Picture this: a young couple with a potty-trained 3-year-old son and a baby g*****n the way. Their son had a severe diaper allergy, so they decided to potty train him early. But the husband’s mother is firmly against it, insisting that early potty training would lead to IBS and that he should wear diapers until he’s at least three. The couple holds their ground, but drama unfolds when they leave their son with Grandma for a couple of hours…
The Diaper Allergy Dilemma
Potty Training Early
Grandma’s Disapproval
Babysitting Gone Wrong
The Itchy Surprise
Diaper Debacle Uncovered!
Grandma’s Justification
No Apologies, No Babysitting!
Hospital Trip Drama
Grandma’s Reaction
Still No Apologies
BIL’s Opinion ♂️
Diaper Update
Babysitting Options ♀️
Parents Stand Their Ground, But Are They Overreacting?
After discovering their son in a diaper when they’d specifically potty trained him early due to his severe diaper allergy, this couple is fuming! They’ve decided to revoke Grandma’s babysitting privileges and demand she doesn’t spend time with their son unsupervised. But Grandma’s not backing down, calling them dramatic and ungrateful. Even the couple’s brother-in-law thinks they might be overreacting. So, who’s right in this diaper drama? Let’s dive into the internet’s top responses!
MIL’s diaper drama sparks debate over parenting boundaries and potty training
MIL’s babysitting revoked after disrespecting parenting decision and guilt-tripping.
“NTA. Your son is almost 4. MIL is regressive. “
“NTA. MIL’s uninformed ‘knowledge’ caused diaper drama. Appropriate consequence.”
MIL’s disregard for boundaries puts child’s safety at risk. NTA
“NTA. Your MIL crossed boundaries. Your child, your say.”
MIL’s diaper drama: Overstepped boundaries, consequences, and ignorant parenting practices!
“NTA. Can’t trust her with allergies. What if she disobeys? “
NTA: Diaper drama escalates, mom-in-law’s privileges revoked!
“NTA. MIL is disrespectful and judgemental. Ban babysitting privileges!”
Take control! It’s your child, your rules.
NTA. Drama queen mother-in-law loses babysitting privileges!
NTA. Concerned about future actions. Coconut oil post reference.
NTA! Over-riding parenting decisions = caring more about being right
NTA. MIL’s name-calling and abuse? Not cool!
NTA. MIL disrespects parenting, but son can still have relationship.
Mom-in-Law crosses boundaries, parents stand up for their choices!
“Potty training at 18 months? NTA, it’s your child!”
Grandma crossed the line, NTA for revoking babysitting privileges!
Father-in-law’s diaper negligence leads to babysitting privileges revoked!
Mom-in-Law risks child’s health, NTA takes a stand
NTA. MIL’s diaper ignorance is mind-boggling!
Medical issue vs. layman opinions: Babysitting drama unfolds!
MIL’s diaper debacle: NTA for choosing cloth diapers over disposables!
Potty training struggles? MIL’s ridiculous rules make it harder!
NTA – Accidents happen! Diaper drama can be amusing and relatable.
NTA – Trust breached! MIL can’t follow instructions, endangering son.
Parents take charge of potty training, revoke babysitting privileges. NTA!
Last Updated on February 3, 2024 by Diply Social Team