her of pushing her extreme lifestyle onto the young girl and causing her to hate her body. The sister fires back, blaming the mom for making her daughter “unhealthy” in the first place. Determined to expose her sister’s body-shaming ways, the mom takes to Facebook to share the story, sparking a heated debate among her followers. Some call her an a****e for tarnishing her sister’s image, while others defend her as a concerned parent trying to protect her daughter. ️ As the internet weighs in, the mom stands her ground, insisting that her family is not obese, just a bit chubby, and that you don’t need to be a marathon runner to be healthy. ♀️ So, what do you think? Is the mom an a****e for airing the family’s dirty laundry, or is the sister in the wrong for pushing her extreme habits onto a vulnerable teen? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this juicy family drama!
Fiery response to sister’s dangerous diet pushes agenda. YTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/06c27eac-7280-4241-b771-3d8c84a7543c.png)
YTA for pushing your unhealthy lifestyle on your daughter ♀️

User accuses mom of being bitter and suggests healthy weight loss.

Engaging in healthy habits is more important than being skinny

Support your daughter’s healthy weight loss goals, YTA for discouraging.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/d129beb8-32b2-40de-9c8f-5b44d5108608.png)
Passionate comment calling out parent’s neglect and ignorance towards healthy habits.

Mom accused of making daughter fat, hindering healthy habits

Engage in a healthy lifestyle, but don’t force it on others

Formerly obese commenter advocates for healthy habits over junk food.

Redditor calls out mom for pushing unhealthy lifestyle on daughter.

Parent criticized for pushing dangerous exercise regimen on child.

Mom criticized for not supporting daughter’s healthy lifestyle choices

User calls out OP for pushing unhealthy lifestyle on daughter.

Formerly overweight commenter supports daughter’s desire to be healthy. YTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/7507aad4-72f5-4cb7-a165-0d146d8bf337.png)
Mom criticized for overreacting to daughter’s food scale gift

Let her try the veggies! YTA for refusing.

User calls out mom for discouraging daughter’s healthy lifestyle

Controversial comment shames veggie-hating overweight teens.

Criticism of sister’s diet, supports balanced diet and exercise

User calls out parent for poor eating habits and bad parenting.

Body acceptance and personal choice defended against OP’s judgment.

Parent shamed daughter and sister for seeking healthier options

A critical comment about unhealthy habits and a suggestion to try daughter’s approach

User criticizes mom’s parenting, calls her TA for not prioritizing daughter’s health
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/905a7f78-bb1f-444a-b700-7ae57f3ae45a.png)
User defends sister’s diet plan, accuses OP of unhealthy habits.

Standing up to a family member’s dangerous diet push.

A commenter accuses the mother of being unsupportive and hypocritical

Harsh comment accusing mother of wanting daughter to be fat.

User suggests dangerous diet, defends with health advice

Promoting healthy lifestyle or body shaming?

User calls out parent for neglecting child’s health with junk food

User calls out OP for being negative towards sister’s advice
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/74c7d83e-e623-4d73-b703-0397ee6a9feb.png)
Hilarious comment suggests giving ‘f**king vegetables’ to daughter.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/b474d106-aede-469b-9da5-54e7c723f5a3.png)
Encouraging comment supports daughter’s healthy habits and calls out projection.

User calls out OP’s misconceptions about weight and genetics

User calls out OP for unhealthy diet and encourages change

Supporting daughter’s health choices but criticizing sister’s influence YTA

Suggests a way to settle the argument and shut sister down

Engaging in a healthy diet or shaming? YTA or NAH?

Using a food scale is a tool for knowledge, not restriction

YTA accused of controlling daughter’s health & social media drama

Don’t let sibling rivalry harm your daughter’s health

Encouraging healthy habits and offering solutions to YTA’s problem

User calls out parent’s laziness and advises healthy cooking and diet.

Debate on parenting style with YTA comment.

Fiery reply calls mom an a**hole and supports sister’s advice

User calls out family’s unhealthy cycle. YTA verdict.

Defending healthy eating choices for daughter. YTA called out.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/6e354f05-55f4-4f4a-b084-e05ea74a0a70.png)
Daughter wants to be healthy, but mom won’t support. YTA.

Defending healthy habits: YTA should support daughter’s choices

User calls out parent for lack of support in daughter’s diet

Parent urged to change dangerous diet for daughter’s health

User criticizes dangerous diet, offers advice and resources to improve.

The confusion over someone not eating vegetables

Overweight commenter calls out sister for dangerous diet on daughter

A comment calling out unhealthy diet with helpful suggestions

Mom criticized for pushing unhealthy lifestyle on daughter.

Social media not for family drama. YTA for not supporting.

User calls out parent for unhealthy parenting and diet habits.

A package mishap adds insult to injury in the verdict.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/ebaac115-5b91-4bb4-ba3e-59b4d0f36a13.png)
Body-shaming comment receives no support. YTA

User defends daughter’s healthy weight loss, calls out OP’s behavior.

YTA mom criticized for not cooking veggies for her daughter

Supportive comment encourages healthy eating and criticizes dangerous diet.

Sister’s diet plan is healthy, mom’s resistance is harmful

Body positivity vs. healthy lifestyle debate heats up

User calls out mom for hindering daughter’s weight loss efforts

Formerly-shamed commenter urges OP to respect daughter’s independence. YTA.

Blunt comment calls out unhealthy behavior.

Harsh comment criticizes mother’s parenting for daughter’s diet choices.

User calls out unhealthy habits of sister pushing dangerous diet.

Body positivity is good until it’s used as a crutch.

Lazy mom criticized for not helping daughter with diet

Challenging the assumption that exercise is only for weight loss

Parent criticized for not providing healthy options for child. YTA.

Encouraging healthy habits is important, YTA for holding back

A commenter shares their personal experience and calls out the parent for pushing an unhealthy lifestyle on their daughter. YTA.

Parent refuses to teach daughter proper nutrition and exercise habits. YTA.

Encouraging a healthy lifestyle is important, but not at any cost

User calls out parent for unhealthy habits and bizarre behavior

User defends sister’s healthy diet against YTA’s criticism

Last Updated on March 20, 2024 by Diply Social Team