Being a mother is without a doubt one of the most demanding jobs on the planet . The hours are long, the pay is terrible, and the recognition is almost non-existent.
Yet somehow, these miraculous superhero women show up each and every day for their children . So in order to gain some perspective, have a look below as this mom of triplets shares her daily routine — proving moms are the hardest workers .
What’s the only thing more exhausting than a newborn baby?

That’s easy — three newborn babies! It might sound like a bad joke to most people, but for newborn mother/TikTok user @danicruik (Danielle IRL), it’s a reality she faces on a daily basis.
Recently, Danielle decided to give her friends and followers glimpse into her daily routine — and it’s downright exhausting.

Danielle’s day starts promptly at 5:30 AM, the time when the triplets receive their first feeding. After the kids are done eating, it’s back to sleep for a quick nap.
While the babies are snoozing, Danielle sits down to pump her breast milk.

As hard as it might be to imagine, Danielle pumps seven times per day , on average. When that’s complete, she then begins to prep the bottles and throws a load of laundry into the machine.
At 8:30 AM, Danielle gathers her brood for their second feeding.
When the kids have finished their second meal, Danielle begins her process all over again: more pumping, more bottle prep, and even more laundry and other household chores.
Did I mention that Danielle also has a 3-year-old daughter named Billie?

At this point, Danielle sits down to play with her oldest daughter. Billie loves doing arts and crafts, which in turn means more mess and more laundry for Danielle to clean up.
Once the clock strikes 11: 30 AM, the triplets receive yet another feeding.

More feedings means more pumping for Billie. How she doesn’t begin to feel like a cow at this point is totally beyond me; I’m exhausted just watching her.
When the third feeding is complete, it’s time for a family walk around the neighborhood.

There’s nothing like a little fresh air before yet another (you guessed it) feeding, one more pumping session, and bottle prep for the zillionth time.
After the triplets’ 2:30 PM feeding, it’s time for them to go down for a nap.

Once they’ve woken up, Danielle and her husband like to have some one-on-one playtime with the babies. They also make sure to get a good stretch in, too.
From there, it’s time for a bath!
Danielle explained how in the winter, she and her hubby bathe the babies every 2-3 days . Once they’re squeaky clean, it’s time for their 5:30 PM feeding (do these kids ever stop eating?).
Pump, prep, cuddle; repeat. By this time, it’s now 8:30 PM and surprise surprise, the babies are hungry!

They eat, they sleep, they wake up at 11:30 PM and the process starts all over again. Danielle then does a final 2:30 AM feeding before allowing herself some shuteye.
Keep in mind that Danielle didn’t even mention diaper changes, family meal prep, or Billie’s bedtime routine.
So the next time you see a new mom, tell her she’s doing a great job; ask her if she needs help; h**l — just hold her baby for 30 seconds. Remember, parenthood is like an iceberg : you only see about 10% of what’s actually going on.
Last Updated on July 21, 2022 by Jordan Claes