We all know that family relationships can be complicated, but sometimes, they can reach a breaking point. For this 18-year-old girl, her relationship with her mom has been strained for years, and it all started when her mom remarried. As the years went by, she felt more and more left out and eventually moved in with her grandparents. But when she received a full-ride scholarship to college, she didn’t tell her mom. Now, her mom is furious and heartbroken. Let’s dive into this emotional rollercoaster of a story.
A Strained Mother-Daughter Relationship

Feeling Left Out

The News Spreads, But Not to Her

Another Secret Revealed

Attempts to Include Her Fall Flat

The Emotional Distance Grows

Moving In with Grandparents

The Scholarship Secret

Mom’s Reaction: Furious and Heartbroken

Daughter’s Cold Response ❄️

Mom’s Counterargument ️

Stepdad Steps In

The Daughter’s Stance

A Family Torn Apart by Secrets and Resentment
This young woman’s relationship with her mom has been on the rocks for years, and it seems like the full-ride scholarship secret was the final straw. After feeling left out and replaced, she chose to keep her mom in the dark about her college plans. Now, her mom is heartbroken and furious, while her stepdad demands a family discussion. But the daughter stands firm, believing she’s moved on from her mom’s life just as her mom moved on from hers. Let’s see what people have to say about this emotional family drama…
NTA OP, congratulations on your scholarship and move on with life
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Mom never asked about OP’s plans, now upset about scholarship. NTA

NTA explains how their mother’s neglectful behavior led to their response

Could the mother’s reaction be related to a missing college fund?

NTA! The mom lost the right to be included. Congrats

Sassy reply suggests telling mom about scholarship like her engagement

Daughter not the a**hole for not telling her mom about scholarship

Cutting toxic people out of your life is self-care

Daughter rightfully distances herself from neglectful mother

Cutting off toxic family members is sometimes necessary

NTA and someone had to say it

Well done OP for standing up to your inconsiderate mother

NTA. Commenter calls out mother’s hypocrisy and emotional manipulation.

NTA. Set boundaries, stick to them & move forward building YOUR best life girl! ❤️

Daughter’s scholarship > mom’s need for pregnancy updates

NTA. Mom made you feel abandoned and brushed you aside. Good luck

NTA. Commenters agree that OP’s mom is in the wrong.

Daughter’s NTA, mom’s hypocritical for being upset about exclusion.

Focus on yourself and the people that matter. NTA

Congrats on the scholarship! NTA for prioritizing your well-being

Abandoned by her mother, commenter advises to move on

NTA comment calls out entitled and toxic family members

Encouraging comment to a scholarship recipient with supportive emojis.

Abandoned by mom, but daughter shines with full scholarship

Mom takes credit for daughter’s success, but daughter sets record straight.

Congrats on the scholarship! Don’t let toxic people bring you down

Congratulations on the scholarship! Don’t feel bad about mom.

Graduated, got a full scholarship, and mom’s mad? NTA

Pushed away by mom, now full-ride scholar. NTA

Mom excluded OP from major life events, upset about bragging rights ♀️

Cutting toxic people out of your life . Don’t let them dim your shine

Daughter rightfully prioritizes her own happiness over mother’s grief
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/3f10e299-3d13-4383-9b05-e6fb1ce4a6c6.png)
Commenter supports OP and condemns husband’s interference.

Daughter rightfully calls out mother’s lack of support for college

Daughter rightfully prioritizes her life over estranged mother’s feelings

Daughter rightfully keeps scholarship secret from hypocritical mother

Commenter calls out exclusionary behavior with fiery language

Daughter not at fault for mother’s actions and entitlement

Congratulations on your scholarship! Sorry your mom s***s

Standing up to stepfather. NTA wins the day!

Commenter defends OP against abusive family, calls out their behavior

Supportive comment encourages college-bound student to enjoy scholarship

NTA. Congrats on scholarship! You don’t owe toxic family anything.

Supportive comment wishes student luck on college journey

Congratulations on the scholarship! Don’t let her guilt consume you

Found a way out without thriving, not the a**hole.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/c1dc4907-1ff5-43a5-aa6b-9e4c8227821f.png)
Daughter cuts off mom after abandonment. No obligation to reconcile

OP warned to be cautious of mother’s true intentions

Keeping secrets? Not always a**hole move

Excluded daughter stands up to selfish mother and chosen family

Congrats on scholarship! NTA, mom made her choices

Heartless mother ignores grieving daughter’s full-ride scholarship

Mom feels excluded from bragging about college child, not TA

Mother abandoned duty, be proud and let her find out.

Congrats on the scholarship! NTA

Enjoy your full ride to college and don’t look back

NTA girl, cut ties with toxic family and focus on college

Commenter reminds OP they’re NTA in family drama

Take control of your life, set boundaries, seek counseling

Mom kept secrets, daughter not wrong for not telling her. NTA

Demanding financial support from family for education, NTA wins.

Engaging response defending the poster’s decision with sarcasm

Daughter’s college plans not a surprise, NTA

NTA wins scholarship, advises writing letter before going NC with mom

Step-parent intervenes in private issue, NTA for going no contact

Don’t you just love it when people miss the point?

Last Updated on June 19, 2023 by Diply Social Team